How to change First and Last Name on VKontakte (Easy method)

Good day, wonderful readers of my blog. Fedor Lykov is in touch. We continue to get acquainted with the amazing social network called VKontakte. Today we’ll look at a very pressing question: how to change your name in VK. And also the last name.

I think almost every second person has encountered such a problem. For some, it was solved simply and quickly, but for others it turned out to be hard labor. Therefore, I decided to help you. Let's look at the most common problematic options that you may encounter. For example, how to do this without administrator verification, from a phone and a PC.

By the way, about the name, it can be changed not only in VK, but also on the computer.

Change First and Last Name through official profile settings

New rules related to editing names and surnames appeared in VK not by chance, but to protect profiles from hacking and increase the security of third-party users of the social network. And, although such restrictions are freely circumvented by registering a new account, owners of pages registered many years ago will have to come to terms with reality.

Along with the new rules, the developers also changed the procedure for making changes. If previously you had to access your profile “Settings,” now confidential information is changed through the VK ID service, selected from the upper right part of the web page (after interacting with the personal profile avatar).

After switching to the adjacent tab, the social network will display a text field that includes the “Gender” and “Date of Birth” tabs, as well as “First Name” and “Last Name”.

Editing information is simple - it’s easy to erase extra characters and add new ones. After completing the steps, just click on the “Save” button. How events will begin to develop further depends on what names and surnames were added. For example, if “Sveta” was changed to “Svetlana”, then the changes will become noticeable in the profile within a few seconds. If “Anton” has turned into “Antonio” or Antony, then a warning will appear on the screen: “The application for a name change has been sent for moderation.”

Such a message is a bad sign: with almost 100% probability, the administration will reject applications and offer to try again, checking the correctness of the input, and at the same time getting rid of the Latin alphabet.

Learning to write your full name in Latin

Time passes and everything changes. Previously, you could choose a nickname in any language on VK. Now there is no such freedom. It is unlikely that the administration will accept your English name.

Most likely, your format will be converted to Cyrillic, which means you will be denied data replacement or registration. If you have a great desire to do this, then you can resort to a little trick:

  • We log into our account via VPN, or you can also use an anonymizer, for this we indicate the American IP.
  • Then we need to change the language in the settings
  • Now go to “Edit Page” and change your name
  • Of course, we save the changes.

How to change First and Last Name on VKontakte on your phone

Mobile operating systems adhere to the rules that appeared in the browser version of the social network, and therefore they also offer to change the first and last name through VK ID. The procedure is largely similar: go to the “Home” page using the quick access panel located at the bottom of the interface, and click on the profile avatar that appears at the top left.

A context menu with actions will immediately appear on the left, including the “VK ID Management” section.

After the transition, the mobile version of VK will display a set of sections, and at the same time “Personal Data”, just like in the browser on a PC. The last step is to edit the values ​​in the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields and click on the “Save” button.

How to change without checking by the administration

Once upon a time on VKontakte you could change your name to whatever you wanted. And then the users: “DeadInside”, “Sweet Cherry”, “Black Terminator”, other “Unicums” and outright fakes began to receive the so-called “die”, which indicated the unreliability of the data on the page.

Today the situation has changed dramatically. To change personal data (full name) in the latest version of VK, verification by administrators is required, which, by the way, does not always end in a successful outcome. However, there are two ways to change the first and last name of a VKontakte user without checking with the administrator.

Through marital status

Quite a convenient option to change the last name on your page. Most often it is used by married women. But, oddly enough, in addition to girls, this method is suitable even for us guys. Well, to use it, you need:

  • change your gender to female (don’t worry, you won’t have to go to Thailand);
  • find a person whose last name you would like to put;
  • go to “Profile” - “Edit” - “Marital status”;

  • select “Married” or “In love” and put the right person there;

Then you can proceed to changing the data. You will have to leave your first name, but you can change your last name to the one that goes with “Spouse.” By the way, it will change without checking.

Use popular first and last names

There is a “small” loophole for changing your data. It consists in using ordinary and familiar surnames. Yes, becoming a Skywalker will not work, but Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov - this is a list that will not be checked by the administration.

Choose simple combinations if you want to hide your real data behind a veil of “fake”. Yes, even if they go for testing, they will pass it 100%. Well, or you will be the first to be refused. Everything, as they say, has its advantages.

How to change your First and Last Name on VKontakte so that you can be accepted immediately

With the advent of new rules, entire sets of instructions began to appear on the Internet, supposedly ensuring 100% success when changing first and last names. In reality, almost no tricks will work anymore. Confidential information corresponding to the following categories and characteristics is immediately accepted:

  • Translation of names and surnames written in Latin into Cyrillic - in 99% of cases, the support service approves both standard transliteration and global change of full name;
  • Entering the full name instead of the abbreviated version (Sveta – Svetlana) or nickname (“Svetochka”, “Svetik”, “Svetlanochka”);
  • Correction of errors that were undetected during registration (missing letters, extra and accidentally added characters);
  • Forced change of surname due to a change in marital status (we are talking about girls who got married).

