The tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi - possible reasons and their solution

Today, using tablets is as popular as smartphones or laptops. This is due to maximum convenience. After all, unlike working on a personal computer, you can do this anywhere, without being tied to a specific place. And, it must be said that some tablet computers are not at all inferior to desktop PCs in terms of functionality. They are great for doing some work, watching movies, or communicating with friends over Wi-Fi networks available through various Internet providers.

Tablet computers are now as popular as other gadgets. They have all the functionality necessary for work and entertainment.

Typically, connecting them to a wireless access point is quite simple. You just need to go to the settings, select the appropriate network and enter the installed security key. However, there are situations when the connection is not established for some reason, when the tablet does not see available access points. There are many reasons, as well as ways to solve such a problem. To understand why the Internet via Wi-Fi does not work on the tablet and how to fix it, it is worth considering each case in detail.

Checking and correcting errors

As was written above, there can be many reasons why the tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi. But the main culprit is an authentication error. That is, in simple words, protection against an unknown connection is triggered: the password set on the router as a security key was entered incorrectly on the device.

What to do with this is immediately clear. You just need to enter the password correctly. After this, you can safely connect your device, for example, a Samsung tablet, to any available network.

If this does not help, then the rest of the check for why the tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi is performed not on this device, but on the router. It is possible that the router has certain settings that do not allow you to connect to the access point. The check is performed through the device settings.

Important! To enter the menu, you must enter the desired web address in the network search bar. Most often, the information is located on the router body.

In the settings you need to check the following parameters:

  • encryption type;
  • network access;
  • number of connections.

In addition, you should also use standard fix methods. For example, reboot the router or try again to find the desired wireless connection.

There can be many problems connecting to a wireless point. Most often they are related to the settings of the router itself.

Main problems

Do not immediately suspect that the tablet is broken. Wi-Fi problems can occur even with the most well-functioning devices. Causes include software errors, broken protocols, or incompatibility caused by other factors.

You shouldn’t immediately rush to take your device to a repair shop - this is a last resort. Before resorting to it, you can try less “traumatic” and financially expensive ways to solve the problem and figure out why Wi-Fi on the tablet does not want to connect.

Change Password

It often happens that the correct password is entered on the device, but the connection is still not established. In this case, it is advisable to try changing the password on the router in principle. This is done through the settings of the router itself.

It is important that the password consists of at least 8 characters. A security key with fewer characters cannot be installed. And besides, this will make the network as secure as possible. To try connecting again, you need to restart the router and update the list of connections on the tablet.

Note! If a new password is set on the router, then other devices that were already connected to it will not have access to the Internet. On them you need to delete the old connection and authorize again, while entering a new password.

Changing your password may fix the situation. But there will be a need to enter it on other devices that were previously connected to the router to access Wi-Fi

Why doesn't my tablet connect to WiFi?

As mentioned above, the most common mistake is an incorrectly entered password.

However, there are other problems related directly to wireless equipment and its settings. These include the following:

  • A MAC filter is installed in the router settings.
  • The router is malfunctioning.
  • Encryption type mismatch.
  • Channel mismatch.

It’s worth noting that you don’t need to configure anything on the tablet itself. Everything that can affect the connection is contained in the router settings. This is where we will go to troubleshoot problems. And first of all, you should pay attention to the fact that budget routers such as TP-Link, D-Link. Asus, Zyxel and so on are not highly stable. They have a tendency to freeze.

This can happen for many reasons, for example, due to power outages, heavy load (if you download large amounts of information at high speed), as a result of connecting a large number of subscribers, and so on. In any case, you should reboot the router. How it's done. It's simple. Unplug the device from the power supply and wait 7-10 minutes, then turn it on again.

Software glitches

This situation is less common, but it can also be the reason why Wi-Fi on the tablet does not connect. As a rule, to fix it you will need to use an additional program. For example, a special utility that allows you to do all the necessary checks.

There is no need to make any additional settings in it. You just need to download it to your device and simply install it. Before attempting to connect to a wireless point again, it is recommended to restart the tablet.

Wireless access

The past decades have enriched us with previously unseen technical innovations. One of these fantastic signs of the coming future are tablet computers or tablets - devices whose touch screens combine means of both output and input of information. Eliminating the need for a keyboard and mouse (or its substitutes, such as a stick, trackball, touchpad, etc.) made it possible to reduce the size of the device almost to the size of the screen itself.

It is curious that the developers of the tablet concept themselves saw their device as a help for businessmen and managers. It was assumed that the new device would replace the entire contents of a business person’s case - documents, tables, reports, demonstration booklets. However, in practice, as is usually the case, reality only partially coincided with goals and plans.

The tablet has become a means of so-called “Internet surfing” - reading, viewing and listening to the content of web pages. Even the term “Internet tablet” (web-tablet) appeared, which, however, did not become widespread. It’s just that this type of device began to be called a tablet by default, in contrast to less common options, for example, graphics tablets.

