The best way to increase the volume on Android through the engineering menu

One thing I like about Samsung phones that I don't find on other devices is the way they control the volume when you press any of the volume rockers. When you press any button, you first get the option to control the ringtone volume, but then using the settings button next to it, you can adjust notifications, media, alarm volume, and more. On other phones, you have to actually play the media file to control media volume, or dive all the way into Settings to make changes.

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Today I'm going to talk about an amazing app that intelligently controls various volume modules on your Android device. App Name Constant Volume Control - Of course, it can be used to control the volume of your phone, but that's not all. Let's take a look at the various features that the app provides to make our lives easier.

Standard setting method

The sound volume of an Android smartphone is adjusted by the system for each task separately:

  • Incoming calls;
  • Recording a voice or conversation with another subscriber;
  • System sounds;
  • Playing media files.

You can adjust the volume of each parameter at the software level by going to the desktop.

Using the Volume Up/Down key, try to set the desired hearing level for each of the above modes.

You can also configure audio playback and recording using the smartphone settings window. We recommend using this setup option before starting to work with the engineering menu.

It's likely that a simple volume adjustment will solve your problem:

1Open the main menu of the gadget and go to the “Settings” window ;

2Find the “Device” and click on “Sounds” ;

Fig. 2 – device settings window

3Next you need to open the “Volume” item or click on the settings icon next to the “General” item - it all depends on the OS version you are using. If you are afraid to change the default settings, you can create a new custom sound profile by pressing the add new mode key;

Fig. 3 – selection and change of playback mode in the settings

4 A new window will display all available options for which you can select a volume level. Set the desired level for each item and save the changes. If after rebooting the device these settings disappear again, repeat the action.

Fig.4 - setting up all playback modes

Note! The reason for the sound of an incoming call or alarm being too quiet may be user-set ringtones. We recommend installing a standard ringer. The fact is that custom songs are often played by the phone “increasingly”, that is, from a quieter sound to a normal one, so you don’t hear the signal.

You can often come across a bug in which changes to the sound profile are lost and the phone begins to go into silent mode without the user’s consent.

This problem occurs in Samsung and HTC. To eliminate it, it is not recommended to use the engineering menu.

It would be more effective to reset the phone to factory settings or update to the latest firmware version.

To change the ringtone, click on the “Ringtone” in the settings window and in the window that opens, select one of the proposed standard compositions.

To listen to a melody, click on its name. To set the setting, mark the desired track.

Fig.5 - setting a standard ringtone with normal sound

If you still encounter problems with sound performance: wheezing, rustling and other extraneous sounds appear, you should move on to more serious adjustment measures.

Volume Booster Pro

Volume Booster Pro has a fairly simple interface with a large volume control element in the middle. You can control the master volume or use the three buttons to adjust media, calls and alarms.

As with some of the other apps on this list, the settings you set in Volume Booster Pro apply to your entire system. The sound will be amplified in any application used to play it.

The disadvantage is the full-screen advertisements, constantly pop-up windows that offer to rate the application in the Play Store. This is annoying and makes using the program less enjoyable. But the functionality of the program fully corresponds to the promises of the developers.

What is the engineering menu and how does it work?

The engineering menu is a system utility for “advanced” configuration of the operating system. The system program is built into every version of Android, regardless of the device manufacturer or software version.

As a rule, the engineering menu is used by developers to make adjustments to the device parameters at the stage of its final configuration and preparation for sale.

Also, using this menu you can test the operation of the gadget.

An ordinary user can also use the engineering menu. This does not require superuser rights or other special operating modes.

The main goal is to work with extensions and gadget settings that are not displayed in the OS interface shell.

How to open the engineering menu?

To conveniently call the engineering menu, the developers have provided a system of access codes. All you need to do is enter the desired combination of numbers and special characters on your gadget.

The menu will open automatically.

There are two ways to enter the engineering menu:

  • Using code;
  • Using third-party utilities.

The engineering configurations interface resembles a regular settings window . In 90% of cases, this menu is in English, so before setting any parameter, make sure that you understand which parameter you are changing. Since the menu allows you to configure more than a hundred functions, you can easily forget which window you were just working in. Be careful.

Follow the instructions to open the menu using the code:

  • Open the Call . Since you dial the user's number when trying to dial, also dial the system code to call the engineering settings .;
  • Press the key with the image of a handset to open settings. If you use the wrong code, the system will notify you that the attempt was unsuccessful.

