Installing and configuring the friGate extension in different browsers

FriGate - a browser add-on that opens access to blocked sites aka vpn. Adds new functions to the browser for detailed proxy settings. The built-in functionality of browsers in using proxies is very limited, friGate - proxy helper makes it possible to significantly expand it. The extension implements a graphical interface that allows the user to independently configure the list of resources that require opening through the server - the intermediary, in addition, can add the necessary proxies individually for each site. All proxy types are supported.


Principle of operation

When you try to navigate to a site, the frigate extension checks the site’s availability and response speed; if access is completely absent or the access speed is low, the add-on redirects access to the site through one of its CDN nodes.

CDN (English: Content Delivery Network or Content Distribution Network, CDN) A content delivery and distribution network is a geographically distributed network infrastructure that allows you to optimize the delivery and distribution of content to end users on the Internet. The use of CDN by content providers helps increase the download speed of Internet users for audio, video, software, games and other types of digital content at CDN network points of presence.

In simple words, there is a virtual substitution of the country from which an attempt is made to connect to a blocked site, similar to a VPN.

The nodes are distributed within different countries. This allows you to select a network with the best access speed. If the source site to which an attempt is made to access does not use the HTTPS encryption protocol, in order to increase security, then traffic to the site is encrypted when redirected.

In the frigate plugin settings, you can specify that the CDN node optimizes and compresses images on sites without losing their quality, using Google's PageSpeed ​​Optimization Library product.

The extension also includes the ability to define your own lists of sites. Which will check access speed and availability. In addition to limiting the lists, it is possible to connect access via CDN to all sites without exception.

The positive side of the mini program

Many users have tried the frigate and appreciated its work.
First of all, users note that when starting the program, the speed of the Internet connection practically does not drop, which is quite important when using VPN services. The free utility can bypass almost any blocking. If you purchase a subscription, the functionality of the application, as well as its capabilities, will become more extensive.

The negative side is considered to be rare freezes and malfunctions. Using the free version of the program, you cannot access some platforms.

Sometimes you need to use special applications to visit a site. FriGate is one of the popular VPN services that provides stable operation. Thanks to the existing settings, users can add certain Internet resources to the list of sites, after opening which the utility is activated automatically.

Types of extension

At the moment, there are several types of frigate extensions, which are constantly updated:

  • FriGate 2 CDN (aka friGate VPN) is a simplified version of the plugin, which is configured and ready to work by default.
  • FriGate 3 is an edition intended for advanced users, requiring careful installation and detailed configuration for different tasks.
  • FriGate UA is a version that includes lists of sites blocked for Ukraine.
  • FriGate Light is a simplified version for opera.

VPN services

This technology creates a virtual network on the Internet, a separate, completely secure communication channel that connects your computer not directly to a web resource or simply by replacing the IP address, as is the case with the use of proxy servers, but through a virtual private network. At the same time, encrypting the data flow between your computer and the server. Thus, you become not only anonymous on the Internet, but also absolutely protected from surveillance by third-party servers and hackers. Typically, a good VPN service costs some money, but many offer a free trial period, often quite long, and a ton of free features, including downloadable browser extensions

Let's focus on the most famous VPNs for Yandex.Browser

  • Privatix is ​​a service that creates a VPN tunnel between the user’s computer and its servers, providing a high degree of protection for working on the network. The free extension, according to the developers, will significantly improve your surfing the Internet, but to fully realize the capabilities of this add-on, purchasing the full version will allow you to select more countries for changing the proxy, higher speed and priority, as well as the complete absence of advertising.
  • ZenMate VPN is a service similar to the previous one, in which many versions are available for download and installation as a regular extension for the Yandex browser. This VPN developer guarantees security when surfing, reliable data encryption, accessibility of blocked sites through foreign VPNs, the availability of a free official Russian-language version with some functionality limitations, which can be removed after purchasing the full version. After installation, this plugin is automatically configured to the optimal parameters for the device without user intervention. ZenMate also imposes system requirements on your hardware, albeit low ones: a processor with a frequency of at least 1 GHz, 512 MB of RAM and 400 MB of available disk space.