Naturally, the question arose of providing the tablet user with access to the Internet. The method must meet two basic requirements:

  • Possibility of free movement with the device without losing connection to the Internet;
  • Sufficient access speed for full use of network capabilities.

The obvious solution to the problem was to use a cellular network, since there was already experience in providing Internet access from mobile phones. This method really provided freedom of movement to a high degree, but problems arose with the speed of access. And using a cellular network for Internet surfing was often too expensive. A successful compromise was Wi-Fi technology.

Incorrect tablet settings

When operating the tablet, various malfunctions may occur that interfere with the correct use of the device. In this case, the best option would be a complete reset. It is important to understand that such an action will lead to the complete deletion of all files located in the internal memory, including applications and access data.

Important! To avoid losing the necessary files, you should transfer everything you need to a memory card or create a backup copy in cloud storage.

Resetting the settings may be a working method. But you need to make a backup copy of the necessary data in advance or transfer it to an external memory card

What to do when problems are on the provider’s side

Solution 1: Report the problem to your Internet provider, replace the Ethernet cable

If there is no Internet, report the problem to your service provider. If the breakdown cannot be resolved remotely, call a repairman at home, for example, to replace the Ethernet cable. A reason to think about replacement if you live in an apartment building and the cable is laid outside. It's important to note that most providers have tools to remotely diagnose cable integrity.

Solution 2: Check modem/settings

If the Internet is provided through a telephone line, check the operation of the modem. Connect the equipment directly to your PC or laptop, check the connection settings. If there is no result, take the modem to a service center for diagnostics.

Personal IP address

The reason for the inability to connect to the router may also be due to receiving incorrect IP addresses. Or, to be more precise, in the absence of their distribution.

To check this parameter, you need to go into the router settings again and check the DHCP mode. It is he who is responsible for distributing the necessary addresses to all devices that connect to him. This mode must be enabled.

Important! In some cases, for all parameters to work normally, it is enough to simply reboot the router.

If DHCP mode is disabled, addresses will not be distributed to devices. And, as a result, connection will be impossible

MAC filtering test

And one more reason that has nothing to do with the tablet. MAC addresses are also set by the router, and you can correct the error like this:

  1. Login to the admin panel.
  2. Find MAC address settings - each router model may have its own tab, but it must be there and associated with the Wi-Fi section.
  3. Check if filtering is installed.
  4. If necessary, you need to disable it.

MAC addresses provide security and prevent “unfamiliar” phones, tablets or computers from connecting to the network. But if this is a home router, then such protection is completely useless.

What does the Wi-Fi network saved message mean?

It happens that the router signal is good, but when you try to connect to a wireless point, the message “Saved” appears on the screen. There may be several reasons for this. And the first thing you should do is check whether the password was entered correctly.

There are many reasons why the “Saved” message may appear. Most of them are related to the data entered or the router settings

The reason may also be incorrect security settings or incorrect operation of the router or tablet. You need to restart each device and try to connect again.


The reason why an Android tablet or phone may constantly display such a message is most likely due to the password. First, you need to make sure that you entered all the password characters correctly and did not make a typo anywhere. If the Internet does not turn on for quite a long time, displaying a similar message, remove the network as stated in the previous paragraph of the instructions and try to connect again. Secondly, if this is not your first time connecting to the selected Wi-Fi network and the connection previously occurred without problems, you should check to see if the password has changed since the last successful connection. This is relevant for cases when a smartphone or tablet is not connected to home Wi-Fi.

Problems with the signal source

The signal source is the router. What to do if the tablet does not see Wi-Fi and there is no connection on other devices? This means that the problem is in the network equipment.

The first step is to reboot and reconfigure the router. After a reboot, the router will resume operation with the newly specified parameters. If the problem is not too serious, then it can be solved in a similar way.

If the connection could not be restored, examine the access point settings. This is done in the router menu on the computer. You can access the WEB interface like this:

  • Enter the router address in the address bar of any browser;
  • An authorization window will open where you need to specify your login and password to access the “admin panel”.

All information for entering the router settings is indicated on a sticker on the bottom side of the device.

What can be changed:

  1. First, see if the access point is turned on at all. Also, tablets and phones will not see the Wi-Fi network if it is hidden. In this case, to connect, you need to enter the network name (SSID) and password for it yourself.
  1. You need to pay attention to the signal strength and channel. It happens that the tablet does not see Wi-Fi only because the transmitter gives a weak signal. Try setting the power to 100%.
  1. You can also switch to another frequency. Of course, provided that you have a dual-band router. Just check the compatibility of Wi-Fi protocols.
  2. Neighboring networks may also be congesting the channel your Wi-Fi is on. The solution in this case is to change it or enable automatic channel selection in the router settings.
  1. At the same time, look at the security settings - the type of protection. Perhaps the gadget does not support WPA2-PSK. Set the settings to WPA-PSK/ WPA2-PSK.
  1. It is also recommended to study the operating mode of the MAC filter. The unique identifier may be on the list of denied connections. You can solve the problem by editing this list or disabling the filter.

