How to set up a second SIM card and manage it on Android

Setting up two SIM cards

Managing and configuring SIM cards on your smartphone is done in the “Settings” section. Insert both SIM cards into your mobile device, then go to the “Network and Internet” - “SIM cards” section (or “SIM cards and mobile networks”, the name may differ).

This section will display two SIM cards, each of which can be given its own name: owner’s name, card type, operator, etc. Below is the SIM card management section.

Next, you can set which SIM card will work with phone calls, SMS and mobile Internet. For example, if you specify that the second SIM card will be used for calls and SMS, all settings will be made automatically. The first SIM card can only be used for the Internet, as done in our case:

Android smartphones support the Active Mode feature. This option allows you to receive voice and video calls on both SIM cards even during a call. If necessary, you can disable one of the two SIM cards in the smartphone settings.

Which SIM card is better to make calls from and which one to use the Internet with? First of all, you need to look at the operator’s conditions. For example, MTS may have more favorable mobile Internet tariffs, and Tele2 may have favorable conditions for calls. In this case, it is better to use MTS for mobile data, and Tele2 for voice communication.

Smartphones with multiple SIM cards have become commonplace. But the principles of operation of the technology and the method of editing parameters are not made intuitively. In this article we will tell you how to set up
2 SIM cards on an Android

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How to quickly switch the Internet on Android, from one SIM card to another.
In one click we can switch the Internet, for example, the Internet network on MTS has dropped sharply, but on Beeline it is high. And for this, quickly switching the Internet from one SIM card to another will help us. We go to the settings, then click the “SIM cards and mobile networks” tab, go down and see “DEFAULT SETTINGS”, select the Internet and change one mobile operator to another and use the Internet. Note: don’t forget to top up your Internet balance on both SIM cards!

Samsung Duos Young GT-S6102

To answer a question, you must log in or register.

On this phone, switching SIM cards is done in two ways:

  • In the SIM card switching menu (Settings -> SIM Card Manager -> Network)
  • Using the button located on the side of the phone.

The screen shows the one that is active, that is, from which calls will originate.

Try switching SIM cards by pressing a button while dialing a number.

Smartphones with multiple SIM cards have become commonplace. But the principles of operation of the technology and the method of editing parameters are not made intuitively. In this article we will tell you how to set up
2 SIM cards on an Android

Installation sequence for two SIM cards

When buying a new phone, you need to see in advance what size SIM cards the device supports. Older models use standard large SIM cards. Later, micro and nano variations appeared with a reduced chip size. This allowed manufacturers to save space under the housing. If the card is made according to an old model, it will have to be trimmed. You can do this yourself or in a store for a fee. New cards from mobile operators are immediately supplied with adapters.

Before inserting the SIM, it is advisable to turn off the smartphone. Many models do not support changing SIM when the device is turned on. Therefore, the phone will still have to be rebooted for them to activate. After turning off the power, pull out the holder using a special needle. It is included with a smartphone or, in extreme cases, can be purchased at a communication store.

What is Dual SIM

Dual SIM phones have become popular with the increase in the number of operators and the advent of tariff plans with unlimited calls and 3G/LTE Internet. In devices with a removable back cover, a separate slot was allocated for each SIM card and space was left to insert a memory card.

With the advent of smartphones without a removable rear panel, manufacturers had to use trays, which come in two types:

  1. Hybrid - allows you to use two SIM cards and a memory card at the same time.
  2. Combined - a SIM card or expansion card is inserted into one of the slots.

In phones without microSD support, the tray is designed only for SIM. There are exceptions and the device is equipped with separate holders.

Flagship smartphones from Apple, Google and Samsung use an eSIM instead of a second physical card. To record a number on it, the user must scan the QR code provided by the operator, and the microchip located inside the device will act as a SIM card. The technology is developed in Europe and the USA.

Interesting! Large vendors release several versions of smartphones or models for a specific market. You can insert a second physical SIM into iPhones for China, and Google Pixels are released only in countries where operators have implemented eSIM support.

How to check SIM card status

To check the status of inserted cards and view information about their operation, you need to go to settings. To do this, swipe down to open the notification shade. Click on the gear icon.

Go to the “System” section. It is at the bottom of the list after the other parameters.

In the new menu, select “About phone”; the phone number is written if it is known by agreement with the operator. View the status of the supplied SIM and the specified IMEI code.

When you click on the status, detailed information will be shown:

It may be needed if your mobile phone is lost or the device is being serviced.

How to set up a SIM card on your phone

Smartphones now have settings that allow you to manage SIM cards. The user can choose the type of network that is preferable, set the volume of cellular Internet traffic, and fine-tune calls.

