How to undo an action on a computer on the keyboard?

How to undo the last command in Minecraft?

To undo or redo the last action, click the Undo (Ctrl+Z) or Redo (Ctrl+Y) button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

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Sections on working with keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Basic keyboard shortcuts
  2. General purpose hotkeys
  3. Keyboard combinations for working with text
  4. Keyboard shortcuts for working with files
  5. Keyboard shortcuts for working in Explorer
  6. Keyboard shortcuts for working with windows
  7. Keyboard shortcuts for working with dialog boxes
  8. Keyboard shortcuts for working in browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla)
  9. Special abilities

Basic keyboard shortcuts

Alt+Tab - Switch between windows Win+Tab - Switch between windows in Flip 3D mode Win+Up - Maximize a window Win+Down - Restore / Minimize a window Win+Left - Snap a window to the left edge of the screen Win+Right - Snap a window to the right edge screen Win+Shift+Left - Switch to the left monitor Win+Shift+Right - Switch to the right monitor Win+Home - Minimize / Restore all inactive windows Win+Break (or Pause) - Launch the System item from the Control Panel (Properties item when clicked right-click on Computer in the Start menu) Win+Space - Show desktop Win+B - Go to notification area (tray) Win+D - Minimize windows or restore all windows Win+E - Launch Explorer Win+F - Launch the built-in Windows search dialog Win+Ctrl+F — Launch Search on your computer from the domain Win+F1 — Launch the built-in Windows dialog: Help and Support Win+G — Display gadgets on top of all windows Win+L — Lock the workstation (current user session) Win + M - Minimize all windows Win + P - Display additional display options (extend the desktop to 2 monitors, etc.) Win + R - Launch the Run dialog box Win + T - Select the first item in the taskbar (Press again toggles to the next element, Win + Shift + T - scrolls in reverse order) Win + U - Launch Ease of Access Center Win + X - Launch Mobility Center Win + number - Launch the application from the taskbar (Win + 1 launches first application on the left, Win+2, second, etc.) Win + “+” - Zoom in Win + “-” - Zoom out Ctrl + mouse wheel (up\down) on the desktop - zoom in\zoom out desktop icons table.
In Explorer: Alt+P - Show/Hide Preview Area

Taskbar: Shift + click on an icon - Open a new application window Ctrl + Shift + click on an icon - Open a new application window with administrator privileges Shift + right-click on an icon - Show application menu Shift + right-click on an icon group - Show menu , restore all / collapse all / Close all Ctrl + click on a group of icons - Expand all windows of the group

Note The Win key is located between the Ctrl and Alt keys on the left side (it has the Windows logo on it). The Menu key is to the left of the right Ctrl. The combination “key” + “key” means that you first press the first key, and then, while holding it, press the second.

General purpose hotkeys

Keyboard shortcutDescription
Ctrl + Esc WinOpen the Start menu
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Ctrl + Alt + DeleteCalling the "Task Manager"
Win+ELaunching Explorer
Win+RDisplaying the “Run program” dialog, analogous to “Start” - “Run”
Win+DMinimize all windows or return to original state (switch)
Win+LLocking a workstation
Win+F1Access Windows Help
Win+PauseOpening the System Properties window
Win+FOpen file search window
Win + Ctrl + FOpen computer search window
PrintscreenTake a screenshot of the entire screen
Alt + PrintscreenTake a screenshot of the currently active window
Win + Tab Win + Shift + TabSwitches between taskbar buttons
F6 TabMove between panels. For example, between the desktop and the Quick Launch panel
Ctrl+ASelect everything (objects, text)
Ctrl + C Ctrl + InsertCopy to clipboard (objects, text)
Ctrl + X Shift + DeleteCut to clipboard (objects, text)
Ctrl + V Shift + InsertPaste from clipboard (objects, text)
Ctrl + NCreate a new document, project, or similar action. In Internet Explorer, this causes a new window to open with a copy of the contents of the current window.
Ctrl+SSave the current document, project, etc.
Ctrl + OCall a file selection dialog to open a document, project, etc.
Ctrl+ZUndo last action
ShiftCD-ROM autorun lock (hold while the drive reads the newly inserted disc)
Alt+EnterSwitch to full screen mode and back (switch; for example, in Windows Media Player or in a command interpreter window).