Fig.6 – example of an access code

Where can I get the code? The combination of numbers and symbols differs depending on the OS version or device brand used.
The table shows the most common access codes: Gadget brand: Code:

Philips, Alcatel, Fly*#*#3646633#*#*
HTC*#*#4636#*#* (another option is *#*#3424#*#*, and also *#*#8255#*#*)
Samsung*#*#4636#*#* and *#*#8255#*#* (depending on generation)
Xiaomi*#*#6484#*#* or *#*#4636#*#*

Note! For all gadgets with an MTK processor of any generation, there is a single code - *#*#54298#*#* or the combination *#*#3646633#*#*.

Entering the menu using third-party software

If you were unable to access the engineering menu using the first method, or you simply do not have our code for your gadget, use a third-party utility - a program that automatically connects to the engineering menu and allows you to change the configuration of your smartphone through its interface.

One of the most reliable and popular utilities for working with the secret menu is MTK Engineering Mode . You can download and install it on your gadget completely free of charge.

Link to download the program from the official Google Play store.

Fig.7 - downloading third-party software

Also, you can select any other program for working with engineering settings by entering the phrase “Engineering Mode” in the search field in the store.

To launch the secret menu, simply open the application. There is no need to enter any additional codes or other information.

Using patches

This option is suitable exclusively for experienced smartphone and PC users, since it involves working with system files using root rights. An inexperienced user who does not understand what he is doing risks damaging his smartphone.

The patches were developed by craftsmen and enthusiasts, that is, they have nothing to do with the device manufacturer. They are built into system catalogs, which leads to changes in the functions of the gadget, in particular, to the removal of speaker volume restrictions. But there is one “but”: these patches are not so easy to find, and the risk of downloading a non-working or virus package is far from zero.

Let's briefly look at the sequence of actions:

  1. Get root rights for your smartphone.
  2. Find and install a third-party recovery menu - a special application for Android that allows you to make advanced system settings. The most common utilities of this kind are TeamWin Recovery or CWM Recovery. Installing recovery is a complex process and can vary greatly for different smartphone models.
  3. Find and download the patch itself. They are often posted on specialized forums dedicated to mobile devices. Place the patch on the memory card. If your phone does not have a slot for it, copy the downloaded file to the main memory of the device.
  4. Make a backup of your smartphone system in case something goes wrong. To do this, you can use both special applications and standard Android capabilities.
  5. Insert the SD card into your smartphone and begin installing the patch. As an example, let's look at the process of installing it through TeamWin Recovery. In the menu shown below, click the “Install” button.
  6. Next, open the memory card and select the downloaded archive with the patch.
  7. Click on the “Install IMG” button and wait for the setup to complete.
  8. When the patch installation is complete, the corresponding application or item should appear in the operating system settings.

Consequences of setting

Sound problems can occur on absolutely any phone or tablet.

The reasons for their appearance and the nature of the manifestation of the problem can be expressed in different ways, but the methods for eliminating the problem are always the same.

The Android OS software shell implies an identical sound card configuration for smartphones from different manufacturers.

Differences can only occur in different firmware versions or if your device is running a custom OS from the manufacturer based on Android (for example, Flyme OS).

Every user should understand that setting up the engineering menu will not help a budget gadget sound at the same level as expensive devices.

At the same time, changing the menu configuration allows you to eliminate all sound problems and eliminate any noise that appears.

Setting all engineering menu parameters to “maximum” does not guarantee the best sound quality . On the contrary, such a setting can significantly damage the gadget and cause hardware problems with the speakers. This occurs because the sound begins to play at frequencies that the speaker cannot use.

As a result of incorrect settings, noise may occur when playing or recording sound, as well as wheezing and humming.

We recommend that you follow all setup instructions strictly as indicated in this article, without trying to increase the performance yourself.

Super High Volume Booster

Super High Volume Booster is a super powerful program that has a simple interface with a volume slider in the middle of the window. Below are several sliders for more precise adjustment of sound strength.

The 5-band equalizer allows you to experiment with bass and treble. Increasing the maximum volume by 4 times is a serious indicator. But not every speaker is able to cope with such changes.

The app also has buttons to quickly mute, boost, or normalize the sound. The settings apply to the entire system. The downside is annoying advertisements that cover the entire screen. Pop-up windows are also added to them asking you to rate the program in the Play Store.

Increase volume

After successfully launching the engineering menu on your gadget, you can proceed to increasing the phone volume. Follow all instructions strictly in accordance with each step of the article.

