DOC file: how to open, description, features

Software Working with files


If you are a student or a business person, you have probably more than once encountered a situation where you urgently need to open or change a file created in Word, but you don’t have a device with the appropriate software at home, at work, or simply isn’t there. It is for such cases that alternative ways to solve the problem have been created - consider 5 tools that will help you access the doc document online.

View Document Online

Let's complete our list with the fifth service for word recognition over the Internet - the View Document Online program. The product is considered shareware, that is, it can be used free of charge, but in this case the visitor is provided with a minimum set of tools (viewing the document, manipulating the scale, saving in PDF format). To get all the options, the user will still have to pay for a development subscription - without this it is impossible to edit the object.

The sequence of actions when accessing View Document Online is simple:

  • Go to the product website at Explore the interface and find the “Select File” button.

  • Find the required document on your computer.

  • Complete the manipulations by pressing the “Upload And View” key. The object you need will open.

  • Now you can view and control the scale/format.


Friends, I have covered the topic, but I would also like to separately note how to open a finished file with any text editor. It’s quite simple - just right-click on the given document and select the “Open with” command.

All that remains is to select the required option from the list (if the one you need is not there, then click on “Select a program” and search there) and the problem will be solved.

This concludes my story. You can supplement it with your own methods, which I have not considered, by describing them in the comments. Goodbye.

Text alignment

Sometimes the document you are creating may require a different arrangement of paragraphs. By default, text is aligned left. However, text can be aligned to the right or center.

On a note! Select all text Ctrl + A.

You can change the selected text using a combination of keyboard shortcuts, which is sometimes easier:

Let's sum it up

We reviewed the 5 most popular services for those who need to open a doc online. Unfortunately, these developments cannot help if you need to open a DjVu or ARJ file - you will need to additionally install the appropriate converter. If the information presented seems too complicated and incomprehensible to you, do not be upset - you can contact specialists who will not only open the file you are interested in, but also help you find the font from the picture.

How to open the program

The Word application is launched through this icon on the computer desktop:

If the icon is not there, look for it among all programs in Start.

On a note. To display an icon on the screen, hold it with the left mouse button and drag it to the Desktop. Or right-click on it, select “Send” - “Desktop (create shortcut)”.

This is what the Microsoft Word 2016-2019 application looks like. To get started, click on the “New Document” item.

A blank sheet will open. It looks like it's cropped, but that's because the page doesn't fit on the screen. To see it in its entirety, roll the wheel on your mouse or move the slider on the right side.

As of today, this is the latest version of the program. There is an earlier one from 2010-2013 - it looks about the same. You can still often find the 2007 version. It looks a little different, but has all the necessary tools.

On some older computers you can also find the 2003 version. It has a different design and fewer functions. But the program copes with the main tasks.

How to open documents in DOC format on MacOS and iOS?

If you are the owner of a laptop or all-in-one from Apple, you can install a full-fledged Word 2019 from the App Store or use one of the following software products.

Apple Pages

A convenient tool that works with popular formats DOC/DOCX, TXT, RTF, XML and so on. Download the software, after which all that remains is to import the required object into the editor window.

Apache OpenOffice

Contains functions for creating and converting various text formats. To view a DOC extension, open it using the appropriate utility.

It is also worth highlighting several good programs: Apple Works, iWork, LibreOffice, Planamesa NeoOffice, Open Office, Adobe InDesign for Mac.

For Android


LibreOffice (download link) is one of the most popular programs in the official Google Play store.

It consists of five utilities for viewing and editing electronic documents, including Word files. The application is distributed free of charge.

In Edit mode, users can resize characters, select fonts, add illustrations, and work with built-in text style options.

Rice. 14 - viewing a text document in the LibreOffice application

Basics of working in Word

Print text

The working area of ​​the application is a white sheet on which the wand is blinking. This blinking cursor marks the place where the text will be typed.

By default, it is installed at the beginning of the sheet, in the upper left corner. But not at the very top of the page, since it has margins - empty areas on each side.

It is inconvenient to work with a document without margins, and some of the words will be cut off when printed. Therefore, there should be an empty field on each side: top, bottom, left and right.

