Is Wi-Fi harmful: a safe distance from the router, how to reduce radiation from the router

Author of the article

Maxim aka WisH

Higher education with a degree in Information Systems. Experience as a system administrator - 5 years.

There is more and more talk that the router is harmful. Opponents of modern technology argue that all electromagnetic radiation is dangerous to human health. On the one hand, there really is radiation that causes harm. On the other hand, all electrical devices emit radiation, and if any radiation caused harm, it would have been discovered a long time ago.

Wi-Fi signal: what it is, how it works

Whether the influence of a router and being near it every day is really dangerous is a question that is discussed regularly.
The concept of “Wi-Fi” can be deciphered as “wireless transmission”, and the frequency of radio waves is 2.4-5 GHz. The signal strength of the router is similar to the signal level of a mobile phone, radio and television. Factors really systematically act on the plants of a yard, apartment or park. Whether Wi-Fi is bad for your health is a hot topic. According to research, the waves from the device affect the rapidly developing child’s body, the human brain, the strength of men and their ability to conceive.

These areas have been studied experimentally, and the negative information is not a myth; it indicates a relatively weak effect of wi-fi on the human body. If you compare the indicators with a microwave oven, you can see an increase in the intensity of the waves of the latter (about 100 thousand more). And, for example, 20 desktop PCs give an impact level equal to 1 mobile phone.

Western scientific research

Coomview for Wi-Fi Wireless Network Analyzer

Radiation from a router that excites Wi-Fi waves in rooms is present in almost every home. Even in the absence of a router, waves can penetrate from neighboring apartment buildings. Many people are concerned about the extent to which radiation from a Wi-Fi router adversely affects the body? Will the router be damaged?

Since the creation of these devices, many experiments have been conducted to study the effects of Wi-Fi waves on people. And after receiving the data, some scientists revealed how badly Wi-Fi was damaged.

In America and Britain, almost from the moment the device was created, they began experimenting with Wi-Fi. A study was conducted of the influence of magnetic waves on children and adults. To say that wi-fi is harmful is inappropriate. Several years have passed since his birth. However, today pediatricians and radio wave specialists exchange data on cellular radio devices and Internet transmissions. And most people believe that waves are harmful.

Interesting! The British conducted about 10 studies on various devices, including a router.

As a result, it was found that exposure to Wi-Fi waves does not significantly affect human health, regardless of the cost of the equipment. According to London scientists, the damage from the waves is seriously overestimated.

No large-scale studies have been carried out on Russian territory. Therefore, when formulating their conclusions, domestic scientists refer to foreign data that does not contradict Western data. Damage to Wi-Fi is considered minor or completely eliminated, and the incidence of health deterioration does not increase with a 24-hour radio signal.

The majority of Russian scientists supported a neutral attitude towards wave radiation. They believe that it is recommended to reduce it by turning off the electrical appliance at night, but absolutely no harm to health from Wi-Fi can be ruled out. If it is detected (and there is no confirmed damage from constant radiation exposure), then it is negligible.

Interesting! So far, all opinions about wave damage are a myth.

Expert Nadezhda Koloskova, a doctor of the highest category, spoke about the danger of waves from a router. The doctor received experimental data and examined patients who regularly use the device. Do you believe the following:

  • It takes decades to thoroughly study the effects of waves.
  • It is necessary to reduce the presence of children near equipment, but not completely prohibit it.
  • The danger will be less if the technology is used less frequently.

The pediatrician believes that the effect of waves on health is not serious, but it is still present. The International Association of Oncologists, studying research by doctors from different parts of the world, did not find a direct connection between the electromagnetic effects of devices and the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

This opinion was confirmed by one of the scientists D. Backstein with FAME information. There are about 10 studies in the material considered by the scientist. There is no direct connection with oncology, but relevant research has not yet been completed.

Important! Research has been conducted on the effects of technology on the human brain, central nervous system, and human body. There are no direct effects.