Read more about VPN services in our other article VPN for Yandex Browser

Where to download frigate in 2022

At the moment, frigate can be downloaded from the Chrome store (for Google Chrome, Yandex and Opera) two versions of the extension are available

Download for Chrome, Yandex, Opera

  1. frigate 3
  2. frigate vpn
  3. frigate org (by downloading an extension not from browser extension libraries, you assume all risks)

Having trouble installing the Opera browser?

You can also download the current version of the extension for Opera and Frigate ua for Ukraine on the Frigate org website

At the moment, these extensions are not available in the Mozilla Firefox and Opera browser catalogs.

We strongly advise against downloading the frigate plugin from torrent clients. Since the extension may be modified by third parties, which may cause harm to your device.

The best way to bypass rutracker blocking is to use a VPN

This is the best way to bypass roottracker org blocking on your phone, computer, and other gadgets used at home or in public places

What is important is that there is no risk of disclosure of your data. Technically, a VPN works almost like a proxy - you access the website you want through a third-party server

But unlike a proxy, your traffic is completely encrypted. Also, reputable VPN service providers do not store any logs or analyze your traffic. Even if the FSB or NSA wants to know what you watched, the provider will have nothing to give them.

The most powerful advantage is that using modern VPN services requires absolutely no special knowledge in order to configure your computer or phone to work securely through a VPN. If earlier you had to set up a connection and enter some settings, now there are special applications for this that will do everything for you. Installation is carried out in a few clicks, and the secure connection is activated by pressing one button.

Some providers have free limited versions. Each provider has its own restrictions. Some limit traffic, some limit speed, some limit available servers. We do not recommend using completely free VPNs (yes, they exist), because... this may turn out to be completely unsafe (don’t forget, someone still has to pay for the maintenance of the service). Read more about the difference between a free VPN and a paid VPN. We recommend using a paid VPN right away. This will anonymize you on the Internet where you want it and protect you from many unpleasant things.


  • anonymity (if desired, complete anonymity)
  • safety
  • no knowledge required to configure
  • large selection of server locations
  • inexpensive
  • works on all devices and systems (ios, Android, Windows, Linux, MacOS)
  • high speed



Here are a few top VPN providers that will definitely suit you (and will help you open the site rutracker org bypassing the blocking, as well as sites like it):

  • Nord VPN
  • CyberGhost VPN
  • WindScribe VPN
  • PureVPN

To view other VPN services with a choice by parameters, go to the section: VPN ratings.

Setting up frigate instructions for use

Let's look at how to properly configure and use the extension in different interfaces to avoid errors in the future.

Frigate VPN setup

To get to the plugin settings, we need to open the extension menu by clicking on the frigate icon in the top right corner and then go to settings.

Or through the browser menu section - extensions (add-ons, plugins).

Setting up a list of sites

Please note that the extension only works with sites that are in the list, so it will not open from all sites. Today, the total list of sites for expansion contains 259 sites.

List of sites (link)

To be added to the global list, you need to send a request to the project administration ( [email protected] ). But it is not exactly.

You can also create your own personal list with (blackjack and senders). The list name format must consist of letters, numbers, and hyphens. Do not use a space when writing a list; incorrect entry format may result in an error.

When adding a site to your list, you need to immediately add a domain with subdomains, for example: * instead of

At the stage of adding a site, you can configure the analytical algorithm for using a proxy. In this case, you need to add a URL to check access, this can be the address of a small image on the site that is being checked. Or you can specify that the proxy is always enabled.

After adding the site you need to access, you can check if everything works as it should. The site should start loading, the extension’s icon will change (link to statuses) and a notification will appear indicating that a proxy is being used.

Extension statuses

As you use frigate, the plugin's icon icons will change - extension statuses. Each icon has its own status.

1 The extension is launched and works correctly, a site that is not from the list is loaded.

2 Site from the list, but proxy is not enabled. Perhaps the site is accessible without a proxy.

3 The site is from the list and a proxy is enabled for it. Apparently the site is temporarily unavailable.

4 The extension works in anonymity mode.

Setting up a proxy

Sometimes it happens that after we have added our site to the list, it still does not open. In this case, you may need to change the proxy. To do this, the plugin allows you to configure your own proxies, which is especially important for paranoid people.

You can add different proxy server protocols to choose from. HTTP and HTTPS in the proxy section, or SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 in the socks section.

