How to fix error code 0xc00000e in Windows 11, 10

While you are trying to boot your computer normally or restoring it using a recovery tool, you may see this “Error Code 0xc00000e” on the screen. This problem occurs when the BCD is corrupted on your system. This problem can occur for various reasons, but one of them is disk writing problems and corruption of system files. But there's nothing to worry about. You just need to follow our instructions line by line and the error will disappear within a few minutes.

Fix 1 – Remove all external drives

Any external drives may interfere with your system's boot priority. So disconnecting them may help you.

1. First, press and hold the power button for 15 seconds to turn off the system completely.

2. Now carefully disconnect the system from the power source.

3. Once done, remove all external drives from your system (including external hard drives).

4. There should not be any CD/DVD in the drive.

5. Once you've done all this, simply plug the power cable into your system and turn it on.

6. Now press the power button on your computer to start it.

Since the BIOS will not find other drives based on boot priority, it will boot from the system drive.

Reboot your system several times and check if this solves your problem.

Fixing this error in Windows 7

If, after restarting your computer, you see error 0xc000000e in Windows 7 and do not know how to fix it, then follow the further instructions.

  1. Restart your computer and enter the BIOS. To do this, you need to press the corresponding key at the initial boot screen of your computer.
  2. If you don't know the key, you need to restart your computer and pay attention to the first screen that appears after startup. There should be a line here “Press... to run setup”. Instead of the ellipsis, there should be a key to enter the BIOS.
  3. When you find yourself in the settings, you need to find the “Load Fail-Safe Default” item here or something similar to this line. You need to select it and confirm by pressing “Y”. This item will help reset the subsystem settings to default.

If after rebooting the situation with the computer has not changed, move on to the next method.

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Fix 2 – Restore system boot configuration data.

Corrupt system boot configuration data can cause this “error code 0xc00000e” to appear. So, you need to restore your boot configuration data.

1. First, turn off your system completely.

2. Then turn on the system again.

c. Once the system boots up, simply press and hold the Power button again to force shutdown the system.

d. Just repeat this step 1-2 more times and for the third time let the computer boot normally.

Your system will automatically enter Auto Repair mode.

1. When the Automatic Repair screen appears, click Advanced Options.

2. To fix the problem, click Troubleshoot.

6. After that, you have to click on “Advanced Options”.

7. Among the various options, click on Command Prompt to access the Command Prompt.

Wait while your system loads the terminal.

9. Simply select your administrator account and click Continue to finally access the terminal.

11. Now paste these three commands one after the other and press Enter. This will fix the Master Boot Record.

bootrec /fixmbr bootrec /fixboot bootrec /scanos

12. After this, you can rebuild the boot configuration directory on your system. To do this, simply run this code.

bootrec /rebuildbcd

Once you do this, exit the terminal and your system will boot to the screen you noticed earlier.

13. Then click Continue.

Let the computer boot normally. Then check if you are still experiencing the problem.

What is the reason for 0xc0000000e on Windows 10

The appearance of a blue screen at startup means that there is a malfunction in the operation of boot type records (MBR) and the BCD version of the drive. The latter stores information about the settings and characteristics that the PC needs when booting. The computer then stops booting in standard mode.

Reasons for changing data:

  • Unstable power supply to the PC power supply;
  • incorrect configuration of boot components of the operating system;
  • penetration of malicious software into folders that enable the launch of a personal device;
  • The additional file winload.ex is missing.

Most often, boot-type blocks become damaged when a personal computer is forced to restart (for example, through a button on the case or after a sudden power outage).

Fix 3 – Change Boot Priority

An incorrectly configured boot priority can cause your system to boot from the wrong device, ultimately resulting in "Error Code 0xc00000e".

1. First turn off your system.

2. After turning off, press the power button once to turn it on.

3. When the manufacturer's logo appears, press and hold the Delete key on your keyboard to access the BIOS settings.


You must keep track of the exact key to access the system BIOS, which may differ from one manufacturer to another.

Typically these are the most used keys −

3. Now go to the Download tab.

4. Then select “Customize Boot Options” using the arrow keys and press Enter to access it.

5. Then go to “Change Boot Order” and press Enter to open it.

5. Here you will see a list of boot devices (eg HDD/SSD, CDROM drive, network, USB devices).

6. Simply use the arrow button to select the HDD/SSD (containing the Windows folder) and move it to the top.

7. Once you have done this, scroll down to select the “Commit changes and exit” option and press Enter.

8. Finally, press the "F10" key to save this setting.

Wait until your system reboots normally. It will boot according to boot priority.

Possible reasons

There are several main reasons why status 0xc000000e occurs:

  1. The computer does not have access to the boot device. This may mean that the boot drive is damaged, broken, or not connected. Or similar problems are observed with him. That is, 0xc000000e when installing Windows 7 from a flash drive indicates that the external drive is not in order. Try connecting it to a loaded PC and make sure it works.
  2. There are problems with the Boot Menu. They are usually caused by severe corruption of Windows files or changes in boot parameters. 0xc000000e in Windows 7, how to fix and forget about the error - read on.
  3. The BIOS settings are not set correctly. The boot media is not installed correctly, or other settings are not as required.
  4. Other nuances are possible. It will be difficult to make an accurate diagnosis on your own. Error code 0xc000000e Windows 10 may have its own characteristics and occur in some special cases.

Method 4: Replace the CMOS Battery

If the BIOS date and time are not set correctly, you can replace the CMOS battery. CMOS is a chip on the motherboard that stores BIOS configuration, date, time, and other information. This information includes the system time and date, as well as some hardware settings.

The CMOS battery powers your device's BIOS firmware. The BIOS should always remain operational, even when your device is not connected to a power source. When the device is unplugged, the BIOS uses the CMOS battery as the power source.

After replacing the CMOS battery, you should reset your BIOS settings and restart your computer.

How to fix error code 0xc00000e?

Since the error does not point to an actual hardware device or a missing system file, you will need to follow one or all of the troubleshooting steps to fix the problem.

  1. Use Windows Automatic Repair.
  2. Recover the BCD file and master boot record.
  3. Reset BIOS to default settings.
  4. Check and replace the CMOS battery.

Let's start with automatic recovery first.

Checking the cables

In the BIOS settings, you may find that the hard drive is not listed in the list of devices. Accordingly, downloading from it cannot be performed. In this case, it is necessary to check whether the component is physically connected, namely, whether the cables are disconnected.

First of all, you will need to disassemble your computer or laptop. The hard drive is connected to the motherboard using cables. The user needs to verify their functionality. To do this, you should disconnect them and then connect them again . In this case, it is recommended to make sure that the cable itself is not damaged.

After this, you can turn on the computer. If the problem occurred precisely for this reason, it will be fixed and the system will boot.

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