Is it worth updating Windows 10: nuances and features

Author: Vadim Sterkin

This is the second article in the “Windows Security Without Effort” series. In the first article, we figured out where Microsoft's recommendations are hidden, talked about the role of the "Yes" button in ensuring system security, and identified the advantages of licensed software. This material is entirely devoted to one of the most important topics of safe work in Windows - timely updating of the operating system and applications that are installed on it.

Why do you need to update the system?

The very first version of Windows came out more than 15 years ago , and has been constantly updated since then. More than two dozen types of this OS have already been created, one of the most interesting and modern is Windows 10 .

Many people do not update their computer and still work on Windows XP, although it has long been outdated. Those who do not update are afraid that viruses will enter the computer, data will be deleted, the system will begin to slow down, etc.

In fact, the OS definitely needs to be updated, since each update brings new security measures, features, etc. Also, after reinstallation, system performance will significantly improve.

Malicious OS updates

There is a whole list of settings that cause a system error or completely disable it. Malicious Windows 7 updates can harm your computer, so when downloading, read their names carefully. Exclude update “KB3045999” from the list. Harmful and dangerous installations for Win7 2016 are as follows: KB3121212, KB3126587, KB3126593, KB3140410, KB3133977, KB3153171, KB3035583, KB971033, KB3161608. If you don’t know which Windows 7 updates cannot be installed, contact a specialist, and also try to disable the automatic search mode for new ones yourself.

The benefits of Windows 10

So, why do many programmers and developers strongly advise upgrading to Windows 10? Because this version has a large number of advantages, compared to “7” and “8”:

  • Improved security system - if attackers try to guess the password for the device, then after several unsuccessful attempts the system will be locked. The next time you launch it, BitLocker protection will require you to enter a 48-digit code that is generated when setting up the security program. Therefore it is impossible to pick it up.
  • Corrected sizes of full-screen applications and programs - in the “eight” it was possible to open a program only in full-screen mode, which was not very convenient for many users. In version 10, this bug was corrected, and now you can adjust the window size.
  • After installing Windows 10, all further updates occur automatically and do not require a device restart.
  • As in the “eight”, in the “ten” you can open several desktops . But if in previous versions this process could not be done without slowdowns and freezes of the device, then in Windows 10 this problem has been eliminated.
  • The system requirements of the tenth Windows are exactly the same as those of the seventh . Therefore, it is suitable even for computers and laptops that have a small amount of RAM and a weak processor.
  • The Start menu appears . In version 8 it was modified, and many users did not like it. Therefore, the menu in the top ten was returned, combining elements of Windows 7 and 8.
  • Ability to set a dark background . All types of Windows have a white background by default, and in the 10th you can change it to black. To do this, go to the Start menu and press the Win+R key combination. After this, a group of settings will appear, where you need to select the “Personalization” group, go to it and select the “Colors” section. Next, you need to check the box next to the “Dark” value, and the screen will immediately change its color.

If you don’t like the new OS, you can go back to Windows 7 or 8. To do this, just save a backup copy of the old operating system.

The procedure for disabling or activating updates in Windows 7

The following sequential steps must be taken:

  1. Click “Start”;
  2. Next, launch the “Control Panel” menu;
  3. Then go to the “System and Security” tab;

  4. After that, open the “Windows Update” menu;

  5. Click the link “Setting parameters”;

  6. After this, you need to specify the item the user needs. For example, provided you have a high-speed connection to the World Wide Web and licensed software, select “Automatically download updates and install them manually.” If the computer is connected to the Internet through the cellular network of a mobile operator with per-megabyte pricing, then enter “Search for updates with further notification for downloading them to the user”;

  7. Also here you can select a parameter with a categorical refusal to analyze the availability and installation of upgrades, but it should be indicated only to experienced and advanced users who can independently, for example, find and install the necessary drivers and update software for PC equipment;

  8. Then click “Ok”;

  9. Ready.


Of course, Windows 10 is not perfect and has its drawbacks. This is largely due to the fact that this OS is new and “young”, and the developers have not yet managed to fully improve it. Today there is:

  • Many users of laptops and portable gadgets reported that “ten” was installed only after several attempts . There were no such complaints from owners of desktop computers.
  • Lack of DVD playback software . In America and Europe, people have not used CDs for a long time, so programs for playing them on many devices have been removed. In Russia they still continue to use disks, and many users do not like the inability to use them on a PC when installing Windows 10. You may have noticed that new foreign laptop models do not have a disk drive for the same reason.
  • Users of Windows 7 and 8 can upgrade their PC to Windows 10 absolutely free , but only within a year after the release of the new version. After this time, it will no longer be possible to update for free, and Windows 10 will have to be purchased for a fee. Fortunately, this version can be freely purchased on the official Microsoft website.
  • After a user installs Windows 10, Microsoft can freely collect PC data : location, time, browser history, installed games and programs, etc. The operating system automatically sends user data to Microsoft. When asked about this innovation, the developers answer that this is necessary for further improvement of the product.

What it is

You can see the list of optional innovations by going to the corresponding section of the parameters, namely:

  1. Press Win+I.
  2. Go to the section indicated in the image below.

Next, updates will be immediately indicated in the first tab. If there is something uninstalled, the following message will appear:

So, new drivers most often end up on the list of optional ones. It should be warned that the system does not always see the software, so it is still recommended to check the driver version from time to time.

This category may also include any programs and improvements provided by the device manufacturer. However, in this case, the effectiveness of the function is noticeably lower: the system notices only some individual manufacturers.

In addition, there may be new versions of the OS that are not yet ready for full release, as well as their components. Most often, these updates then appear as mandatory, so you can install them in advance if you wish.


What other Windows 7 updates cannot be installed? 2015 was one of the richest years in “surprises”:

  • KB2862330;
  • KB2864058;
  • KB2965768;
  • KB2993651;
  • KB2982791;
  • KV2973201;
  • KV2970228;
  • KV2975719;
  • KV2975331.

These updates “like” to completely crash the system, interfere with the launch of applications and render the OS completely inoperable. Open windows may disappear or become invisible. One could call this mysticism, but this is no laughing matter, because the system becomes completely inoperable.

You can download everything. Having disabled it on a pirated operating system, you must understand one thing - downloading updates will not change anything. The main thing is not to install them. Always manually check what exactly ">" suggests installing

By resorting to the trick of installing updates after a couple of months, you can protect your computer from harmful “fresh” utilities and unwanted consequences. When Windows 7 x64 finds a large list of new and “recommended” patches for immediate installation, you should not rush to install them. In just 30–40 days, this list will be significantly reduced. Harmful utilities will be eliminated on their own, and the user will not have to deal with them for a long time.

Pre-installed services. Useful and not very useful

While the Android subsystem for Windows has not started working, the main role among third-party tools is played by “My Phone,” designed to connect with Android smartphones.

It works much better than before: all phones are recognized, and there are more functions.

So, now you can determine through which speaker (smartphone or computer) the sound will come; make calls and write messages; control the volume of played content; turn on silent mode.

Cortrana is completely absent for the Russian user. And this is disappointing: Microsoft’s voice assistant turned out to be quite high-quality, and in the realities of Windows 11 one could expect even greater capabilities from it.

The Linux subsystem for Windows is no longer present on the original system. It must be installed through the application store.

This may seem inconvenient, but now:

  • no need to remember about WLS during installation
  • no distribution required to install it
  • it can update itself

Given even the current capabilities, this tool may be of interest to both system administrators and ordinary users - for example, for educational purposes. Together with a number of implemented client-server useful things, Windows becomes more flexible.

There is a theory that in the distant future Microsoft plans to switch to the Linux kernel, finally optimizing the company's business processes and development. For full integration with Android and server systems, this will be a very serious move.

However, the matter is long, the matter is difficult. In the meantime, Android applications on Windows still do not launch. And Internet Explorer is still there.

Hopefully we'll see a big update this year. There is still a lot of unnecessary, useless stuff.

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