Keyboard combinations for working with text

Keyboard shortcutDescription
Ctrl+ASelect all
Ctrl + C Ctrl + InsertCopy
Ctrl + X Shift + DeleteCut
Ctrl + V Shift + InsertInsert
Ctrl + ← Ctrl + →Moving through words in the text. Works not only in text editors. For example, it is very convenient to use in the browser address bar
Shift + ← Shift + → Shift + Shift + ↓Text selection
Ctrl + Shift + ← Ctrl + Shift + →Selecting text by words
Home End Ctrl + Home Ctrl + EndMove to the beginning or end of a line of text
Ctrl + Home Ctrl + EndMove to the beginning or end of the document

Keyboard shortcuts for working with files

Keyboard shortcutDescription
Shift + F10 MenuDisplays the context menu of the current object (same as right-clicking).
Alt+EnterCalling “Object Properties”
F2Renaming an object
Drag with CtrlCopying an object
Drag with ShiftMoving an object
Drag with Ctrl + ShiftCreate an object shortcut
Ctrl clicksSelecting multiple objects in random order
Shift clicksSelecting multiple adjacent objects
EnterSame as double clicking on an object
DeleteDeleting an object
Shift+DeletePermanently deleting an object without placing it in the trash

Keyboard shortcuts for working in Windows Explorer

Keyboard shortcutDescription
F3 or Ctrl + FShow or hide the search bar in Explorer (switch).
← → + (on the numeric keypad) − (on the numeric keypad)Navigation through the explorer tree, folding and unrolling of nested directories.
* (asterisk) on the numeric keypadShow all folders within a selected folder
F5Refresh the Explorer or Internet Explorer window.
BackspaceGo up a level in the Explorer or Internet Explorer window.
F4Go to the address bar in Explorer or Internet Explorer.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with windows

Keyboard shortcutDescription
Alt + Tab Alt + Shift + TabCalling the transition menu between windows and navigating through it
Alt + Esc Alt + Shift + EscSwitch between windows (in the order in which they were launched)
Alt+F6Switching between multiple windows of the same program (for example, between open WinWord windows)
Alt+F4Closing the active window (running application). On the desktop - call the Windows shutdown dialog
Ctrl+F4Closing the active document in programs that allow multiple documents to be opened simultaneously
Alt F10Calling the window menu
Alt + − (minus)Calling the system menu of a child window (for example, a document window)
EscExit a window menu or close an open dialog
Alt + letterCall a menu command or open a menu column. The corresponding letters in the menu are usually underlined (either initially, or become underlined after pressing Alt). If the menu column is already open, then to call the desired command you must press the key with the letter that is underlined in this command
Alt + SpaceCalling the window system menu
F1Call application help.
Ctrl + Up Ctrl + DownScroll text vertically or move up and down paragraphs of text.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with dialog boxes

Keyboard shortcutDescription
Ctrl+TabMove forward through tabs
Ctrl + Shift + TabMove back through tabs
TabMove forward through options
Alt + underlined letterExecute the appropriate command or select the appropriate option
EnterExecute a command for the current option or button
Arrow keysSelect a button if the active option is part of a radio button group
Shift + TabMove back through options
Shift + TabMove back through options

Keyboard shortcuts for working in browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox)

Keyboard shortcutDescription
F4Displaying a list of the Address field
Ctrl + N F5Start another browser instance with the same web address
Ctrl+RRefresh the current web page
Ctrl+BOpens the Organize Favorites dialog box
Ctrl+EOpens the Search panel
Ctrl+FStarting the Search Utility
Ctrl + IOpens the Favorites panel
Ctrl+LOpens the Open dialog box
Ctrl + OOpens the Open dialog box, similar to CtrL+L
Ctrl+POpens the Print dialog box
Ctrl+WClosing the current window
F11Switch to full screen mode and back (works in some other applications as well).