Developmental disorders in children

Exposure to radiation from Wi-Fi and cell phones can disrupt normal cell development, especially in developing organisms. A 2004 animal study links radiation to delayed kidney formation. These results are supported by a 2009 Australian study. The effect on cellular protein was so strong that the researchers specifically emphasized: “These properties are especially noticeable in growing tissues, that is, in children and young people. Consequently, these groups will be more sensitive to the described effects." In other words, the constant impact of healing on a growing organism can cause disturbances in physiological and mental development.


Don’t rush to gift your children with fashionable gadgets with Wi-Fi connectivity. Perhaps in today’s children’s environment it’s “not cool” to be without a smartphone, but to have health problems on top of that is doubly not cool.

Comparing radiation exposure from the router and other devices

Radiation comes from any device that carries electrical current. The most powerful waves fall on the transmitters and receivers of those waves that carry information. Every house has a telephone and a TV. Modern TVs do not emit dangerous radiation, LEDs have weak electromagnetic radiation, and plasma TVs have thermal radiation. Radiation can only come from a satellite dish if a television signal is transmitted through it.

Cell phones are something else. Controversy over their impact on people has continued since their creation to the present day. After all, we don’t put a TV or a router on our heads and don’t walk for that long. Many experiments have been carried out and many copies have been broken, the arguments are known to both sides of the dispute, so all that remains is to mention the WHO position:

  • smartphones are used everywhere;
  • radiation classified as potentially carcinogenic to humans;
  • but over the past 20 years, no evidence has been found that phones have harmful effects on people.

Exposure from a router and other devices: comparison

Wireless network manager software for Android and Windows

The router is scary and makes us doubt its security, since it appeared not so long ago. It has been present on the domestic market for less than 10 years. However, another technique that has been used in the home for many years has a more serious impact. To fully understand whether a device is dangerous or can emit a lot of radiation, we compared the radiation exposure from microwave ovens, smartphones and speakers.

The microwave oven was considered the most harmful in the condominium. Its waves, with prolonged action, can change the structure of internal organs. Because of this, food located two meters from the stove will quickly spoil or boil. You can't eat them. If there are people in the eating area, some will experience dizziness and fatigue after being near an electrical appliance for a long time.

It has been proven that mobile devices (tablets, smartphones) emit less radiation. They harm the body only if a person always carries the gadget with him, close to his body. Cell phones should not be stored in pockets near the groin. However, when used in moderation, the technique is not dangerous.

The safest device turned out to be a wave transmission device with the lowest power. There were no changes in the visible well-being, organs and cellular composition of the examined people.

Interesting! Only a minimal effect on the central nervous system of people was noted, which can simply be avoided by moving 2-3 meters away from the wi-fi electrical appliance. The devices are practically safe.

Effect on female fertility

The negative impact extends not only to sperm. An animal study suggests that wireless communication may interfere with egg implantation. During the study, mice were irradiated for 2 hours for 45 days, which significantly increased their levels of oxidative stress. Damage to cells and DNA structure as a result of radiation indicates the possibility of an abnormal pregnancy and impaired egg implantation.


Take the advice from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden in 2011: “Pregnant women are advised not to use wireless technology and to stay away from those who use it.” The basis for this statement was that "current safety standards for radio frequency and microwave radiation from wireless devices do not take into account fetal development."

Discussion of the experiment results

Research has shown some adverse biological effects from Wi-Fi radiation. Table 1 shows the results of the pathological examination. After the fourth month of testing, degradation of tissue cells of some organs was detected. Degradation of liver, brain and lung tissues is clearly observed. The tissues of the liver and brain were inflamed, and an abscess of the lung tissue was observed. The observations are confirmed by the results of laboratory biochemical tests. Control samples from mice not exposed to radiation tested normal until the end of the test.

Table 1

Note: N = NORMAL; D = cellular degeneration (damaged cell).

The appearance of normal and degraded tissues of various organs is shown in Figures 2a-4b. Organs were observed: liver, brain, lungs.