Each item in the SIM card settings menu is responsible for a specific value. Therefore, you need to understand each of them in order to know what the changes will lead to.

Preferred network type

In the network settings on your smartphone, you can configure the access point and the preferred type of network through which you connect to the Internet. For example, the owner of the gadget can configure data transmission via 2G, 3G or 4G. An access point (APN) is also installed.

APN, decrypted Access Point Name. This phrase is simply translated - Access Point Name. An APN is information that a phone uses to make a connection with the mobile service company. This data includes:

  • ports for processing multimedia messages, MMS;
  • data types;
  • proxy;
  • Username.

APN technology refers to a gateway identifier that passes between the network and the Internet. Access points are used in smartphones to check the IP addresses assigned to the mobile device. In addition, they are used to protect and encrypt user's personal data.

In most cases, APN is configured automatically by the system. If this does not happen, you need to send an SMS message to the provider with the text about connecting to a specific tariff. In the response notification you will receive mobile Internet settings; they are entered manually. This way you can configure the optimal parameters yourself.

Subscribers also have the ability to manually configure APN, regardless of what parameters are currently set. In addition, this function can be used when the traffic parameters are lost and the Internet on the smartphone is lost. APN settings are carried out in the following steps:

  • phone settings open;
  • select the “Mobile network” and “Access point name” tab.

You can also add an additional access point. There will be a button with 3 dots at the top right of the display. This is a menu with additional settings. You need to press this key and select the “New access point” section. Enter the name, port, proxy, code and server in the required fields.

Users can make changes to those points that are already working. To do this, open the required APN and change the specific value to a new parameter.

Information about setting up the preferred network will be relevant when the subscriber is located at a considerable distance from the mobile operator’s tower. For example, in a small city where the network frequently switches from 4G to 3G, network outages will inevitably occur and data transmission will be reduced. This is expressed as follows:

  • pages on websites take a long time to load;
  • Messengers and social networks do not work correctly.

In such situations, it is recommended to configure only one network, for example, 4G. Then the phone will not switch to the 4G network in those places where it detects this connection. Therefore, it is important to choose your preferred data transfer type so that the Internet speed is always optimal.

Calls and Internet

In the settings of modern smartphones in the SIM cards section there is VoLTE technology. It allows you to convert voice into a stream of information. Using this service, the subscriber can make calls and also receive calls over a high-speed IP channel.

The main advantage of VoLTE technology is the high quality of communication when communicating with other users. It is important that the smartphone supports VoLTE for the user making the call. It is worth saying that the technology works correctly only with 4G.

Calls can also be made over Wi-Fi. This function is also located in the calling settings section of the SIM card. The option allows the subscriber to receive, make calls and send messages using a wireless Wi-Fi network. The function is capable of providing excellent communication and connection quality.

You don't need to install any additional apps to use the Wi-Fi calling option. However, it is required that the smartphone is always connected to the wireless network.

Internet can also be configured in the SIM cards section. You can select a network operator on your phone; this can be done manually or you can give such rights to the system, which will automatically select the network operator. Using the search, the system will select the best option for data transfer.

The selection of a telecom operator also applies to international roaming. The smartphone can choose its own partner network, which will provide favorable rates for using traffic, calls and sending messages.

The SIM card parameters provide a special section in which you can make separate traffic settings. The subscriber can use the “Set traffic” function. For example, if you are using a tariff with limited traffic, then this option will allow you to control data transfer.

Modern mobile devices support two SIM cards. Thus, the phone settings will show the call and Internet settings. Subscribers can independently choose the SIM card from which calls will be made. You can connect to the mobile Internet from another SIM card.

With the help of such manipulations, the user can save money if profitable tariff plans are connected. For example, it is more profitable to make calls on MTS, while Tele2 has traffic tariffs at a favorable price.

If you do not make this setting, the system will automatically set the required values, and calls will be received from both SIM cards.

How to assign actions to SIM cards

Let's look at how to set up

actions for
two SIM cards on Android
. In the settings you need to go to the “Network and Internet” section, the name is relevant for version Android 9.0. In other versions, the signature is almost the same or the required functionality is located in the “SIM Card Manager” item.

Here you can configure Wi-Fi, mobile networks and VPN settings. Select the line “SIM cards”.

In the section you can disable SIM cards by clicking on the slider. Below are the parameters responsible for the actions for each SIM card. For example, adjust the priority for a certain operator when working with:

  • Mobile data (Internet);
  • Phone calls;
  • SMS.

Important: If the SIM does not work, instead of the name under SIM 1 or 2 it will be written: “Card not found.”

