How to scan a QR code on different smartphone models

Active scanning of QR codes on Android phones began in Japan in 2000. At this time, literally all products, from ordinary packages to food products, began to be marked with a QR code and scanned to obtain information. You can find a recognizable code image on printed products; they are widely used in advertising promos and placed on boxes of discs, films, and software.

This general trend has led to the emergence of special programs for Android smartphones that can be installed on a mobile phone. The application can scan information from a QR code using the built-in camera of the Android gadget. After Japan, the QR code begins its penetration into Asia, Europe, and the USA. Most often, owners of mobile gadgets use such codes.

What is a QR code and how does it work

QR codes can be found everywhere - from websites to billboards. They resemble barcodes, but instead of vertical stripes they consist of small squares. They are increasingly being used and becoming more popular, so many smartphones now come with a built-in QR code scanner.

What are these QR codes and how do they work? We will talk about them in this article.

Scanner for MIUI

Owners of Xiaomi smartphones with MIUI firmware can use the built-in Scanner application to recognize codes.

In global firmware versions, the program's functions are limited (for example, you cannot pay for purchases), but the standard capabilities are retained. It is important that this scanner uses the intelligent reading method. For example, if the QR code contains Wi-Fi access point data, then when it is recognized, the device automatically connects to the network. However, Cyrillic characters may be recognized with errors - a question mark is displayed instead of letters (example in the screenshot below).

The built-in scanner on MIUI also has a “Document” operating mode. In it, the camera automatically captures a suitable object, and the interface allows you to manually adjust the boundaries. This mode is convenient to use for creating scans of various documents; it cannot recognize codes.

In MIUI 11, a QR scanner is also built into the standard camera interface. When you point the lens, the application offers to find out details about the QR code.

The scanner does not perform the action immediately, but displays a request so that you decide what to do with the recognized information. After all, automatically following unknown links is quite dangerous.

A Brief History of the QR Code

The first QR code system was invented in 1994 by specialists from the Japanese company Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota. The production needed a way to accurately track the cars and parts they produced. To do this, it was decided to develop a type of barcode that could be used to encode Japanese characters, Latin letters, numbers and some other symbols.

More than a barcode

A regular barcode can only be read in one direction – from left to right. Therefore, it can store a relatively small amount of information - usually letters and numbers.

A QR code can be read in two directions (hence why it is also called a “two-dimensional barcode”) – horizontally and vertically. This allows you to store more data in it.

The goal of the developers was to create a recognizable format that can be scanned from any angle, so that the code is easy to spot and does not require wasting time choosing the correct scanner position. This is how they came to the now well-known square code, which is still used today.

The development of the first QR code took more than a year. It could hold up to 7,000 numbers and kanji characters and was read ten times faster than a regular barcode.

QR code technology becomes open

The QR code has quickly taken root in the automotive industry. This was especially important at the time, as many Japanese consumers were demanding greater transparency from large corporations. They wanted to know exactly where goods were coming from - not just cars, but also food, medicine and other products. Thus, the QR code gradually penetrated into all industries.

Its creators at Denso Wave have been generous by making the technology for creating and reading QR codes publicly available and waiving their patent rights. This means that even now anyone can create and use their own QR code. Nevertheless, at first the idea took root with difficulty. It was easy to create the QR code itself, but scanners for it were not available to everyone. Until…

2002: First QR code readers in mobile devices

In 2002, the first mobile phones with a built-in QR code scanner were released on the Japanese market. As a result, the number of companies using QR codes increased and the first QR codes for consumers began to appear.

Meanwhile, technology continued to develop. In 2004, a micro-QR code was created, and in 2008, an iQR code was created, which can have either a square or rectangular shape.

Around this same time, the first iPhone burst onto the market, making QR code scanners even more accessible to consumers around the world. Realizing the potential business and marketing benefits, firms and organizations began creating their own QR codes.

The Golden Age of QR Codes

In 2012, 18 years after its introduction, the QR code received the Good Design Award, which recognizes outstanding industrial design.

By this point, QR codes were being used all over the world - they could be seen everywhere, from billboards to magazines and flyers, and even in some more unexpected places.

Denso Wave continues to improve upon the original QR code design today. Modern QR codes have built-in features such as tracking and anti-counterfeiting. There are also many new uses for QR codes, from payments to object positioning in augmented reality.

5 ways to scan a QR code on Android

There are many applications for reading information. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The highest quality ones are presented below.

Method 1: "Lightning QR Scanner"

The application is completely free and does not take up much space on your smartphone. It reads information really quickly, as stated in the name.