Otherwise, playback quality may deteriorate.

Immediately after opening the menu, familiarize yourself with its interface.

The main window has several tabs, each of which is responsible for global settings (testing hardware components, working with the software shell, and so on).

To move between tabs, use the right-left swipe.

Follow the instructions:

1Go to the “Hardware Testing” ;

2Click on the “Audio” ;

Fig. 8 – hardware component testing tab

3 The window that opens will display a list of all modes that are available for configuration on your device - normal mode, headphones, earpiece and earpiece, alarm clock, notifications, etc. Click on the desired parameter (the meaning of each option is indicated in the next section of the article);

Fig.9 – list of available sound parameters

4In the window that opens, click on the Type and select the desired field in the list that appears ( Sip – for setting up cellular communications and Internet connections, Mic – for determining microphone sensitivity, Sph – for setting speaker settings, Sph 2 – second speaker, Sid – sound reflection or echo, it is better not to change this field, Media – media volume mode, Ring – ringer and notification volume, FMR – radio operating mode);

Fig. 10 – selecting a parameter for the Type field

5In the next Level , set the volume level (we recommend that you first click on the zero level and check the changed sound - this way you will reach the most suitable playback level);

Fig. 11 – changing sound levels

6 The next step is to adjust the value for the selected volume level. Enter it in the Value is (default volume) field. The range of values ​​can be any number from 0 to 255 . We recommend setting the average value;

7In the same way, enter the number in the Max Vol . – maximum volume. To save the settings, press the Set ;

Fig. 12 – setting standard and maximum values

8Place Value is and Max Vol for other volume levels. Remember, each level is one press of your volume up/down key. It is important that the transition of sound changes be as smooth as possible.

Fig. 13 - setting the value for each level

All other tabs of the engineering menu are configured in the same way and have the same parameters.

Third Party Applications

If the engineering menu seems too complicated to you, you can use special applications from the Google Play Market. The maximum volume level that is built into the speakers cannot be surpassed with their help, but it is quite possible to remove some restrictions.

Volume Booster GOODEV

Volume Booster GOODEV is a very easy to use application designed only for volume control. You don’t need to expect anything more from it, but it is ready to become an excellent replacement for the usual settings.

Instructions for using Volume Booster GOODEV look like this:

  1. When you launch the application, you will see a warning that too loud sound is harmful to your hearing. Read it carefully and click “Ok” to continue.
  2. On the next screen a small window will appear with one slider - “Boost”. By pushing it to maximum, you can increase the volume by 60% of the default volume in the speaker. However, you should not “crank” the setting to the limit, as there is a risk of damaging the speaker.

Decoding the meaning of modes

Each volume setting mode in the engineering menu has its own purpose:

  • Normal Mode – general configurations;
  • Headset Mode – mode of the connected headset;
  • LoudSpeaker Mode – speakerphone;
  • Speech Logger – conversational logs;
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode – speakerphone + headset;
  • Speech Enhancement – ​​conversation over a cellular network;
  • Audio Logger – audio recording;
  • Debug Ingo – debugging.

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What difficulties does the consumer face when choosing

You should start your search for the most suitable option with the Play Store or AppStore. Although the result, more typical for the Play Store, will produce a huge selection of applications with the same name, equally good rating and an amazing number of downloads, there is a more significant problem in the way than their similarity to each other - the main number of them do not show any result . Simply put, they are “dummies” that are not intended for their stated use. Sometimes such applications work only on selected devices, or sometimes they work defectively, but this is already considered a defect in their work, so their use is undesirable.

Nowadays, a lot of spam applications are attracted to a category called “volume boosters.” Their main task is to burden the user with intrusive advertising that pops up every few minutes, and the program itself turns out to be useless. In addition, there are some “viral” applications, advertising from which even pops up on top of other windows or even slows down the operation of the smartphone. Especially annoying are videos with sound that appear at the most inconvenient moments. In a word, such options do not represent a solution to the problem, but only aggravate it, so you should avoid them and be more selective, referring, for example, to the advice of experienced users or expert opinions. This approach will help you find a truly effective tool in a short period of time.

Connect your headphones to your portable DAC


For true music lovers, connecting good headphones to their smartphone may not be enough. Another headphone volume booster idea is to purchase an external portable DAC (digital to analog converter). They aren't cheap, but they increase both volume and sound quality from your smartphone to your headphones. Some of them even connect wirelessly to your headphones. One of the best portable DACs is the Creative Sound BlasterX G5.

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