Many users complain about their laptop rebooting spontaneously. Most often this happens due to working with the operating system, but it also happens that the laptop reboots on its own. Let's look at the reasons why the laptop restarts and immediately look at ways to solve the problem.
There are many reasons for a reboot. They are divided into problems in the software part of the OS, and physical problems with laptop components.
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Reasons why the laptop restarts when turned on
If the laptop immediately reboots when turned on, then such damage can be caused by several reasons, which may lie in the operation of both hardware and software components. Hardware reasons include problems with the motherboard and hard drive, overheating of the video card, processor.
The simplest reason is a discharged or faulty battery. The laptop requires charging to turn on, and if it is not enough, the device begins to restart. In this case, you need to replace the battery. If a reboot occurs while working from the network, then the reason lies much deeper.
Viruses often lead to software reasons. They are capable of rebooting the laptop's RAM. The device has no choice but to reboot on its own. Let's look at some useful tips that you should follow when resolving the issue yourself.
Hardware problems
If the device turns off when turned on even before the operating system loads or displays a blue screen after 2 seconds, then there are problems with RAM . The rulers can be removed, the contacts can be cleaned with alcohol and oxides can be removed with a rubber band. There is a high probability that after installing the RAM back, the laptop will work normally.
To remove the memory strips, just unscrew the cover on the bottom panel. After that:
- remove the cover;
- the ruler is released from the stoppers, moving them to the side;
- The memory element is lifted by the free edge and pulled out.
Installing the RAM strips is done in the reverse order. All work must be done with the laptop power off and the battery removed. The cover cannot be unscrewed while the warranty is valid, this will automatically void it.
Disabling automatic restart in Windows 7/10
The laptop may reboot due to settings in the Windows system. When errors occur, the OS reboots automatically to eliminate them. However, it does not always manage to eliminate errors, so a constant reboot begins.
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You can disable automatic reboot. An error code will then be displayed instead. All that remains is to decipher the error code and fix the problem.
The standard way to disable automatic reboot is as follows:
- If there is no “Computer” icon on the desktop, then click on “Start”, right-click on the “Computer” line and select “Properties”.
- We perform one more action: click on the line “Advanced system parameters”.
- A small window will appear. At the very bottom of the window, in the “Boot and Recovery” section, you need to click on “Options” opposite the line “... debugging information”.
- A new tab will open, where you need to uncheck the box next to the line “Perform automatic reboot”.
Now, instead of automatically rebooting your laptop, you can see the error that caused the crash and solve the problem.
Incompatible programs
It happens that some programs are incompatible with a certain laptop configuration. Therefore, when they run, it results in an error and reboots the computer. These could be games or programs that immediately after launch, or upon certain actions in it, reboot the laptop.
There are two ways:
- If you installed a program and noticed that the laptop began to reboot after installing it, remove it, most likely everything will work fine.
- If you are not sure which program may be causing the errors, you will have to act selectively. Boot through safe mode.
And first download the portable CCleaner program onto the flash drive. In it, check the programs in startup. By disabling suspicious and unfamiliar programs, you can identify the one that is causing your laptop to reboot.
CCleaner program
In addition, you can remove some suspicious programs that may cause errors. To do this, go to “settings” and select the list of applications.
Sort them by installation date to be more likely to find a malicious application. To remove, click on the application and click "remove".
Errors in the operating system
Clogging with junk files and registry errors can lead to Windows rebooting spontaneously.
To do this, enable CCleaner or its equivalent. We go to the “cleaning” tab, select what we need to leave, for example, browser cookies, and clean the rest.
Cleaning tab
Next, go to the “Registry” section and look for problems. After searching, click “fix”.
Registry tab
This method will not help if you broke something in the registry with your own hands, for example, edited or deleted any sections or values. To do this, you will have to go into safe mode and fix the problem yourself, or reset Windows to factory settings.