The format for adding a proxy should be ip:port

Setting up anonymity

If the site is blocked too well to be bypassed, even through a regular proxy server. For example, at the provider level. Then you will need to enable anonymity mode in the extension in order to encrypt the traffic, but before that you need to configure the properties of the local network connection. For this:

  1. You need to open the “Network and Sharing Center” Go to “Control Panel”, then to “Control Center”. networks and sharing", then to "Change adapter settings".
  2. Select the adapter you are using and open its properties
  3. Open Internet Protocol Version 4 properties - TCP/IPv4
  4. You need to register any free, third-party DNS server address (for example Google Public DNS / and apply the changes.

After this, you need to open the friGate extension parameters and enable anonymity in the corresponding settings block.

Using a TLD Proxy

( Top - level domain ) TLD - top (first) level domain, the highest level in the Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy after the root domain. Is the starting point (from right to left) from which a domain name on the Internet begins.

Example: www.fri—

The top-level domain is the final part of the domain name. For example, in the domain name www.fri— the top-level domain is .ru

Using a proxy (redirection) for a TLD is nothing more than a setting that allows you to use the active operating mode of the friGate extension when going to all sites with domains .onion, .coin, .emc, .lib, .bazar - without adding each site individually to the list . These domains are used on the dark web and were previously only accessible through the encrypted Tor browser.

Alert Settings

In this settings block you can disable the pop-up notification panel. A notification will no longer be displayed indicating that the site is supported by the add-on and that the proxy is currently enabled or disabled for a specific site.

Attention, you will not be able to enable proxy for an individual page!

Additional settings

Implemented the ability to sort through proxies automatically. If the site is not available or an error has occurred, the country will be replaced.

Advertising setup

As a fee for using the friGate plugin, the application developers have built into it the function of displaying advertising. In the settings block you can disable advertising. Which is enabled by default.

This completes the frigate vpn plugin settings.

Frigate 3 setup

At the time of installation, the friGate3 extension prompts us to make the necessary settings. Which you can return to later if you missed them.

Operating mode

Here you can immediately select which sites will be sent through the proxy:

  1. Sites included in the extension list. At the same time, you independently create a list of sites; it is not in the application by default, like in friGate VPN. (you can add it right away)
  2. All sites. Only when using your own proxies, so as not to overload the proxies offered by developers.

List of friGate3 sites

In the settings, you will have to independently add the necessary sites to the list. These sites will always open through a proxy. By default, two sites are added to the list, just as an example to check the operation of the proxy.

Site List Format

You can add domains to the list, each on a new line. The key difference in the extension’s settings from its sister frigateVPN is the ability to specify a proxy for a specific country of entry or several for each site added to the list.

Example: * [us]

If a proxy of a certain country is registered for a site, but it is unavailable, the extension will not run. For this purpose, an additional setting has been implemented - using any proxy if the specified one does not work.

List of exclusion sites

The ability to customize the exclusion list has been implemented. Sites from it will never open through a proxy. Relevant if you use your own proxies and the operating mode is selected - “use proxies for all sites”

Proxy list for friGate3

In this section of the menu you can add your own proxies.

List Format

Proxies are added to the list, each with a new line in the format:

type://username: [email protected] :port

The minimum must be type://ip:port, ip can be designated as a domain, and the country prefix [us],[nl] must be indicated at the end.

If necessary, the extension offers to search for proxies in Google.

The link contains the request:

Proxy for friGate These Proxies will work with friGate3 extension Proxy is designed to increase your privacy on the web by hiding the public IP address issued by your internet

Proxy for friGate These proxies will work with the friGate3 extension. Proxies are designed to improve your online privacy. They will hide the public IP address issued by your ISP.

Lists of proxies for expansion are easily found in the first positions in the search results.

How to install friGate on Yandex.Browser

Since the Yandex browser is built on Chromium, applications from the Chrome store are also compatible with it. The procedure is similar to installing other plugins. So, installing friGate for Yandex can be done as follows:

  • We go to Webstore and in the extensions category we look for the desired option for installation.
  • You can also immediately open the friGate CDN page or go to the market from the official website, where you can select the version for Google Chrome.