Additional number for loyalty and bonus programs

Living in the modern world, using various services, shopping in chain stores and supermarkets inevitably leads to the fact that each of us becomes a participant in loyalty programs, discounts and bonus programs. In most of them, registration occurs by providing the client’s personal data. They include first and last name, as well as contact details (email address and mobile number). And if the “email” can be specified as “left” or special “for spam”, then we often give a valid number.

Despite the fact that all these online stores and services promise not to transfer your contacts to third parties, often the amount of spam and advertising offers received in the form of SMS and calls turns out to be quite significant.

In such cases, it becomes a completely rational decision to buy a second SIM card and use it as a “box” for spam.

What to do if your smartphone does not see one or both SIM cards?

There are several reasons why a SIM card may not work. This may be related to the technical and software parts. Installing unofficial firmware is one of the main causes of failures in mobile communications. Installed elements may have been incorrectly rewritten or may not work with the selected phone model. To solve this you need to find a suitable version of the operating system.

Another reason is due to a broken SIM card tray. Most often, problems with connectors occur after a fall or mechanical failure. For example, after water or dust gets into the case. If the part is damaged, the smartphone will not accept any of the cards. A complete replacement of the part will be required. In rare cases, the problem can be resolved by cleaning the holder.

How to switch Internet from one SIM card to another Samsung?

In the menu that opens, select SIM Card Manager. Next, find the Data Network item. Now you can choose which SIM card to use the Internet with SIM 1 or SIM 2. You can also completely disable the Internet from both SIM cards by selecting Disable mobile data in the menu.

Which slot is better to connect to the Internet?

If the Internet is slow, check if the SIM card is in the 3G/4G slot. If you use two SIM cards at once, then you should install the card you are talking on in the 2G slot, and the 3G/4G slot - a SIM card for using mobile Internet and voice calls.

Is it possible to access the Internet from a phone without a SIM card?

If there is a Wi-Fi signal, the phone will connect to the Internet even if there is no SIM card in it.

How to choose a SIM card for the Internet?

How to choose a SIM card for the Internet

  1. Open the device menu.
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Select "Connections". If there is no such item, go to the next step.
  4. Select "SIM Card Manager".
  5. Select Mobile Data (Data Network).
  6. Select a SIM card for the Internet.

How to choose a SIM card for Huawei Internet?

The algorithm below will help you switch the Internet between Huawei and Honor SIM cards:

  1. open the smartphone settings through the icon on the desktop or swipe curtain;
  2. click on the section “SIM cards and mobile networks”;
  3. go down;
  4. click on the last line;
  5. choose the second SIM if you previously had the first one.

How to make a main SIM card?

Setting the default SIM card

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu (the gear-shaped icon on the desktop).
  2. Select “SIM Management” -> “Voice Calls”.
  3. Select one of the SIM cards that you want to set as the default, or select the “Always ask” option so that the phone asks which card to use before each call.

How to switch from one SIM card to another Samsung Duos?

Open Settings. In the menu that opens, select SIM Card Manager. Next, find the Data Network item. Now you can choose which SIM card to use the Internet with SIM 1 or SIM 2.

How to enable a second SIM card?

How to enable a second SIM card on Android

  1. You need to insert a second SIM card into the phone,
  2. then in Settings open SIM Card Manager (Fig. 3),
  3. tap on the name of the second SIM card (Fig. 4),
  4. and then move the engine from the “Off” position (Fig. 6) to the “On” state (Fig. 5).

How to disable the Internet on the 2nd SIM card?

How to set up a call from two SIM cards?

How to configure the choice of SIM card when calling Samsung?

What do you need to buy a SIM card?

In order to buy a SIM card correctly, you must have your passport with you. It will be useful for you to issue a SIM card in your name. If you purchase a SIM card at a communication store, the seller will fill out all the necessary documents on the spot. When purchasing a SIM card via the Internet, the courier delivers the necessary package of documents.

How to enable data transfer on a SIM card?

In what cases do you change the network mode?

If you do not use the Internet, turn on the “2G Only” mode - the device will discharge more slowly.

If there are no 3G or 4G networks in the place where you are using the device, or the signal is very weak, turn on the “2G Only” mode - the device will discharge more slowly and the connection will be better.

How to set up two SIM cards in Samsung?

How to enable the second SIM card slot on Samsung

To enable the 2nd SIM card in Samsung (it’s similar in most others), go to settings and click “SIM Manager”. Then select "Active Mode". Next, specify the numbers for SIM1 and SIM2 to which the call will be forwarded.

How to set which SIM card to call from?

On Android, open “Settings” and perhaps “All Settings”. Find the item “Manage SIM cards” and open it. Next is the “Voice call” item. All that remains is to select the “Always ask” option.

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