System update
When updating Windows, as a rule, problems and jambs of previous versions are corrected. If the update is major and it doesn't work for you, you will have the option to go back to a previous version of Windows. If possible, install the latest updates and reboot the system.
System update
CPU overheating
Overheating of the processor is a very dangerous situation. It is necessary to clean the fan and change the thermal paste. But this does not always solve the problem of rebooting the laptop on its own. Sometimes they produce laptops in a hurry and do not carry out all the necessary tests.
As a result, cooling becomes poor. Even cooling tables and stands do not help, and as a result, an independent reboot begins. This happens especially often during the game.
Read Laptop does not read disk - what to do and reasons
The computer turns off during operation and turns on again
So, one of the most common problems is when a computer or laptop suddenly turns off while working and then turns on again.
Now the main task is to find out where exactly the overheating is coming from. If there is a lot of heat from the power supply, then most likely it cannot cope with the load or the fan inside it is not working well. Check the fan airflow at the power supply.
Well, it’s trivial that if the motherboard and processor cooler are hot, do maintenance on the cooling system. Replace the old dried thermal paste with new one and clean the fans from dust. If you have a liquid cooling system, check the water supply.
This prevention will help reduce the temperature by several tens of degrees, or even more. All this applies to the video card.
Prevention measures
Monitor your computer's temperature under heavy loads. Components from different manufacturers have their own operating temperature limits.
You can also download special utilities for adjusting cooler speed. For example, for ASUS video cards there is a GPU TWEAK utility, which allows you to increase the frequencies and speeds of coolers, as well as monitor the temperature on the chip.
If possible, regularly change the thermal paste on components approximately once a year.
Don't forget about the system unit. It must be cleaned regularly so that hot and cold air quickly circulates in the housing between the components. Also check the operation of the case fans.
Problems with the motherboard
The system board contains very vulnerable components: the south and north bridge. They can be damaged by incorrect drivers or voltage surges.
The laptop may reboot due to overheating of the south bridge. This is especially common on Intel chipsets. There, the south bridge has no protection against static electricity.
Replacing this component is a labor-intensive procedure that is difficult to perform on your own. Due to heating, the north bridge of the system board may also fail. As a result, the laptop may not only reboot, but may not turn on at all.
Cleaning required
If the laptop turns off 30 minutes after turning it on, you need to check the condition of the cooling system. The air vents can simply become clogged with dust. In the most advanced cases, situations may arise that require full professional service. In particular, if the laptop turns off 5 minutes after turning it on (or less), even in idle mode, then there is no heat dissipation from the processor. This suggests that you need to remove the radiator and change the thermal paste. It dries out over time.
Checking the temperature is quite simple. This can be done in the BIOS, the processor parameters section contains data on the temperature of the crystal, or using a monitoring program, many of them are capable of writing a log to a file. You can estimate the rate of temperature growth and its value at the time of shutdown.
System rollback
If none of the above helped, and the computer still periodically shuts down, then here’s what you can do:
- “Control Panel” (Win+R=Control).
- Go to the “Recoveries” section.
- Click on the main button.
- We act according to the instructions. When choosing a restore point, I recommend choosing the earliest point.
- We wait until the computer reboots and performs basic actions.
When the system boots, not only drivers are loaded, but also some programs that can affect the operation of the PC, and it, in turn, can sometimes suddenly reboot during operation.
- In Windows, click on “Win + R” and enter: “msconfig”.
- On the general tab, uncheck the box as in the picture below and go to the “Services” tab.
- Disable program and application services. Click "Apply."
- After this we reboot.