  • Click the “Install” button and confirm your intention by clicking the corresponding button in the window that appears.

After these steps, a notification will appear that the extension has been installed, and the application icon will be available on the browser toolbar, by clicking on which you can turn the addon on or off. Settings and other options in friGate are available by selecting from the menu called up by right-clicking on the icon. To remove a product from the browser, you need to go to the “Add-ons” section from the browser menu (three bars at the top of the toolbar). The extension is also available in the mobile version of Yandex Browser for Android and is installed in the same way.


Inside the package, Frigate tobacco is a blend of Cavendish, Burley and, of course, Virginia. This composition is guaranteed to provide you with the opportunity to feel nicotine in large doses in your body.

Frigate tobacco is unique in one respect: it can be smoked as an additive to tobacco. Moreover, with this method, it would be good to first let the tobacco brew. At the same time, you will be able to achieve maximum returns from the product. Or by hammering it into a bong and exploding it. We have an extremely negative attitude towards the latter method, for one simple reason. Arriving at a hookah bar and observing, in most cases, young people who like to plunge into a forgetful state, you involuntarily shudder from the observations. At the same time, many comrades can spoil not only their condition, but also those around them, due to poor digestion.

Bypass blocking on smartphones and tablets

Most plugins and extensions for Yandex.Browser are available in versions for both PCs and smartphones based on Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

For owners of Android devices, there are, of course, more opportunities to bypass blocking. This includes a greater number of developments in the field of using proxy servers, VPNs, anonymizers, which are presented in all their diversity in the Play Market.

In addition, there are life hacks. For example, to open a blocked site, it is enough to enter its address in the full version of the Google Translate translator, and since all the information of this service is processed on US servers, a working link to the resource you are looking for will appear in the translation window, accessible for opening.

Naturally, protection against various kinds of bugs and vulnerabilities does not stand still. Over time, both the sphere of technology and information protection, as well as methods for bypassing blocking and any protection, are developing.

AS “Frigate” | Latvia

The core business activity of Frigate is management of the Frigate Group and strategic development of subsidiaries. Frigate does not hold an investment service provider license in Latvia, and this Company Description is not published with the aim of attracting clients for the provision of investment services.

Frigate reviews Frigate Group as a business portfolio and leads day-to-day management of investments, facilitates simultaneous effective execution of the subsidiaries' investment policies and group-wide oversight of the investment portfolios. Frigate manages its subsidiaries directly from Latvia and Frigate staff works mainly in Latvia, thus the majority of Frigate Group's operations are performed in Latvia, taking into account digital markets, in which Frigate Group's companies operate. On behalf of its subsidiaries Frigate searches for new clients, closes the deals, prepares agreements, etc.

Frigate reviews the performance of Frigate Group both on a company level and on a group level based on the reporting provided by the subsidiaries. Based on both the company and group level information, the management of Frigate decides on Frigate Group's operations, capital structure and liquidity in order to be able to arrange financing if needed.

In April 2022 the Company changed its legal form from limited liability company to joint stock company. This was one of the steps for the preparation for the admission to trading of the Company's shares on the First North.

Installing the “plugin”

To download the Fri Gate extension, go to the online store in Google Chrome, enter the first or second option in the search bar on the left. On the page that appears, click the “Install” button.

At the bottom of the screen, click on the terms and conditions block. Select a list of sites to work with the extension.

On the next page, list the sites. Click on the “Continue” button. Specify resources that the extension will not interact with. Below, click on the “Continue” button.

On the last page, specify your own proxies, if any, and click the “Continue” button.

This completes the installation of the extension in the Chrome browser.

Conclusions and feedback on the VPN Frigate extension for Google Chrome

I myself use this extension because it is very convenient, does not actually require any settings at all, and does not load the browser due to the fact that it does not turn on when not required (that is, when the site is already accessible through a regular connection).

Sometimes I also use another VPN (WindScribe), which I talked about in a separate article, when, for example, something is wrong with the freegate.

In general, I’m happy with everything, I don’t have to pay for anything, and this is the most important plus, for many even decisive! At the same time, the connection speed is usually high, that is, it is invisible to the eye that a proxy is being used. Of course, I don’t see any point in downloading anything through it; VPNs are not particularly designed for that.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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