Error when starting the application 0xc0000005. How to fix?

Users of the Windows operating system often encounter error 0xc0000005 when launching a program or game. It occurs in all versions of Windows 7/8.1/10. The catch is that this error does not indicate a specific source of the problem, and in fact there can be many reasons for its occurrence. But in most cases, this problem can be fixed using one of several methods. The article describes known solutions.

Descriptions of this error may vary:

  • Error: access violation 0xC0000005
  • Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
  • Error when starting the application 0xc0000005
  • Error while initializing the application (0xc0000005)

Reasons for error 0xc0000005

Error 0xc0000005 is one of the most common in Windows. It can be caused by various factors related to the installed program, the installed hardware, or both. Some of the many possible reasons:

  • An installed program, such as an antivirus program, is preventing the program from starting.
  • Installed Windows updates.
  • Hardware drivers are damaged or missing.
  • Incorrect system hardware configuration.
  • Insufficient memory or damaged RAM.
  • Virus/malware infection.
  • Old version of the program.
  • System registry files are damaged.
  • Data execution protection (DEP) function.

Error ""

If you have an error - Then most likely it arose as a result of a failure in packet transmission, in one of the applications, most often in the Download Manager and Multimedia Storage.

Android process media error how to fix Option 1

  1. Go to “Settings”
  2. Go to "Applications"
  3. Choose all"
  4. Find the “Google Services Framework” item (usually it’s at the very bottom)
  5. In the “Google Services Framework” item, select “Erase data” and “Clear cache”
  6. In the same way, do everything exactly the same, only with the “Googel Play Market” application.
  7. Then return to the “Google Services Framework” item
  8. Stop services using the “Disable” button
  9. Clear cache again
  10. Open Google Play, select the application that failed, and when an error message appears, click “OK”;
  11. Turn off your device.
  12. Turn on your device.
  13. Restart Google Services Framework services

Android process media error how to fix Option 2

We need to stop Google syncing.

  1. Go to “Settings”
  2. Go to “Accounts”
  3. Go to “Synchronization”
  4. Uncheck all marked items.

We need to Disable the Gallery app and delete its data.

  1. Go to “Settings”
  2. Go to "Applications"
  3. Choose all"
  4. Find "Gallery"

In the Gallery “Erase data” and “Disable”.

We need to Disable the “Download Manager”, for this we use similar actions as in the points above

After all these steps, restart the device

How to make sure that the android media error is resolved?

  1. Enable "Download Manager"
  2. Go to "Gallery"
  3. Turn on
  4. Return all the “Synchronization” checkboxes.

Error 0xc0000005 after installing updates on Windows 7/8.1

Microsoft has released several updates for Windows 7 and 8.1, the installation of which may lead to the problem described in this article. If your system has auto-update for Windows components enabled, they might install themselves. You can try to remove the following updates: KB2859537, KB2872339, KB2882822, KB971033.

To do this, hold down the Win+R keys and in the window that opens, enter the following lines one by one:

  • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2859537
  • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2872339
  • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2882822
  • wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:971033

If the update is not installed on the system, you will receive a notification about this:

After these steps, restart the computer and check for the error.

Update Android System WebView

If you are faced with the fact that many applications have started to crash, then this may be due to an update to the Android System WebView system component. Most likely the problem has already been fixed, but you need to update Android System WebView and Google Chrome for reliability.

What Android System WebView is and why it is needed can be read in this article.

To do this, open Play Store from the list of applications. The application icon looks like this:

Open the side curtain and select My apps & games .

The list of updates will most likely already include Android System WebView and Google Chrome. We update them.

If there are no applications on the Updates , then find them on the Installed , open and update from there.

If there are no updates for the applications (this can also happen), then we simply delete both applications. Android System WebView and Google Chrome. By clicking delete, we agree that the system application cannot be deleted. The system application will not be deleted, but all updates to it will be deleted. This way, the application will be reset to factory settings and that's what you need. After these procedures, we check the functionality of the application.

If this does not help, then try the options below.

Run System File Checker (Windows 10 and earlier)

Regularly installing and uninstalling applications on your computer can cause various problems, including corruption of system files. Repairing damaged files can be very helpful in resolving error 0xc0000005 .

The following procedure is specific to Windows 10, but you can do it on any version.

  • Press the Win + X to open the Power User menu.
  • Select Command Prompt. "
  • Type " sfc /scannow " at the command prompt before pressing ENTER.

The scan will automatically start. It will take time for the operation to complete. Now check if this helped fix application error 0xc0000005.

There was an error in the Google app

Google seems to be unable to do without fakaps in its software. If your phone often displays the message “An error has occurred in the Google application,” then we can treat the message as follows.

Open your phone settings and go to the Applications section (the name may differ on your phone).

Find the Google application and open the application page

Click on the three dots at the top and select Uninstall updates . The button to remove updates may be located in a different location.

After this, the error message should disappear and the assistant should work again. If this does not help, then do the following.

Open the Play Store application

Click on your avatar in the search bar on the right and select “ Manage applications and device ”.

Switch to the Management and turn on the item Updates available .

Find Google, check the box next to it and select update at the top.

Now you need to restart your phone. Press and hold the power button on your phone until a menu appears. Select Reboot.

After this, the error “An error occurred in the Google application” should disappear, and Google services should work again.

Disable DEP Data Execution Prevention.

DEP is a set of security features that check your computer's memory as one way to protect your computer from viruses. This may be the cause of the error if some installed programs are not compatible with it. A temporary disabling can easily resolve error 0xc0000005.