Figure 2a - Normal liver tissue at 400x magnification

Figure 2b - Liver tissue degradation at 400x magnification

Figure 3a - Normal brain tissue at 400x magnification

Figure 3a - Degradation of brain tissue at 400x magnification

Figure 4a - Normal lung tissue at 400x magnification

Figure 4a - Degradation of lung tissue at a magnification of 400 times

Medicine and Wi-Fi router

Numerous medical studies show that Wi-Fi is much less harmful to health, comparing it with similar radiation effects from cell phone use. But there is still a negative impact. This is especially evident in relation to pregnant women and children. This is due to the fact that in the body of both the first and second groups active processes of growth and development of all systems and organs occur. Even relatively low-frequency electromagnetic radiation has a detrimental effect on these processes. In some cases of intensive use, it can act as a teratogenic factor for the health of the unborn child. Therefore, doctors recommend limiting the use of such devices on pregnant women. It is also undesirable to install routers in kindergartens, schools and other places where there are large concentrations of young children. Studies of the harm of Wi-Fi radiation have shown its negative impact on the blood vessels of the brain and the quality of blood flow in them. With prolonged use of the router, general weakness, headache, and symptomatic signs of cerebrovascular accident may occur. In this case, it is recommended not only to limit the use of the Wi-Fi network, but also to contact a medical institution for a preventive examination. Damage to Wi-Fi can also result in negative consequences for the male reproductive system. With constant use of this type of Internet connection and its direct impact on the gonads, changes in the spermatogram may occur that complicate the possibility of fertilization. In addition, there is a high probability of impotence. Similar changes in the male body are observed with constant and long-term exposure of the router to the reproductive system, so it is necessary to limit the effect of the device on the organs of this group.

How to minimize risk

Wi-Fi damage has not been proven by serious studies, but its usefulness is questionable. Until a final wireless decision is made, it's worth exercising a little caution.

Children and Wi-Fi

If Wi-Fi has an effect, then it should be stronger on growing, not yet formed organisms. It is no longer possible to remove the Internet and telephones from life, but it is possible to remove sources of radiation. For example, moving the router away from the crib is easy.

It is better for children to use wired Internet on a computer than wireless Internet on a laptop. The radiation from the wire is certainly lower than that of a handheld transmitter, which is always close to the body.

What to do for pregnant women

Experiments on pregnant women will obviously not be carried out, so we will ultimately find out the effect on the fetus. Precautionary measures can only be dictated by common sense: you should not constantly be near sources of radiation. Move the router away from your sleeping area and work area, do not sit on your lap with a laptop or phone, and do not place it on your stomach.

Router in the bedroom

The router in the apartment must be positioned so that it is not in the most visited places. In the bedroom, on the nightstand, this is definitely not the best place for it. Sleeping next to your router won't be beneficial, so move it a few feet away.

Should I turn it off at night?

It all depends on whether you use it at night or not. If something is loaded at night, leave it, move it away from the bunk. If there is no data exchange at night, why not turn it off? Turning it on again is a matter of a few minutes.

Is WIFI safe?

Is the signal from the radio station safe in your city? Or a TV signal that comes from the nearest tower? After all, these waves are almost everywhere? And as practice has shown, they do not cause much harm to humans!

YES, of course, the WIFI router is in your apartment and broadcasts nearby, but the tower is far away and the signal from it is not so strong - this is fair! YES, and any radiation carries something, even safe radio radiation.

BUT the signal from the router is not as strong as I wrote; the power is specially reduced for safety, so this is about the same as the radio signal from any tower in your city.

YES, there’s no escape from WIFI, I have a new house, and my laptop already finds several networks from neighbors, see the photo.

So whether you like it or not, WIFI is nearby!