You can change the scale of the page, that is, zoom it in or out, using the slider in the lower right corner. But keep in mind that this way only the display of the sheet will change, but not its actual size.

To print text, set the desired layout (language) on the taskbar - in the lower right corner of the screen. This can be done with the mouse or through the Shift and Alt key combination.

  • To print a capital letter, press Shift and, without releasing, the button with the letter.
  • To print a character in the top row of keys (where the numbers are), also hold down Shift.
  • To delete, use the Backspace key. It is usually located after the = button in the top row and has a left arrow on it.
  • To go to a new line, use the Enter key. And to delete a line – Backspace.
  • Make spaces between words with a space – the longest button at the bottom. There should be only one space between words (neither two nor three).
  • The dot in the Russian layout is located in the bottom row of keys - after the letter Y.
  • A comma in the Russian layout is the same button as a period, but you need to press it together with Shift.

Read about the meaning of each key on the keyboard and their combinations in this lesson.


The text you type will not be recorded until you save it. You can type at least a hundred pages, but they will not remain in the computer.

To save, use the button with the image of a floppy disk in the upper left corner of the program. Or “File” - “Save as...”.

If the document has never been recorded before, a window will appear asking you where to send it. Click Browse.

A save window will pop up. Go through it to the desired folder, type the name and click “Save”. The document will be written to a file. You can find it in the location specified when saving.

And if the document has already been recorded, then when you click on the floppy disk icon, the window will not appear. The new document will automatically be overwritten instead of the old file (updated).

To find out exactly where it was recorded, click “File” - “Save as...”. A recording window will appear, indicating the folder in which this file is located.

Editing text

To change the appearance of the text, use the Home tab in the toolbar at the top. Here you can adjust the font, alignment, style and other parameters.

If you need to change already printed text, you must first select it. To do this, place the cursor at the very beginning (before the first letter), hold down the left mouse button and circle the text. It will be indicated in a different color.

Then select the desired options in the “Home” tab at the top. All changes will affect only the selected part.

To cancel, use the arrow button in the upper left corner of the program.

Basic text editing tools:

  • – font: the appearance of letters.
  • - font size.
  • – style: bold, italic, underlined.
  • – alignment: left, center, right, justified.
  • – spacing: distance between lines and paragraphs.
  • – bulleted list.

When you hover your cursor over any of the buttons on the toolbar, a tooltip with a description will appear.


If you are drawing up a document solely for yourself, then format it in the way that is most convenient for you. But if you need to send a file to other people, it is better to follow certain rules:

  • At the beginning of a sentence, the first letter is printed in capital (capital), the rest - in lowercase (small).
  • The title is capitalized. There is no period after it.
  • There is one space after punctuation marks. There is no space in front of them. For example, color: white, blue, red.
  • There is no space after quotes and parentheses. For example, "Crime and Punishment".
  • The dash is separated by spaces on both sides. The hyphen is not separated by any spaces.
  • The text should be structured: divided into paragraphs, have headings of different levels. It is advisable to use bulleted and numbered lists.

As for font requirements, they depend on the type of document. If we are talking about an essay, coursework or dissertation, then usually the requirements are indicated separately. And official documents must be prepared in accordance with GOST.

Universal design rules:

  • Font type: Times New Roman or Arial.
  • Font size: body text – 12 or 14, headings – 16, subheadings – 14, tables – 10 or 12.
  • Alignment: body text – justified, headings – centered.
  • Line spacing is 1.5.
  • Margins: left - at least 30 mm, right - at least 10 mm, top and bottom - at least 20 mm.

Other Word features

Add a table, image, shape. This is done through the “Insert” tab. You can also insert a symbol, a diagram, a title page, or make a break through it. And also add page numbers.

Set margins, page size, orientation. These tools are located in the Layout tab. Here you can also configure indents and spacing, and perform automatic hyphenation.

Ruler and scale. Through the “View” tab, you can show or hide the ruler, adjust the scale and visual presentation of pages.

Printing output. To print to a printer, click on “File” and select “Print”. Make the necessary settings and click on the “Print” button.

In version 2016-2021, to return to editing the document, click on the arrow button in the upper left corner.