This is all a software component of the router, when problems with Wi-Fi on the tablet appear due to incorrect configuration of the access point on the router. In practice, there are cases when all the manipulations do not allow you to restore access to the network. Moreover, this applies to all devices that try to connect to the access point. Often such an outcome indicates much more serious problems affecting the router hardware. It is recommended to immediately contact a specialist for help.

Problems with the signal receiver

Since two parties are involved in the process of connecting to the network, the cause of the malfunction may be hidden in each of them. The receiving side is the tablet itself, which does not receive a Wi-Fi signal. Gadget malfunctions can also be either software or hardware. And if in the second case only the service center can help, the first problem in most cases can be solved independently.

First of all, try connecting the gadget to another router. If the tablet does not receive Wi-Fi only at home, but connects to another, then the device itself is in order. You need to look for the answer in the first part of our article.

Wi-Fi networks are usually protected by special passwords, without which the connection simply will not take place. Therefore, you need to make sure that the combination of characters you enter is correct.

Problems with RAM can cause a lack of connection. To solve them, you first need to restart the tablet.

After this, you need to check the connection. If the device still does not see the network, then you need to turn Wi-Fi on and off several times.

Sometimes an incorrectly set date on the device can cause the tablet to stop seeing the wireless network.

More serious problems require a different approach. Various factors can cause serious failures in the operating system of a mobile device. These factors include:

  • virus programs;
  • conflicting applications;
  • full cache, etc.

Antivirus or speedup programs can help. Such software checks all data and destroys malware. The connection should be restored once the cleaning process is complete.

If the problem is much deeper, a full reset of the device to factory settings can help. This operation will destroy all user data from the gadget (except for those stored on the memory card). Resetting is performed in several ways:

  • through the boot menu;
  • through the operating system settings;
  • reset button;
  • via computer.

After the reset, the device should work again. In some cases, even a reset does not guarantee getting rid of the error that has occurred. Then the only way out is to flash the gadget. It involves a complete replacement of the operating system, and sometimes a replacement of the boot menu.

How to strengthen the network signal on a tablet

In addition to previously reported errors with connecting the tablet to wifi, there may be problems with connection instability. In general, the quality of the connection depends on the stream that the devices support. A router in the 2.4 GHz band will not be able to transmit a signal over long distances; walls in this case become a serious obstacle.

In addition, the tablet itself must support the 5 GHz standard in order to use the potential of such a router to 100%. However, even for devices operating at 2.4 GHz, signal quality can be improved. The first method is simple: just use the Internet near your connection source.

Another option is to install a Wi-Fi repeater at home; such devices are sold in all digital equipment stores at a price of 1 to 3 thousand rubles. Once the device is installed, it will receive the signal from the router and distribute it over long distances.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to improve the signal using additional software. Modern tablet applications are not able to affect the quality of the connection.

Constant monitoring of connection quality will help to eliminate the problem in time and prevent the emergence of a new one. In any case, if serious problems arise, it is recommended to contact a professional. You should not subject yourself to labor-intensive processes of reconfiguring equipment; if you do not follow the instructions, wi-fi may disappear not only on the tablet, but also on the computer.

Setting up on Android

On the Android system, the first thing you need to do is turn on the wireless module. For this it is recommended:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Select the Wi-Fi item, and in it - “Settings”.
  3. Open “Wireless Networks” and select “Wi-Fi Settings”.
  4. Enable the corresponding checkbox.
  5. The module will turn on and the system will search for available connections. If the network is closed, then click “Add network”.
  6. Then specify the name of the router and the type of security that must match the router settings.

Restarting the router

If a tablet or smartphone from Lenovo or another brand does not connect to the WiFi wireless network, a message about this is immediately displayed on the display. The router that the user intends to connect to needs to be restarted. In most cases, after this procedure, the Internet begins to function normally on the device.

Setting up the Internet on iOS

In the case of the iOS operating system, setting up a network is even easier. To do this you should:

  • Go to “Settings” and select Wi-Fi. If the slider is inactive, then you need to activate it.
  • When the wireless connection option is activated, you can select a network from the list and connect. If the access point is hidden, then select “Other network”.
  • Enter the exact name of the network and click on the “Security” button.
  • Determine the type of security.
  • If necessary, enter the password and click on the “Connect” button.
  • Edge Cases

    If none of the methods described above helped, only the last resort method remains:

    Let's reset the tablet to factory settings! After this action, all data will be deleted, so do not forget to save all the most important things separately.

    If this doesn’t help in any way, all that remains is to suspect a hardware failure - either the cable has flown, or the module has burned out. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. The solution is to take it to a service center or run for a new tablet.

    This concludes the article. I really hope it was useful to you! But if something happens, our comments are always open.

    Why connected without Internet access?

    Let's look at the possible reasons why Wi-Fi writes: “Connected, without Internet access”: Lack of Internet supply from the provider; Malfunction or technical failure in the operation of the router; Errors in the operation of the acceptor - receiving device.

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