Hosts file in Windows 10: how to restore, edit and where it is located. What to do if it is not in the folder

Where is the hosts file located in Windows 10

The Windows 10 hosts file is located in “ C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc ” (if your system is installed on drive C)

This document does not contain a name extension and can be opened by any text editor. Before you decide to find the hosts file, I advise you to open all hidden elements

If the hosts file is not found there, then the path to it can be viewed using “ Registry Editor

  1. Press the keyboard shortcut Win+R

  2. Next, in the “Run” window, enter “regedit

  3. Then follow this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\

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What should be there anyway?

This electronic document stores IP addresses for activating programs for which you found the keys on the Internet. All this is to ensure that the key does not fall off, and, therefore, the program works efficiently.

Listening to selected addresses

To change the server address, click "Further search zones".
Select the appropriate zone, right-click it and select Properties. Go to the Name Servers tab and edit the appropriate entry. This setting can potentially improve security. Such a database can grow quickly. In this way, the aging and purging times of records can be set on the server. The time between the last time a record's timestamp was updated and the time when the timestamp can be updated again. The time between the point at which the timestamp can first be activated and the point at which the record can be cleared. Minimum interval between updates. . In the window that opens, select the “Clear outdated resource records” field, and then make the appropriate changes.

How to change the hosts file

You can change the hosts file in Windows 10 with any editor that opens it, for example, Notepad or others. You must open it strictly as an administrator. For this:

  1. Press "Magnifying glass” and enter “Notebook“. Then right-click on it and select run as administrator

  2. In it, change “Text documents" on "All files“, go to the path where the hosts file is stored and open it

  3. If you have an empty file, then there is nothing to worry about. A file with entries performs the same function as an empty hosts file. The thing is that each line starts with #, which means that these are just comments that have no meaning.

  4. To edit or change the hosts,0 file you need to add new lines. They must look like an IP address, one or more spaces, a site address (URL that will redirect to the specified IP address).

  5. If the hosts file was opened with an installed text editor as an administrator, the system will allow you to change and save data in it. You will need to additionally agree in the confirmation window.

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  • Is your hosts file named correctly? So there should be hosts and no hosts, etc.
  • Is the extension correct? It should have no extensions ( hosts no hosts.txt) - be careful if you have configured windows to hide known extensions, check the properties to ensure the correct hosts file type will show up as "File".
  • Did you follow the correct syntax? Did you accidentally prefix the line with a hash (#) that indicates comments?
  • Have you taken care of all the options ( and - it's safest to just add both)?

How to download or restore Windows 10 hosts file

If, after installing any programs, games or updates, the hosts file contains unnecessary entries or is completely missing from the specified folder, then you need to restore it. The old host file, if available, can be left, but renamed by adding some marks after the dot, for example, old .

In this case, you need to add a new host file. But where can I get it?

  1. If there is a saved copy of the OS on your PC, for example, “Windows.old” or “Windows,” then you can take it from there. Again, it should be tested before using.
  2. Create it yourself. To create a hosts file you need:

Saving methods

How exactly? If a user is wondering how to save music from VK directly to his gadget, much will depend on what kind of device we are talking about. In the case of computers, everything is quite easy. Just download the VK Saver application. With its help, you can solve the problem without any problems.

If we are talking about mobile devices, it is recommended to install a program called VKPlaylist. This utility solves all problems related to saving music from a social network without any problems.

That's all. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. Quite often, users wonder why music is not saved in VK. Instead, as already mentioned, it is recommended to simply find a way to save and download audio recordings directly to the gadget.

What to do if the hosts file does not work

First you need to check again whether it is in the Windows folder. Further path to the hosts file: “System32\drivers\etc”. Incorrect modification or configuration of the host file may result in system failure. Possible errors in the file:

  • spaces and characters before the IP address;
  • there are empty lines between records;
  • encoding is not ANSI or UTF-8.

Also, DNS cache entries can affect the execution priority of entries. There are several ways to clear the DNS cache, here is one of them:

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator
  2. Enter the command: ipconfig /flushdns and confirm with the Enter key.