By the way, the female part of the VK audience has an unusual advantage: the ability to select marital status in the “Settings” of your personal profile and, in addition to the “new” surname received after marriage, add a maiden name. The result of the actions taken will be the display of two surnames at once (one in brackets) in your personal profile.

How often can you change your First and Last Name on VKontakte?

There are no documented restrictions associated with changing confidential information in VK. Owners of pages on a social network are able to open the section with personal data in VK ID at least every half hour and enter new names and surnames.

Problems will arise later - at the stage of approval of the changes made. If false names were entered into the text fields, and even in the Latin alphabet, then VKontakte will almost immediately issue a corresponding warning and reject the changes taking place. It is logical to assume that confidential information is changed only once, and after that it is fixed in the profile almost forever. And the only way to somehow influence the situation is to contact technical support and attach scans of identity documents.

Why can’t I change my First and Last Name on VKontakte?

Problems with changing confidential information on a social network arise for three official reasons:

  • Entering fictitious names or names borrowed from films and books (and third-party sources). If you try to call yourself John Snow or Alice from Wonderland, you won’t even have to go through an additional check - with a 99% probability, the system will immediately reject the application to change your name;
  • Adding first and last name in English/French/German. The developers prohibit entering data that is not related to information from official documents;
  • An attempt to add not a full name to your profile, but an abbreviated or adapted one. If previously “Svetlana” was introduced into VK ID, then the developers will no longer approve the same “Svetochka”.

From time to time, problems arise in situations where girls too often virtually “divorce” and “get back together” with their other halves. The support service changes the surnames of newlyweds almost immediately, but not every week.

If all else fails

When all the above methods have been tried, and the result is ultimately negative, you need to understand how important it is to change the name of the VK. If the changes in the data were valid and the user can confirm them by providing an identification document, you should contact the administration of the social network. If you need to change the name for other purposes, for example, so that no one can find the page or make it a fake, you don’t have to worry, it’s easier to create a new account, come up with a new last name and first name in advance and enter them during registration.


For several years he worked in mobile phone stores of two large operators. I understand tariffs well and see all the pitfalls. I love gadgets, especially Android ones.

Ask a Question

Question to the expert

What documents need to be attached when contacting the site administration?

It is best to take a scan or photograph from your passport. If this is not possible, then a birth/marriage certificate or driver's license will do.

Why can't I change my first and last name? The site keeps refusing.

There could be several reasons for this. Most often, refusal to change data is associated with the following circumstances: • the new name entered seems strange and fictitious to the site administration (if the entered data is real, it will have to be documented); • the user has recently applied for a name change and received approval; frequent requests to change data also raise suspicions, because normal people do not change their first and last names every day; • new data was entered, but the user forgot to click “save” on the page and left it or updated it; • a name was entered in English; • third-party characters were used when writing the name; • the user entered a double name.

Why does someone change their name on the first try, even if they provide false information, while others are immediately rejected by the site?

It all depends on the situation. Some people try to change their name for the first time after registering on the site and the system automatically skips them or enters a simple, real name that is often found. Some names immediately arouse suspicion and applications are rejected. You should not try to deceive the system, which has its own rules.

Why is it prohibited to enter a double name?

This is prohibited by the site rules. Only one person registers on the site, indicating their personal data. One user - one name. Again, if the passport actually contains a double name, then you should return to the rule of submitting scanned documents confirming the accuracy of the data. If someone has a double or false name, then most likely it was entered immediately during registration, or it was changed a long time ago, when the privacy policy was not so strict.

Can I write my name in English?

The site does not provide such an opportunity, since entering data in Russian allows the system to better process user data. Even if a person from another country enters a name in their foreign language, the site will still show the desired user, since for foreigners the system automatically translates first and last names.

The procedure for changing a name, as a rule, is not associated with any external malfunctions. Most problems can be solved if you enter reliable data. In other situations, it is advisable to contact the site administration through the site’s technical support section.

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How to change your First and Last Name on VKontakte if your application is rejected

If, even when entering your real name, a warning appears about the rejection of the application to change confidential information, then you will no longer be able to do without contacting the support service.

The fastest way to go directly to the page with a “New Question” is to use a direct link - the browser will instantly display an empty text form and allow you to talk about the problem that has arisen.

You should start by filling out the title: options like “You can’t change your name” or “Why is the application to change your full name rejected.” The next step is a detailed decoding of the problem. It is important to remember that support agents do not consider messages from those who are trying to circumvent the rules of the social network and enter a fictitious name.