Prices for different types of laptop repairs
ServicePriceTermDeparture of a technicianFree60 minutes DiagnosticsFree10 minutes Repair after floodingfrom 400 rubles90 minutes Laptop does not turn onfrom 250 rubles40 minutes Replacement of the keyboard500 rubles + spare part15 minutes Replacement of the matrix (screen)500 rubles + spare part30 minutes Replacement of the charger connector550 rubles + spare part60 minutes Replacement of the matrix cable (screen a)950 rub + spare part 30 minutes Cleaning the laptop from dust 400 rubles 45 minutes Cleaning the cooling system 400 rubles 25 minutes Replacing thermal paste 500 rubles 20 minutes Repairing the power circuit from 400 rubles 60 minutes Replacing the cooler 350 rubles + spare part 35 minutes Replacing hinges 500 rubles + spare part 50 minutes Replacing the video card 500 rubles + spare part 30 minutes Replacing the motherboard 500 rubles + spare part 60 minutes Replacement sound card 350 RUR + spare part 30 minutes Replacing a WiFi network card 350 RUR + spare part 30 minutes Replacing a backlight lamp 500 RUR + spare part 45 minutes Installing and restoring Windows 350 RUR 45 minutes Installing programs from 200 RUR 5 minutes Setting up the Internet from 400 RUR 15 minutes Removing viruses 250 RUR 30 minutes BIOS firmware 400 RUR 30 minutes all services
Ready-made PCs are sometimes equipped with defective components. Office PCs are not designed for intensive loads at all - such system units are often assembled by private “masters” for further resale. As for defects, it is most often the RAM that is affected by it. If at least one die is of poor quality, the system may begin to reboot spontaneously. In this case, a blue screen of death often appears with the code 0x0000007f or another numeric value.
Rebooting can also occur due to the following factors:
- RAM dies from different manufacturers with different frequencies are used;
- The DIMM slot on the motherboard is faulty.
Sometimes when programs are running, the registry can become clogged with incorrect settings. Therefore we do the following:
- “Win + R” and write: “regedit”.
- We follow the path:
- Find the “ CleanShutdown ” parameter and set the value to 1.
- After that we go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurentVersionWinLogon
- Set the “ PowerdownAfterShutdow ” parameter to the same value. If this parameter is not present, then we do nothing.
- Reboot the computer.
Bad sectors of the hard drive
Problems with the hard drive can lead to an unauthorized reboot of the laptop by the user. The system may begin the boot process and then lose sight of the hard drive.
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Bad sectors may appear in the hard drive during boot. To check, you should use special utilities (Victoria or HDD Monitor) or tools integrated into Windows.
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First steps
Where to start diagnosing and correcting the situation being studied? First, it is recommended to pay attention to the power supply and battery
Does your laptop turn on and off immediately? It is best to first turn off the device, then disconnect the battery from it and connect the laptop to the network via a special wire. You can try to turn on the device. If everything works fine, the problem lies in the device’s battery. It is recommended to either replace it with a new one, or stop using it altogether, or take the device to a repair shop for repair.
It is also recommended to check the integrity of the power wires. If the charger is damaged, the problem is most likely due to the battery not having enough charge. Repairing the charger will bring your laptop back to life.
Step-by-step diagnosis and exclusion method
If none of the above helped, then detailed diagnostics will be required, excluding PC components.
Disassemble the system unit and first take photographs of all the insides of the computer so as not to forget what was connected where.
Disconnect all cables, RAM sticks, hard drives, USB ports and card readers from the front side of the case from the motherboard.
Possible cause: short circuits
Often, housing connectors can short out due to damage, so we must eliminate all possible sources of short circuit.
Checking the normal operation of the processor
This can be done using the BIOS. There is a fairly rare malfunction, but it can be quickly diagnosed. In the BIOS, the processor counts time, and this can be seen in the settings. If the processor is working properly, it calculates the time correctly; if not, it calculates it incorrectly. For example, it can count up to 40 seconds, and then reset to zero and start again. A working processor should not have this.
Further diagnostics
You only left the motherboard, power supply and power button. If the computer does not turn off for a long time, then the problem needs to be looked for further. Gradually connect the remaining parts of the computer, and thereby you can find the faulty part.
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