Before starting work, install the application with the icon as in the screenshot. Now follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Let's launch the utility.
  2. Click “ Allow ” or “ Yes ”.
  3. Point the camera at the code.
  4. Using the buttons that appear, open the link or copy it.

Method 2: "QR Scanner"

Lightweight and easy to use addition. We simply point the camera and read the data.

After installation, the first thing we do is click the “ Start ” button and give the application access to the phone’s camera (click “ Allow ”). To follow the scanned link, click “ Browse Website ”, and to copy “ Copy Link ”. You can view the history by selecting the “ clock ” tab (see screenshot).

Method 3: "QR Code"

A convenient program that allows you to quickly scan information.

Once installed, click the “ Okay Got It ” button, then “ Allow ”. Now we just turn on the QR scanner and wait 1-2 seconds, and after completing the procedure, click “ Open in browser ”. By going to the “ History ” tab, you can see links to all the squares.

The program provides the ability to configure the QR scanner. In addition, here you can turn off sound, vibration, and also contact technical support with a question.

Method 4: "QRbot"

A modern program with a wide range of functions. With its help you can read 39 types of barcodes.

Install the add-on and click on the “ checkmark ”. A nice feature of the utility is the ability to scan an image. Thanks to this, you don’t have to point the camera at the black square.

The principle of operation of the application is no different from previous versions. We just find the QR code and point the camera at it. Then click “ Open site ” and view the encrypted information. The unpleasant side of the software is the presence of a large number of advertising banners.

Method 5: “QR reader”

The program has a nice design in dark colors.

The size of the add-on is only 4.7 MB, which, of course, is a plus. When you launch it for the first time, you need to click “ Allow ”. Now just point your smartphone at the square and wait a second. As a result, an automatic transition to the encrypted link should occur. The main advantage of this software is its simplicity. I quickly installed it, pointed the camera, and got the result.

How is a QR code read?

The QR code pattern encodes a sequence of data in binary format.

The reader recognizes a standard QR code by three square marks located at its corners. Having detected them, the scanner reads everything that is in the square they define,

and then parses the QR code, representing it in a grid. Each individual grid cell is assigned a value based on color (black or white). The cells are then grouped into larger patterns.

Final table

NameCreating BarcodesProtection from malicious information
Scanner (Gamma Play)+
QR & Barcode Reader (TeaCapps)+Google Safe Browsing
Reader & Scanner (TWMobile)
Scanner & Reader (EZ to Use)
Code reader (BACHA Soft)+
Scanner (Simple Design Ltd.)
Reader and Scanner (Kaspersky Lab)Kaspersky Lab
Code & Barcode Scanner (QR Easy)+
Code Scanner (Ustinian Inc Limited)+
Scanner (QR SCAN Team)+

What does a QR code consist of?

A standard QR code consists of six components:


This is the white border around the outer edge of the QR code. Without this frame, the scanner will not be able to determine what needs to be read - it will be interfered with by surrounding elements.

Search pattern

Typically, a QR code contains three black squares - in the lower left, upper left and upper right corners. They “tell” the scanner that there is a QR code in front of it, and show where its outer boundaries are and how it is oriented.

Leveling pattern

This smaller square, located closer to the lower right corner, ensures that the QR code can be read even if it is skewed or rotated.

Sync bars

This L-shaped line running between the three squares of the search pattern helps the scanner identify individual squares in the code, and also allows even a damaged QR code to be read.


This small data field near the top right square of the search pattern indicates the version of the QR code being read (see "Four Versions of a QR Code").

Data cells

The rest of the QR code contains the actual information, such as a link, phone number, or message.

Possible problems and their solutions

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to scan a pattern on Android the first time. The reason may be several factors:

  1. The QR code is damaged. As a rule, failures are caused by a violation of the integrity of the picture or overwriting of some elements. In this case, the program cannot scan the entire image and solve the key.
  2. Camera malfunction. The phone's ability to scan the code depends on the camera module working correctly. When checking, make sure that the picture fits completely within the square image. In addition, take into account the fact that focusing is triggered. If the camera can't get the clarity you need, try changing the distance manually.
  3. Program errors. There are situations when the Android application crashes and cannot scan the pattern. In this case, install another software and try again. This recommendation also applies when the user is using firmware.
  4. Old OS. One of the reasons why an Android phone cannot scan a key is outdated software. Try updating the software to the latest version.

Now you know where the QR code is on Android and how to use it. In addition, it will be easier for you to choose a good application for reading graphic images and determining the accuracy of this information. As for scanning problems, they are rare. If difficulties arise, they can be solved by installing another program.