Negatives of Wi-Fi for humans

The question was investigated whether radiation from a Wi-Fi router harms blood vessels, the child’s body and potency. It’s worth going into more detail here:

  • Effect on the vascular system of the head. When doctors wanted to understand whether Wi-Fi was harmful to health, they conducted studies that involved various organs and systems. The effect on the vascular system of the head was studied. It was studied by Danish scientists who tested it on teenagers. Each child was asked to place a Wi-Fi gadget under their head. In the morning, body measurements were taken. They found that there were more vascular spasms and decreased concentration. This study cannot be considered “pure” because it only involved children with thinner skulls. In addition, the subject may receive most of the waves from the gadget rather than from the Wi-Fi signal. The question of the extent of its damage to the child’s body remains open today.
  • For children. Damage from Wi-Fi to a child is known to be present due to a thinner-walled skull. WHO stated that the signal is dangerous for a young body due to the stronger magnetic radiation that the access point emits and receives from a cell phone or PC. But the organization does not have compelling reasons and evidence based on which the failure of the router-transmitter is considered a risk.
  • The danger of radio waves for the power of men. Another area where experiments were conducted was male sexual function. For the study, scientists took 2 samples of male biofluid, which were placed in different conditions. Initially, a spermogram was taken showing the number of healthy and dead male reproductive cells. One sample was placed next to a PC connected to the WAN and document files were downloaded, the second was placed in a standard environment without radio waves on the router. It should be kept in mind that the harm of radiation to male potency has not been tested, but how does radiation affect the life of sperm. In the biomaterial that was located near the PC, 25% died, in the second - 14%. This indicated that the waves were harming sperm quality. Scientists conducted several studies that confirmed the quality of the biomaterial. We measured the DNA of living sperm. Defects in the sample outside radio waves were 3%, in cells near the router - 9%. For final verification, another test was conducted on a PC with a wired connection. There were no problems. It is better for representatives of the stronger sex not to place the computer at groin level when working with Wi-Fi.

Important! The doctors' conclusion: you need to pay less attention to fashionable inventions and try to choose a safe distance from the Wi-Fi router. Indeed, thanks to the development of technology, modern modifications of devices emit a minimum of dangerous waves.

Testing methodology

Strong Wi-Fi can cause a “thermal effect,” which is a force that heats fluid in cells and damages them. To avoid the thermal effect, sanitary standards recommend a power of Wi-Fi routers of 0.614 W/m (0.1 W/cm2) for access points installed in open areas, and 0.19 W/m (0.01 W/cm2) for indoor use. Also note that an important quantity used to measure the level of cellular damage due to radiation is the specific absorption rate (SAR), which is measured in watts per kilogram of tissue (W/kg). SAR is a measure of how quickly energy is absorbed by the body when exposed to an electromagnetic field. The US FCC limit is 1.6 W/kg and the European limit is 2 W/kg. Russia has its own system for measuring radiated power - in watts per square centimeter.

The laboratory setup is shown in Figure 1. An external antenna is connected to a signal generator operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, the radiation from the antenna is directed into cage “A”, which contains 30 male mice. The cell is located in the far field of the antenna radiation at a distance of 1 meter from it. The far zone of an antenna is the region of the field in which the angular distribution of the field is practically independent of the distance from the antenna. 15 male mice were placed in the second cage “B”, which were located away from the working area of ​​the Wi-Fi generator, so that the radiation had practically no effect on them. The samples were irradiated 8 hours a day for six months. Both cages contained mouse samples of the same age and size.

Figure 1 — Experimental scheme

The far field of an antenna can be determined as follows: First determine the wavelength

where c is the speed of light, f is the frequency of radiation. Then the far zone is determined by the formula:

Where D is the length of the antenna (in the experiment it is 0.267 meters)

Separately, we note that the possibility of a negative influence of water and food on the quality of the experiment was excluded as much as possible. The rodents consumed dietary food and purified water at constant room temperature. After 2 weeks of the first month, the first group of mice (3 from each cage “A” and “B”) were sent to the veterinary laboratory for biological testing. A second similar group was sent after another 2 weeks of microwave exposure, and then the procedure was repeated for the remaining rodents.

Decreased brain activity in women

A group of 30 healthy volunteers, 15 men and 15 women, took a simple memory test. First, the entire group was tested without any exposure to Wi-Fi radiation and passed the test without any problems. Subjects were then exposed to 2.4 GHz radiation for 45 minutes. This time, women experienced a significant decrease in brain activity and energy levels. However, men should not relax too much...


Ladies should keep this in mind and use Wi-Fi less while working.