Also, using a proxy server can affect the “inoperability” of the hosts file. To disable this feature you need to:

  1. Login to “Control Panel”

  2. Open “Browser properties

  3. Then go to “ Connections ” and uncheck o class=”aligncenter” width=”963″ height=”597″[/img]

After the described steps, the hosts file should work.

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The format for each line is: IP address horizontal tab (escape code \t, ASCII HT, hex 0x09) or single space (hex 0x20), then the hostname, i.e., then finally a carriage return followed by a line feed (escape codes \r\n, ASCII CRLF, hex 0x0d 0x0a).

Examples of entries using Unicode control images to represent control characters. (Don't copy and paste them into the hosts file!)␉␍␊ 2001:db8:8:4::2␉␍␊

Individual bytes can be viewed in Notepad++ using the hex hex editor plugin. Notepad++ will also display special characters (View -> Show Character) so you can easily check the number and kind of whitespace characters.

If you copied and pasted host records from somewhere, you may end up with multiple spaces. In theory, hosts support multiple spaces separating two columns, but this is another thing to try if nothing else works.

To be on the safe side, make sure all lines in your host file use tabs or spaces, not both.

Finally, end the file with an empty line.

Restoring the hosts file using the AVZ application

There are many OS recovery programs, the AVZ application can work with the hosts file better than a text editor.

The AVZ version can be found free or purchased software for working with a PC.

  1. In the open AVZ application, in the “Service" in the option "Hosts file manager» its editor opens.

  2. Then select “Cleaning the hosts file

  3. Saving the hosts file is done with a button in the shape of a floppy disk.

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Why is music not saved in VK? It is likely that viruses on the computer are to blame. Then the problem can only be solved by checking the computer or phone/tablet for the presence of infection, followed by treatment. Processes that are completely natural and familiar to many users.

Fortunately, quite often this scenario is quite rare. And that’s why many people don’t wonder why music isn’t saved in VK. Instead, they are thinking about ways to download audio recordings directly into the gadgets' memory. Solving the problem is not that difficult.

Correcting the hosts directory in the registry

  1. To do this you need to launch the application "regedit" pressing the keys Win+R

  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters
  3. In the folder the file name is "DataBasePath" must match the path %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc. If there are inconsistencies, you can correct them manually by specifying this path. After which you will need to save the changes with confirmation of consent " OK».

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Sometimes there are problems with file permissions, file attributes and similar things. To recreate the file with default permissions:

  1. Create a new text file on your desktop.
  2. Copy and paste the contents of your current hosts file into this file in Notepad.
  3. Save the new text file and rename it hosts.
  4. Copy ( don't move ) the file to your %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc directory and overwrite the old file.

The last point is important: copying works, moving does not.

The local Users account must be able to read the hosts file . To make sure (on Windows 7):

  1. Navigate to %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc in Windows Explorer.
  2. If you don't see the hosts file, make sure you see hidden and system files.
  3. Right-click on the hosts file and select Properties from the context menu.
  4. In the hosts Properties window, click on the Security tab.
  5. Examine the list of names in the Group or user names:field. If %COMPUTERNAME%\Users is present, click on it to view permissions.
  6. If Users is not present, or is present but does not have Read permission, click Edit....
  7. If Users is not there, click Add..., type Users, click Check Names, and click OK or press Enter.
  8. Select Users, and make sure Read & execute is checked in the Allow column. Click OK. If a Windows Security warning window appears, select YesContinue.
  9. Click OK to close the hosts Properties window.
  10. Go to section 1 of this answer and follow the instructions to check if it works now.

How to remove protection from editing the hosts file

There may be a situation where protection against editing the hosts file is enabled. To do this you need:

  1. Go to the folder where hosts is located and, highlighting it, select “ Properties ”.
  2. In the “General” section, uncheck “ Read Only ”.
  3. Activate "Apply".

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It's about the application

Why is music not saved or even played in the VK application? This phenomenon should not surprise modern users. Especially when it comes to iOS. That is, about gadgets like iPhone and iPad.

Why shouldn't we be surprised by this phenomenon? The VK administration has abandoned the possibility of listening to music through specialized applications for mobile devices. Why isn’t music saved in VK and there isn’t even an “Audio Recordings” option? You shouldn't be surprised. This is normal.

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