Buffer size for each android processor what is it

The slowness of Android compared to iOS has always been a myth that for some reason millions of people believed. It’s just that Apple’s designers hid the delay from launching the application to its actual opening with animation, but Google didn’t think of this. A similar myth is Android's tendency to become clogged and slow down after some time of use. They say that system clusters become clogged and can no longer provide the previous level of performance. But no one says that it is usually the old devices that “slow down” and only in comparison with the new ones. But this does not mean that it is impossible to overclock Android at all. Can.

It is possible to overclock Android. There are special parameters for this in the OS settings

How Android users can travel on the Moscow Metro and MCC with a discount

Android has what is called a developer menu. Despite the fact that it is really intended for software creators, ordinary users really like to turn it on, and then configure and change something there, supposedly improving the performance of their device. Often this is, of course, completely wrong. However, there are several add-ons that can speed up Android at least a little, making it a little more responsive, faster and more flexible. The main thing is not to overdo it.

How to hide developer mode?

How to disable developer mode in Android and remove it from the menu Disabling developer mode is extremely simple, just go to the “For Developers” menu item in the settings and move the switch in the upper right corner to the “Off” position.

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4X MSAA in a smartphone - what is it and should it be enabled?

How to enable 4X MSAA multiple anti-aliasing option on phone?

Android smartphones have a useful 4X MSAA option - it is needed for games. MSAA stands for Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing, and in Russian the technology is known as “multiple anti-aliasing”. This method is based on selective scaling of objects in high resolution. The option does not change the quality of textures in games - it adds detail to the contours and reduces the ripple effect during movement. Thanks to this, the picture looks nicer, the “soap” disappears, and the pixels become less noticeable.

The phone has a 4X anti-aliasing level available - this is the average value, since there are also 2X and 8X. Gadget manufacturers do not risk adding a maximum multiple anti-aliasing value, as this can cause frequent breakdowns of budget devices.

Thus, thanks to the MSAA function, you can slightly improve the graphics in games, because the smartphone activates hidden texture smoothing capabilities. But in parallel, 4X MSAA can affect the autonomy of a mobile device - the gadget will begin to discharge faster. Weak smartphones with low amounts of RAM may become very hot.

To enable the 4X MSAA feature, you need to enable Developer Mode on your phone. There is an option here “Enable 4X MSAA” - a texture smoothing function that is activated in applications running on OpenGL ES 2.0 technology. There will be no performance degradation on flagship devices - their power is enough to run games in this mode. But on budget smartphones, problems may arise, as a result of which the system will start to work slower, and slight freezes will appear in games.

First, it is advisable to test this function on weak games that do not consume a lot of resources on the mobile device. If the gadget starts to get very hot, causing performance to drop sharply, it is better to stop using 4X MSAA. This can lead to damage to the smartphone, for example, the graphics processor will burn out, which will require expensive repairs or the purchase of a new mobile device.

Many manufacturers recommend enabling the option at your own peril and risk - in any case, it was not in vain that it was added to the “For Developers” section. Initially, the mode is needed specifically for mobile game developers - they can test their development in this mode to identify bugs and optimization problems.

We recommend reading our article about the most useful features of developer mode in a smartphone.

Ratings: 20 , average: 4.55

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How to speed up your Android phone using secret tweaks


is a mobile operating system that offers many features to the user. However, with simple tricks, you can expand the potential of your smartphone beyond its performance limits. You can put hidden features into practice to get the most out of your graphics, security, internet speed, and overall performance.

↑ Overclocking by 100%

OEMs do not allow the device's hardware to perform at 100%. Instead, they reduce the CPU speed. In order for the gadget to work at full capacity, rooting is required. This process varies depending on the device, so it is difficult to give detailed instructions. The best way to root a smartphone is to search Google for specific rooting guides.

Finally, it is important to note that this secret menu is not initially visible and only after unlocking it gives access to all previously unavailable features.

However, be careful because this was made for the creators. The main advice is to act carefully and not change unclear settings. If you take the right precautions, you can significantly improve the performance of your device without having to buy another one. Obviously, some operations require a little more advanced knowledge than others, but in the end, nothing is impossible, you just have to put in a little effort.

I am the project manager, I love Android. I keep up with new products, news, and also help solve problems that users have with their Android smartphones!

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If you have any questions solving a problem on your smartphone. Leave a comment describing the problem in detail, and be sure to indicate the model of your smartphone. We will try to help you!

Need to speed up your Android phone? Tired of slow app lags and slow response times? Before you decide to buy a new smartphone, you should first try to speed up your current phone a little.

Installing custom firmware on Android

If there are no updates for your smartphone for a long time, you can try to solve the problem by installing custom firmware.