Author: Ilya Krivosheev


Microsoft Word owes a lot to Bravo, a text editor with an original graphical interface developed at the research site.
Bravo creator Charles Simonyi left PARC in 1981. That same summer, Simoni recruited Brody, with whom he had worked on Bravo. The first release of Word for MS-DOS took place at the end of 1983. It was poorly received by the market, sales were reduced by the presence of a competing product - WordPerfect.

However, the Mac version, released in 1985, was widely used. Two years later, "Word 3.01 for Macintosh" strengthened its position (version 3.0 was riddled with errors and was quickly replaced). Like other Mac software, Word was a fully WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") editor.

Although MS-DOS was a text-based operating system without a graphical shell, Word for DOS was the first word processor for the IBM PC that was capable of displaying text markup, such as bold and italic text, during editing. However, he was still not a WYSIWYG editor in the full sense. Other word processors, such as WordStar and WordPerfect, used a simple text screen with markup codes, sometimes in color.

However, since most DOS software used its own difficult-to-remember hotkey combinations for each command (for example, in Word for DOS, file saving was performed using the ESC-TS combination) and most secretaries knew how to use only WordPerfect, companies WordPerfect users were very reluctant to switch to competing products that had relatively few advantages.

Inserting a table

Tables help to structure information and present it in a more presentable form. You can't do without this skill.

All you have to do is fill out the fields. If you suddenly need additional rows or columns, you don't have to redo the whole thing. Left-click in the table area. In the menu that appears, click “Insert” and select the appropriate option.

This basic knowledge should form your basic principles for working with text. Let's highlight the main ones:

Video - Word for Beginners

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How to make text bold, italic, or underline

The ability to change the font style can make your document more interesting. Different text styles, such as bold or italic, can make it stand out. Underlining can be useful for headings.

For iOS

In mobile operating systems IOS 10.0 and newer versions, users have access to the standard iWork application for editing files, which can work with doc, xls, ppt formats.

Additional office programs for working with electronic documents can be downloaded from the official App Store.

WPS Office

WPS Office is a popular program for portable devices from Apple. Thanks to its simple interface, the utility does not consume a lot of device RAM.

Thus, the likelihood of errors occurring while editing files is minimized. You can download the application from the link.

Rice. 15 - viewing text in WPS Office for IOS

Read our other articles about MS Word:

How to make a table in Word - a thousand and one ways for all versions of Word

How to make a business card in Word - the best guide

Creating and Inserting a Formula in Word - Step-by-Step Guide

Copy and paste

There is no need to talk about the importance of these two functions. They significantly save our time and allow us to insert text from third-party sources without retyping it, as was the case in the days of typewriters.

This can also be done using hotkeys. Everything is the same as last time: press Ctrl and C at the same time to copy the text, and Ctrl and V to paste.

Backup converter

If the autosave file is damaged or gives an error when opening, use a backup converter. It is typically installed with Office and does not need to be enabled separately. But if something happens, you can activate this function manually.

  1. Open Start - Control Panel.
  2. In the “Programs” category, click on “Uninstall a program” (or “Programs and Features”).
  3. “Microsoft Office” or “Microsoft Office Word” item.
  4. Click "Edit".
  5. In the window that opens, select “Add components” and continue.
  6. Go to Office Common Tools - Converters and Filters - Text File Converters - Text Recovery Converter.
  7. Select the "Run from computer" option and click "Continue". Setup will take time.
  8. Launch Word.
  9. Click the Office logo or the blue File button.
  10. Click on “Options”, go to the “Advanced” tab
  11. Find the "General" block. To do this, scroll down the menu.
  12. Check the “Confirm format conversion” checkbox.

You can now use this option if it was previously disabled. This is done like this:

  1. In Word, go to File - Open (in Office 2007, click on the logo).
  2. Specify the path to the backup and click on it.
  3. In the field above the “Cancel” button, set the “Restore Text” option
  4. Click on the arrow next to “Open” and select “Recovery”.

Which office can be installed on Windows 10?

Windows 10 users are currently the luckiest of all, because absolutely any version of Microsoft Office can be installed and run on Windows 10, which cannot be said about earlier versions of Windows, but more on that later... - Microsoft Office 2022 Pro Plus - Created specifically for Windows 10, etc.

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