Only data that is included in official documents will be accepted. To confirm the latter, scans of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a driver’s license, or even a birth certificate (as a last resort) will be useful. Images in JPG and PNG formats are added to the message using the “Attach” button. After preparing the message, just click on the “Send” button. Applications are reviewed within 12-48 hours. The results of the completed check will appear in the FAQ section in the “My Questions” catalogue.


The change of name must be approved by the administration of the social network. This is related to the fight against fake accounts whose purpose is only to make money. Until 2022, you could change your name without verification an unlimited number of times. Now administrators have strengthened registration requirements. You only need to enter truthful information. The administration may require their confirmation with a scan of their passport. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. Fight against participants in anti-government movements;
  2. Spam protection.

The check takes place:

  1. If changes occur repeatedly;
  2. Last name change.

The administration responds to the application within twenty-four hours. If they refuse a replacement, you will receive a notification: What should I do?

How to change First and Last Name on VKontakte to English

VK technical support specialists immediately warn that when editing confidential information, the social network only accepts information that is enshrined in official documents (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, birth certificate, driver’s license). If the first and last names are written in Cyrillic, then there is no question of using the Latin alphabet. Any attempts to update your profile will result in a whole collection of errors and pop-up notifications.

Contacting technical support will not help the situation - the “agents” who sort out user questions on VK will immediately request scans of documents. Arguments related to moving to another country will not work either - the social network has long been familiar with the function of transliterating names and is actively adapting Russian names to the English-speaking public. Svetlana in VK will instantly turn into Svetlana, you just need to change the interface language.

Since the official methods of changing first and last names do not work, then they will have to use experimental, but hardly guaranteeing a positive result, machinations. We are talking about virtual private networks and changing the interface language.

Thematic VPN plugins, adapted for almost every browser, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera, allow you to quickly change your IP address (and at the same time your virtual geographic location). The same Browsec does not even require registration before work, and does not force you to subscribe or make any payments. And, since Browsec is unpretentious in its work, then for clarity, further actions will be associated with this plugin.

After downloading and installing, Browsec will appear as an icon in the upper right part of the browser - on the quick access panel. It is from there that you have to select the appropriate server (USA) and activate the change of IP address using the OFF-ON slider. Check whether the IP address has changed is allowed by the 2IP service - information about the approximate location and current IP address will immediately appear at the top of the web page.

The next mandatory step is to launch a new tab in the browser in “Incognito” mode (key combination Ctrl + Shift + N) to re-authorize on the social network - a small trick that can at least slightly outwit the security system in VK.

After authorization, you need to click on the profile icon in the upper right part of the interface and select “Settings” from the drop-down list, and then go down to the “Language” category and select “English” as the most suitable option.

The next step is already familiar - open the VK ID section, go to the “Personal Data” tab, and then add new information to the empty text fields. It’s hard to even imagine how the support service will react to the changes.

Editing a VKontakte name without checking by a moderator

When trying to change the name of a page in VK, the user faces a huge number of problems when trying to write his own name in English, call himself by the name of a fictional character, or assign a brand name to the page.

Such measures had to be taken due to the increased number of fake and advertising pages that annoy ordinary users every day by sending spam or invitations to groups.

It is necessary to immediately clarify that this method uses a vulnerability available in the old version of the Opera browser engine. This is absolutely safe and no complaints will come to the page and it will not be blocked.

First you need to download the Opera browser version 12.17. This release is still widely distributed on the Internet and can be downloaded from any software resource.

Detailed instructions for changing your VKontakte name without moderation

We install the browser and launch it, then log in to the VK page using your username and password. In the upper right corner, click on your name and avatar thumbnail, a drop-down menu will appear. You need to select the “Edit” item.

A page with editing basic information will open, find a field with a name. A standard change of full name involves entering a new first or last name with confirmation of the change in data from the administration during the day. This method works a little differently.

Right-click on the page, a context menu will appear in which you need to select “Inspect element”. A panel will open with the page source code and a selection of elements. We point at the field with the name entered, after which the source code will move to the desired place.

The web markup contains the entered username, change it to any other. After that, close the inspection by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.

Click on the blue “Save” button at the bottom of the page. A notification will appear indicating that new data will soon be displayed on your profile. We refresh the web page, after which we see the name we just entered. This will allow you to quickly and easily change your name to a fake one.

Why doesn't this method work with other browsers?

You should not try to repeat similar actions on other browsers. Similar tools for examining an element are present in every browser, but the principle of processing markup and information is significantly different.

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For example, new versions of Yandex Browser or Google Chrome do not have the necessary lines of code, but instead a hidden algorithm in JavaScript. The engines on which browsers work are being improved and such vulnerabilities have long been closed.

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