Special abilities

  • Press the Shift key five times: Turn Sticky Keys on or off
  • Hold down the Right SHIFT key for eight seconds: Turn input filtering on or off
  • Hold down the Num Lock key for five seconds: Toggle voiceover on or off
  • Alt Left + Shift Left + Num Lock: Enable or disable keyboard pointer control
  • Alt Left + Shift Left + PRINT SCREEN: Toggle High Contrast on or off

see also

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Removal methods

The easiest way to end a task is to complete it manually. In the situation under consideration, we will assume by default that the frozen program is not closed by clicking on “Exit”, but continues to hang. In such a situation, you will need to remove the task or “kill the process”. These are 2 different tasks, especially in Windows 7 and XP:

  • removing a task. Tries to terminate the program in a normal manner. The moment is waited until the program enters a stable state and then it ends. When canceling a task, the user will not lose any changed documents and settings;
  • removal process. Instantly cancels the task. The program closes with the loss of all data. This method works faster than canceling the task, because the system itself terminates the application.

Both methods are located in the “Task Manager” and are located next to each other in the windows. And in Windows 10 there is no “kill process” option. Instead, a modified version of “End Task” is used, which checks the application’s response and then selects a tool.

Alternative methods include withdrawal using the “command line” or using the “Process Explorer” application from Microsoft. Each method will be considered separately with all the nuances and subtleties.

Manual mode

Perhaps the most obvious way for the user is to cancel the task in the device manager. Alternative methods require special software or some command line knowledge.

To remove a task on your computer, you need:

  1. Launch "Task Manager". The easiest way to do this is using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Alt+Del”. Note: There is a joke among advanced users “send to 3 buttons”. It involves opening the Dispatcher and killing the process through it.
  2. Now select the desired program (which you are going to close) and click on it.
  3. At the bottom of the window there is a “Cancel task” button. The same line can be seen if you right-click on the process.
  4. By clicking the “Switch” button, you can go to the list of processes, where the program process will immediately be highlighted.
  5. Now you can click “End Process”.

The application will terminate immediately. The difference between removing a process and a task can be found above in the text.

Process Explorer

An alternative method for closing programs. It only indirectly relates to “task removal”, since it is focused on killing processes. To use the program effectively, you will need to find process names. And the program itself can be found on the official Microsoft website.

What you will need:

  1. We start downloading the file.
  2. Unpack the archive and run the program “as Administrator”. Without this, the system will not provide access to processes.
  3. We accept the terms of use.
  4. In Process Explorer, you can close any task that is running on your computer. Even systemic.
  5. Right-clicking on a process opens a context menu.

There are 2 important lines in this window: “kill process” and “kill process tree”. They differ in that the first closes only the selected task, and the second completely closes the program. This question is especially relevant in relation to browsers. The kill process closes individual tabs. And killing the tree will close the browser completely.

You need to be careful when using Process Explorer. This program is able to close processes necessary for the operation of the system

Therefore, carelessly closing everything can cause a “blue screen of death”, interrupting the operation of the system.

Power Spy

A third-party application that is easy to use and understandable even to an inexperienced person. Supported by most versions of Windows OS, it is registered in autorun and starts working when the computer boots. The program saves data about everything that happens on the computer, and then allows you to view a report of all the actions performed on the device. If there is such a need, the data can be saved to a file in one of the convenient formats.

All necessary information about recent events on the computer will be reflected in the Event Log. To view it, you need to select and open the section of interest. For example, if the user needs information about all open windows, he needs to launch the utility and click on the “Windows opened” icon. The necessary information will appear on the screen.

In the same way, you can view other information; there are a large number of similar sections in the program menu.

How to Clear Recent Documents in Windows 7

It happens that they climbed through someone else’s computer in search of incriminating evidence on a good person, and found nothing. And now in the history of recent files you can see what and when you opened. You should be ashamed... In order not to lose your honor and not lose trust, in these instructions we will look at how to clear the recent documents folder using Windows 7 as an example.

Of course, you should never hack into other people’s computers. But the knowledge from this article should be in everyone’s head, because not knowing it is as shameful as delving into other people’s files.

Hotkeys: text document editor

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Hotkeys when editing text in text areas and documents can significantly speed up and simplify the process.