Placing a router in an apartment: harm

Many people are thinking about giving up TVs, microwave ovens, smartphones and other household appliances. Each of them emits and affects the body. But the danger is so small that it cannot lead to any pathology. It is only important to follow a few recommendations that will reduce the influence of electromagnetic waves.

Interesting! It has been shown that brain activity does not change depending on the duration of exposure to an electrical device. That is, it has very little effect on the central nervous system.

Cancer has nothing to do with Wi-Fi. Cancer cells grow from strong electromagnetic radiation, but routers produce a low background. The waves are harmless to the blood. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid of blood oncology and other vascular pathologies.

The only thing that radiation affects is human vision. However, the connection here is insignificant. Wi-Fi increases the likelihood of a person's presence on the global network, which leads to poor viewing. But this connection also applies to other techniques:

  • TV;
  • telephone;
  • PC.

Important! There is no particular danger of damage from the router. The main thing is not to place the device close, a safe distance of 2-3 meters.

Is it really that harmful?

It would seem that the harm from Wi-Fi is obvious. But is the devil as terrible as he is painted? Please take a look at the table below. It provides information about the radiation power of various household appliances in the apartment. As you can see, the router is far from being in first place in terms of influence. In front of him is a mobile phone (which everyone has) and a microwave oven (which is in every third home), and in addition to them, a hairdryer, TV, vacuum cleaner and much, much more!

Just think how many objects are fraught with danger for us in our own apartment... life becomes scary :-)! But don't worry, it's actually not that scary! The harmfulness of Wi-Fi in an apartment is greatly exaggerated. And to prove this, let's look at how the technology works.

Router in the bedroom

Let's ask ourselves how harmful and dangerous it is to our health to place a router in the bedroom.

Most often, a router in an apartment is installed in the bedroom. Because people like to hang out with their tablet before going to bed or watching a movie online. But you shouldn't be near a powered router, and here's why.

Scientists conducted such an experiment. They looked at the two groups of people. One group slept normally. People in the other group had a device with Wi-Fi turned on next to their bed overnight, and then in the morning their condition was compared with the subjects in the first group. It turned out that the majority of participants in the second group experienced cerebrovascular spasms, fatigue and decreased attention. People who spent the night without Wi-Fi experienced these symptoms much less often.

Wi-Fi radiation is thought to have a much stronger impact on children's brains because a child's skull is thinner than an adult's and less protective of radio waves. Therefore, if a child is sleeping in the room, you need to remove or turn off all devices that use Wi-Fi at night.

In addition, the router's display and constantly flashing lights, especially in the dark, can have an irritating effect on the psyche and make it difficult to fall asleep.

In this regard, it is strictly not recommended to place the router in the bedroom, and especially closer to the bed.

You can also read in a separate article on our website where it is better to place the router in the apartment.

Development of insomnia

Have you ever felt more energetic after using Wi-Fi? This phenomenon is not at all uncommon, and in 2007 there was even a study conducted on the effect of mobile phones on sleep. Participants were exposed to electromagnetic radiation from regular phones or were near dummy phones that did not emit a signal. The results showed that electromagnetic radiation increases the time it takes to fall asleep and changes brain waves.

It has been suggested that sleeping near a phone or Wi-Fi signal may trigger chronic problems, as constant exposure to such studies negatively affects sleep.

Lack of sleep often causes many other problems. For example, the development of depression and hypertension is associated with disrupted sleep patterns.


Turn off your router transmitting the Wi-Fi signal before going to bed. Or at least turn off your cell phone if you keep it handy even at night.

Is router radiation harmful: arguments and counterarguments

The question of whether a router is bad often comes up when consumers think about how it works. Especially after information appeared about wireless charging of devices or wireless energy transfer. We are accustomed to thinking that electromagnetic radiation is harmful.

This is because when we think of electromagnetic fields and radiation, most people think of infrared, x-rays, or gamma rays. Of course, if you put the radiation from the router in this line, the question arises of how harmful it is to the body.