To do this, launch the command line as administrator and enter the following line into it:

bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff - This disables the DEP feature. After this, we reboot the PC.

To reactivate this function, enter in the command line field:

bcdedit.exe / set {current} nx AlwaysOn - enable. A reboot is also needed.

The process has stopped, what should I do?

Similar to the problem described above is an error with the message “The process has stopped,” which also correlates with the dysfunction of the Phone application. To get rid of it, in addition to the basic options indicated above (clearing the cache and data of the Phone application, correcting the date and time, checking for a virus, downloading a new calling application), it is recommended to clear the cache partition of your phone (your data will not be lost), and only then, if that doesn’t help, perform a factory reset.

To do this follow these steps:

  1. Turn off your phone completely;
  2. Now press and hold three keys (Power - Volume Up - Home);
  3. When the phone first vibrates, press the “Power” key, leaving the “Volume +” and “Home” keys pressed until the service menu appears on the screen of your phone;
  4. Using the volume keys, select the “Wipe cache partition” option and press the Power button;

  5. After clearing the cache, select “Reboot phone” to reboot your phone, this will help in the question “ process has stopped what to do”.

Fix the registry

Application error 0xc0000005 can be caused by corruption in the operating system registry. These corruptions usually occur when certain programs are installed or uninstalled incorrectly.

One example of an incorrect installation is an attempt to install a program over the same version of a previously installed program without first removing the old one. To resolve this issue, you must remove (or fix) redundant and duplicate registry entries. We recommend that you try to fix registry entries using CCleaner software.

CCleaner is a small, powerful utility for computers running Microsoft Windows. The program cleans up unnecessary problems that have accumulated over time: temporary files, broken shortcuts and other problems. Protects your privacy by clearing your browsing history and temporary internet files, allowing you to be a more confident internet user and less susceptible to identity theft.

CCleaner can clean residual files from various programs, thereby saving hard drive space by removing unnecessary entries in the Windows registry. You can download the program from the link (copy and paste into the new address bar of your browser).

As stated above, antivirus programs may be the cause of the problem. You can turn them off for a while. The problem may also be with the drivers installed on the system. If you have recently installed any driver, pay attention to this. It might make sense to remove it for a while and check if the problem remains.

Why does the error “an error has occurred in the application” appear?

The error “an error has occurred in the application” often crashes, oddly enough, because the application has crashed. Failure occurs for various reasons, but in 99% of cases it is the fault of the programmer, not the user. Now I will explain why. Before I start scolding programmers, I will say that I will also write all this bullshit about cleaning and rebooting.

Programmer's fault

Why is a bug in an application the fault of the programmer? Because this asshole didn't treat her. The task of any fucker who writes an Android application is to protect the user from such crap. If the user constantly sees “an error has occurred in the application,” then the user will have a negative impression of the program, which means he will get a lot of money from Google Play.

This crap is taught in the first programming classes in any language and for any architecture. Phone, computer, iron, fuck. The task of the programmer and the testing department (if there is one) is to handle all non-standard situations in which the application crashes. The user should not see the error message because the situation in which it occurs is unusual and must be handled.

Example. Let's say the application does not have enough space on the phone to record its data. So, when trying to write to memory, it should not crash, but should immediately check for free space, and then tell the user that he is a fucking idiot and, of course, not write anything anywhere. Such situations must be tested. Then why aren't they tested?

Application Bugs

1. Because the testing department or the programmer himself screwed up. It is impossible to foresee all situations. You can't know everything the user does. You want to collect data from it, which is why the error occurred, but users usually disable all this in the settings. So the programmer sits and begs the user to tell him what he was doing when the crash occurred.

2. Because the program was written by an 8th grader on his knees. A very common situation. The program was written to fuck off, no one there has ever tested anything and never will. Does it crash with an error? Restart or, well, excuse me, it means you’re not in luck.

3. An error occurred in the application because the fucking user has malware all over his phone. This is also a common situation. In it, the user himself installed all sorts of crap on his phone and it shows ads everywhere, crashes non-stop, and writes something on the screen. The user himself does not know what is happening and is looking for the culprit. And the fucker is sitting at this time 30 centimeters from the phone.

4. The error occurs due to a virus or malware application. The user installed a virus application, but no one ever thinks about error handling. Fuck it. Install an antivirus and scan your phone for viruses.

Error 0xc0000005 due to faulty RAM

Sometimes the problem occurs due to problems with the RAM. You can try to remove the memory sticks so that only one remains, or change them one by one and check. But this should only be done if you have skills in assembling and disassembling computer components.

This article describes several ways to fix error 0xc0000005. If you know other working methods to remove this problem, please write a method in the comments. Perhaps your method will help others. All the best!

Error: Insufficient memory

If you have such a problem, then you need to start partially deleting unnecessary files. This error can occur even if you do not have a large number of files (photos, videos, music). Most likely, garbage and residual files after deleting applications remain on your device and take up a large amount of memory. In this case, you need to download Clean Master, a program that is very easy to use and completely in Russian.

Pay attention to where the downloaded files are saved, correctly if they are saved not to the phone, but to the SD card.

Also, the problem of insufficient memory can cause glitches and slowdowns on an Android device. This often becomes noticeable when, when launching an application, you wait about 7-10 seconds for it to open, although previously it opened in 3 seconds, so this defect is called a long response and is caused by a lack of memory. The solution in this case is the same: you need to install Clean Master on your device to clear it of debris and also clear the application cache. These simple and quick steps will help revive your phone.

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