Table 9

Hotkeys for the text document editor

Action Keyboard shortcuts How the program works
Toggle insert/replace mode Ins Allows you to either add new characters to the old ones when entering, or overwrite the old ones with new ones
Go to the beginning of the line Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line
Go to end of line End Moves the cursor to the end of the current line
Select to start of line Shift + Home Selects text to the beginning of the line
Select to end of line Shift + End Selects text to the end of the line
Go to the beginning of the text Ctrl + Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the text
Go to end of text Ctrl+End Moves the cursor to the end of the text
Select to start of text Ctrl + Shift + Home Selects from the cursor to the beginning of the text
Select to end of text Ctrl + Shift + End Selects from the cursor to the end of the text
Scroll up one line Ctrl+Up Flipping through a text document
Scroll down one line Ctrl+Down
Go to the beginning of the previous word Ctrl+Left
Go to the beginning of the next word Ctrl + Right
Select previous word Ctrl + Shift + Left Quickly highlight a word (characters separated by spaces)
Select next word Ctrl + Shift + Right
Scroll up page Page Up Flipping through a text document
Scroll down page Page Down
Select previous page of text Shift + Page Up Highlights text page by page
Select next page of text Shift + Page Down
Remove selection Esc Removes selection
Go to line Ctrl+G Moves the cursor to line number
Delete the character to the left of the cursor BackSpace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
Delete the character to the right of the cursor Del Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
Delete the word to the left of the cursor Ctrl + BackSpace Deletes the word to the left of the cursor
Delete the word to the right of the cursor Ctrl+Del Deletes the word to the right of the cursor
Set/remove bookmark Alt+F2 Marks the line you need
Next bookmark F2 Moves the cursor between bookmarked lines
Previous bookmark Shift + F2
Delete current line Ctrl+L Deletes the current line
Move block to the right Tab Moves the selected block of text to the right
Move block to the left Shift + Tab Moves the selected block of text to the left

Selecting a region to edit.

How to undo an action in Photoshop
After installation, we can start the server to try out WorldEdit. First of all, you need to understand how the territory is edited - the plugin allows you to select a rectangle - “cuboid”, marking 2 points on the terrain:

This is done in several ways:

  • Getting up first at the first point, type //pos1 into the chat, go to the second and write //pos2. The method is long and labor-intensive.
  • The second method is suitable for working from a long distance - select points for the cuboid with a sight and alternately type in the chat: //hpos1 and //hpos2.

Well, the third, most common way is to simply pick up the necessary tool - a wooden ax. You can get it from the creative menu, or using one useful command, which is the most basic for this plugin, namely //wand. Using this tool, we can select the territory we need. With the right mouse button you select one point, with the right mouse button you select another. A cuboid is formed by drawing a diagonal from one point to another. (By the way, this tool is inseparable from another plugin - WorldGuard, which was developed by the same developers as World Edit.) So, we can manipulate the selected territory. Let's master the most basic commands.

We are looking for programs that were launched in your absence

In the latest versions of the Windows operating system (if I’m not mistaken, starting from 7 or even Vista), among the file attributes there is a “Date of Opening” field. Accordingly, it means when the user double-clicked on it and launched it.

To do this we need to find all the programs. Launch Explorer and go to the “C:\Program Files\” folder, in the upper right corner in the search field, enter the search query “*.exe” and press Enter.

Executable files located in this folder will begin to appear in the list.

We need to switch to the “Table” mode on the “View” tab. Then right-click on the header of any column and select “More details...” in the menu that appears.

In the small window that appears, look for the “Access Date” item, check the box next to it and click OK.

All you have to do is click on the “Access Date” column header and find the time period of interest when the supposed unknown person did something on the computer.

If you are using a 64-bit version of Windows, then you will have another folder - “C:\Program Files (x86)\”. You need to do the same with her.

Also, don't forget about the games folder if they are installed in a different location (for example, on a different drive). So it’s worth doing the same steps. And, of course, if you have other programs installed somewhere, then it’s worth looking there too.

Note! If you have launched any applications since turning on the computer, the data about the previous launch will be deleted. If an unknown person previously launched the same applications that you launched after him, then the file properties of these applications will contain the date of your launch. In this case, it will no longer be possible to find out the date of the previous launch.

Windows log

With this system application, you can determine what actions were performed on your computer in the last minutes, hours, or days. Need to:

  • open the search bar in the Start menu or control panel, depending on the OS version;
  • enter the query “View event logs”;
  • find the required system application in the results, click on it, wait for a window with a list of events to appear;
  • select “Windows Logs”;
  • find the required log, double-click on it and start viewing information about the latest actions on your PC.
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