But if we talk about electromagnetic radiation, we must not forget that everything around us radiates. Radio operates on electromagnetic waves. Current flowing through the wires excites an electromagnetic field. Cell phones work on the same principle. Anything that has current or movement of charges creates electromagnetic fields.

The damage depends on the strength of the radiation and how close you are to them. There are infrared heaters. They can heat up silently when standing some distance away from you, but if you put your hand on the heating element, you will not avoid injury.

In general, this principle applies to everything. Many Wi-Fi opponents insist that the same microwave ovens operate on the same frequency as wireless networks. The answer is above: a frequency range is assigned for household appliances and the civilian population, beyond which they cannot go. Well, the radiation power of a Wi-Fi antenna and a microwave oven cannot be compared.

With radio and electromagnetic waves, it's all about quantity.

You can't escape radiation, phones, radios and electricity are all around us. All that remains is to go to Siberia and build a house in a deep forest. Although this won't help either. Radio towers and antennas are everywhere, otherwise it would be impossible to make calls from one part of the planet to another. Don't forget the satellites that constantly hang above our heads. And by GPS, to which satellite phones are connected.

There is no need to go to the other extreme, given that any radiation is safe. The poison differs from the medicine only in dosage, so there is no need to come under powerful radiation sources and stand next to working antennas.

Western scientific research

Damage to Wi-Fi worries people not only in Russia, but also in other countries. The effects of wireless networks on organisms have been studied by several laboratories. The dangers of Wi-Fi were widely discussed in 2015, when every newspaper published studies on the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. They all referred to the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine.

The media posted a link to an archive of articles, but no one posted a link to a specific article. I had to open the magazine myself and do some research. Unfortunately, I did not find specific studies on Wi-Fi and people for the years 2013-2016. There are several articles expressing concern about the effects of the camps on people, there is an article about headaches and wireless networks, but it is argued that more research is needed to confirm or refute.

The closest materials found are two studies by Turkish scientists on the effects of Wi-Fi on rats. One studied a group of eight animals. One of them lived next to a Wi-Fi antenna that was constantly on all year round, and the second was out of range.

This is an almost exact quote from the article, so it is unclear what “closed” means and what power the antenna had. The second study tested the effects of Wi-Fi on the reproductive function of female rats of the same species.

According to research, radiation is very dangerous (at least for mice). In one group of animals, changes in the brain, internal organs and effects on sperm were recorded. A group of females influences the development of children (inhibits them), etc.

Unfortunately, in the accessible part of the article there is no data about what kind of antenna it was, how close the subjects lived in it, no data on nutrition, and whether they belonged to the same group. In the absence of information about antenna power and distance, coffee grounds prediction begins.

The research was conducted in 2013-2014, but this data has not yet been widely disseminated in the scientific community. In subsequent interviews, doctors from Western countries do not refer to any particular studies, but only state that the effect on humans has not been studied. You shouldn't give up on the experiment entirely, but don't expect the router to have the same effect on you as it did on this small group of rats.

In general, speaking about the lack of knowledge about influenza, scientists still advise being careful. You should not place the router next to yourself or your workplace, you should not buy overly powerful industrial models, and so on.

The official position of the Russian Ministry of Health

Our Ministry of Health states that the damage caused by Wi-Fi has not been fully studied. The exact effect on human health could not be determined. They recommend waiting for studies to determine the influencing factors, but there is no information on when these will be conducted.

The Department of Health is taking a cautious approach, neither blaming nor defending wireless networks. The strong position of a serious organization that does not want to cause unrest with unfounded statements.

We doctors are quite suspicious and conservative people, especially when it comes to new technologies. But routers, as is known, work in every medical institution and do not have a significant impact on the health of doctors or patients. Safety studies are usually preceded by anecdotal observations and expert opinions. For example, we learned fairly quickly about the dangers of X-rays from medical personnel, which led to the development of X-ray machines and protective measures.

Over the years of using routers, some statistics on the destructive impact should have accumulated, especially considering that the heads of institutions had routers to begin with. There was no total “death” of medical managers, accountants and chief doctors.