Typically, such firmware comes with community-created mods installed that increase performance or add new features. Custom firmware can also update your device to the latest version of Android, even if the device is not officially supported.


Traditionally, we warn that we do not bear any heartbreaking, physical, physiological, legal or other responsibility for what you have done there with your own hands, within the framework of this (and not only) article.

We have a full disclaimer here.

As for possible side effects, everything is simple. In some cases, of course, everything goes great, fun and in every possible way for the benefit. Productivity is growing, acceleration is present, PUBG flies, the phone’s launcher is immensely happy, and you, as its owner, write good comments under this article, tell your friends about it, and so on.

In all other cases, you should understand that a lot depends on the hardware in your Android phone, tablet, or whatever you plan to run and use it all on - so it’s a question of technology.

And yes, you should understand that performance may decrease and battery consumption will increase. How to fix it? Return everything back, disable settings.

Debug GPU overdraw indicator

Another setting lets you know how often the same portion of the screen is redrawn (i.e., extra work is done). Again go to Developer Options

and find the item
Debug GPU Overdraw
, which should be enabled.
In the pop-up window, select areas
. Don't be scared! Some elements on the screen will change color.

Go back to any application and watch it work. The color will indicate problem areas in your application.

If the color in the application has not changed, then everything is fine. There is no layering of one color on top of another.

The blue color indicates that one layer is being drawn on top of the layer below. Fine.

Green color - redrawn twice. You need to think about optimization.

Pink color - redrawn three times. Everything is very bad.

Red color - redrawn many times. Something went wrong.

You can check your application yourself to find problem areas. Create an activity and place a TextView

Give the root element and text label some background in the android:background
You will get the following: first, you painted the bottommost layer of activity with one color. Then a new layer from the TextView
By the way,
text is also drawn the TextView

At some points, overlapping colors cannot be avoided. But imagine that you set the background of a ListView in the same way

, which occupies the entire activity area. The system will do double duty, although the user will never see the bottom layer of activity. And if, in addition, you create your own markup for each element of the list with its own background, then you will generally get overkill.

A little advice. Place after the setContentView()

calling a method that will remove the screen from being painted with the theme color. This will help remove one extra color overlay:

Avoid optimization apps on Android

But this carries a certain risk. Smartphone manufacturers set limits on the processor clock speed to prevent overheating and high battery consumption.

Naturally, don't forget to check the settings menu for the games themselves! Lowering graphics settings can often improve the smoothness of games and battery life.

What is overlay on top of other windows

This is a new user interface feature needed by developers of utilities, instant messengers, email clients and games. It allows you to display information on top of open windows to notify the user of an incoming letter or message. Thanks to this feature, you can watch videos in a small YouTube window and read news in the browser at the same time. The video player window is located above all the others working in parallel.

Messages about overlays appeared only in Android 6. A normal attempt to set permissions for a program when there are several active windows at the same time causes an error to appear. Not all windows are visible on the desktop; it is difficult to find or close them.

Why was the technology created?

Since the point is activated when the smartphone/tablet with the module is in close proximity, this technology will eventually occupy its niche in the following areas:

  • reading personal information when gaining access to accounts, accounts, bank cards, and so on;
  • contactless payment;
  • programming the device to perform certain actions when you touch NFC.

If the first two use cases completely depend on the development of this technology in your region (the appearance of NFS tags in stores, and so on), then the last way to use the technology is very interesting, and you can independently program and use NFS tags at your discretion.

Files, drivers and libraries

Almost every device in a computer requires a set of special software. These are drivers, libraries and other files that ensure the correct operation of the computer.

You should start with the drivers for your video card. Modern graphics cards are made by only two large companies - Nvidia and AMD. Having found out which product drives the coolers in the system unit, we go to the official website and download the latest driver package:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of Heroes and Generals is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download Driver Updater to quickly and easily download the latest drivers and install them with one click:

  • download Driver Updater and run the program;
  • scan the system (usually it takes no more than five minutes);
  • Update outdated drivers with one click.

WinOptimizer will remove all unnecessary files and clean the registry

When you are finished with the drivers, you can start installing the latest libraries - DirectX and .NET Framework. They are used in one way or another in almost all modern games:

Another important thing is the Visual C++ extension libraries, which are also required for Heroes & Generals to work. There are a lot of links, so we decided to make a separate list for them:

  • (Download Service Pack 1)
  • (Download Service Pack 1)
  • (Download Service Pack 1)
  • (Download Service Pack 1)

If you've made it this far, congratulations! The most boring and routine part of preparing your computer for gaming is complete. Next, we will look at typical problems that arise in games, and also briefly outline ways to solve them.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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