The average life expectancy in the world has increased by 10-15 years in the last 20 years alone. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the total negative impact of the Internet and Wi-Fi radiation on humanity.

If you look at the results of the studies mentioned above, you will see that there is no conclusive evidence that this type of radiation is harmful. In a number of other studies (there are more of them), no side effects of radiation were found.

In addition, even much cruder methods of wave action, such as ultrasound, do not have a significant effect on the human body and are prescribed for diagnosis for children and pregnant women.

It is not clear why we should a priori consider life-threatening Wi-Fi radiation. In this regard, I recall the saying of Euclid: “What is asserted without evidence can be rejected without explanation.”

Why a Wi-Fi router can still be dangerous

The router works by choosing the best path to send data from the ISP directly to the device. The frequency range of the above device is around 2.4 GHz and the power can often reach up to 100 µW. When such radiation is exposed to the human body, the molecules in the cells stick together due to constant friction, resulting in an increase in local temperature. Constant exposure of this nature can conditionally lead to the development of uncontrolled and contradictory mitoses in the body. This refers to the pathological division of local cells, which most often potentially means the development of a malignant neoplasm in the organs. Damage from Wi-Fi radiation is proportional to the range of the router, the user's position relative to the device, and the data transfer speed of the network itself. The stronger and more intense the action of a particular device, the more electromagnetic radiation such a router generates per unit time. And, therefore, the worse will be its direct impact on human health. Distance from the device when using the network also plays an important role. The closer a person is, the higher his or her level of exposure to the router's electromagnetic field.

A person is exposed to radiation from routers almost around the clock. Residents of apartment buildings that border their neighbors are exposed to multiple devices at the same time. Brick walls, metal structures and other building materials partially block wireless Internet radiation.

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Order: Damage to Wi-Fi devices also occurs subsequently under the influence of routers that are located in various cafes and other public places. Consequently, due to the influence of modern urban planning and the intensive growth of various types of infrastructure, a person who does not personally use a Wi-Fi router is still susceptible to this negative factor in one way or another. At the same time, many users find it unnecessary to turn off the device even at night, when the body needs to recover and gain strength for the next day. Some researchers argue that resting at night with the router turned on gives a much less relaxing effect, much worse sleep, and the immune system in such conditions cannot fully recover to protect the body from exposure to foreign agents.

Absorption of the microwave spectrum

Students of radio-electronic technical schools will not let you lie. The manual regulating the conduct of experiments in wireless information transmission prescribes avoidance of radiation. It is prohibited to cross the path of electromagnetic waves. One student, examining the horn antennas, looked inside... No, he didn’t have time to fry - he was taken away by a military commissar.

The router emits 2.4 GHz radiation, which is absorbed by water molecules. Scientists find it difficult to clarify the mechanics of the process. The following is assumed:

  1. The structure of the H2O molecule, known even to schoolchildren, determines the presence of a small magnetic moment.
  2. The wave grabs the lever given by nature, beginning to swing the particles of the medium in unison.
  3. Friction forces quickly heat up the substance.

Wikipedia tells terrible stories. The Nazis invented ovens to... Then we have to guess. It is impossible to protect yourself and stop the impact. You have to sit and wait for your brain to fry.

The teachers said: the sadists put a cockroach inside the microwave. It is unknown how the wave affects the insect’s body, however, for the health of the test subject, the “cute joke” passed without a trace. Nevertheless, colonies of Prussians avoid building nesting sites near the router.

Accommodation in the dormitory

While there is no 100% proof that Wi-Fi is dangerous, if you can unplug the speaker and switch to wired, that's your best bet to be sure. If this is not possible, human exposure to the device should be minimized.

When organizing an access point in an apartment, do not place the electrical device near a place to sleep or where a person has been for a long time. In the situation of an office or any other institution, instead of 2-5 points, it is more correct to do one thing, but with a wide range of actions.

If the wireless network is not used for a long time, the access point should be turned off as it transmits electrical signals even when turned off. The same steps must be performed at night.

Interesting! Thanks to this, everyone can seriously reduce the impact of radiation from electrical devices on the body.




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