The QR code is an updated version of the usual barcode. They first appeared in Japan, where they gained enormous popularity. Now they can be found everywhere: on packaging, bags, books, advertising, and even on store signs. To read it, just use a smartphone or tablet with a camera. How to scan a QR code on an Android phone will be described in detail in the instructions below.

Page navigation:

Four versions of the QR code

QR codes have many purposes, but there are four main types that are most commonly used. The QR code version determines how the data is encoded and is called the "input mode". There are numeric, alphanumeric, binary and kanji coding. The encoding method is indicated by the QR code version.

Digital coding

Used for decimal numbers from 0 to 9. This is the most capacious method of storing data, allowing you to record up to 7089 characters.

Alphanumeric coding

Used for numbers 0 to 9, capital letters A to Z, characters $, %, *, +, -, ., /, :, and space. Allows you to store up to 4296 characters.

Binary coding

Used for characters from the ISO-8859-1 encoding and can store up to 2953 characters.


Used to store Japanese characters as double-byte Shift JIS characters. This is the original encoding developed by Denso Wave. However, with the advent of other modes, it became the least efficient, since it can only store 1817 characters.

There is also a second kanji encoding, ECI, which uses the UTF-8 character set. However, not all modern scanners can read it.

There are also two additional modifications of the main types of encoding:

Structured completion mode

This method converts a set of data into multiple QR codes, allowing you to read up to 16 QR codes at a time.

FNC1 mode

This method allows the QR code to perform the same functions as a GS1 barcode.

Method 1: Built-in application

Some smartphones, mainly from Chinese brands like Huawei and Xiaomi, have either separate pre-installed software for the purpose in question, or an add-on over the stock camera. We will demonstrate how to work with such software using the example of the AI ​​Lens solution from EMUI 10.1.

  1. Launch the camera app - it's on the bottom panel by default.
  2. Next, tap on the icon in the upper left corner.
  3. The code scanner is highlighted in a separate button, the one on the far left, go to it.
  4. Point the camera lens at the desired element. If necessary, you can activate the backlight or manually zoom the image with a two-finger pinch.
  5. Next, get information about the scanned data.
  6. The advantage of a stock application is obvious - there is no need to search for and download a third-party one. However, AI Lens specifically is not capable of recognizing all types of codes.

Benefits of a QR code

The QR code was created as an improved alternative to the barcode.

More data than a barcode

A barcode contains only one line of data. The most common type of barcode, used for example to identify products in trade, stores a set of digits of a fixed length. Although barcode formats exist for encoding long strings that also contain letters and other symbols, they are quite cumbersome.

QR codes are more compact, store more data, and support a wider range of characters. At the same time, they are just as easy to create and print.

Less mistakes

Has it ever happened that you picked up an item, took it to the checkout, and the barcode scanner showed something completely different? Rarely, but this happens - usually because the barcode was not protected from duplication. And the increased capacity of the QR code allows you to build error protection into it.

Easy to read

Unlike a barcode, which requires special technology to read and interpret, a QR code can be scanned and decoded using a smartphone or digital camera. This makes it much more useful, for example, for marketing campaigns aimed at consumers.

Easy to type

As with a barcode, a QR code requires printing in black and white (although it can also be printed in color).

Increased reliability

The information in the QR code can be encrypted, which will serve as additional protection.

Features of how to check the quar code on a Samsung phone

To view the Kuar value on a Samsung phone, just use the standard application, which is already included in the functions. Click on the icon located in the quick menu (opens when you swipe down on the display with your finger). When hovering, information is read automatically. If you can’t do this on Samsung, use another option:

  • opening the camera;
  • go to the “Advanced settings” icon;
  • search and connect the scanner.

This mode is also performed automatically. A link to a web page appears in front of the user, which must be clicked on to view the information.

Payment by QR code via Samsung

Check on other phones

The scanning system is also used on other phones with the Android operating system.

  • Xiaomi.

The factory settings of the smartphone contain a program for decrypting information. To find it, go to the “Tools” section. There they look for the “Advanced Menu” folder.

Select an application designed for scanning QR codes. Once it starts, you can point the camera at the squares to decrypt. The user will receive a link that must be followed to view the encoded information.

  • Huawei.

In the Android operating system on a Huawei smartphone, the scanner is included in the functions automatically. Unlike other devices, it can be used even on a locked screen.

It is enough to make no more than 3 clicks to decrypt. First go to the quick search menu, where you find the scanner icon. The camera is pointed at the squares to obtain the result.

The connection occurs very quickly, within 1-2 seconds. The app on both phones should show the website you want to go to. Users of these smartphones do not need to download third-party programs that contain a lot of advertising. The standard application is fast, easy to use, and universal for various types of encrypted information.

Scanning a password to log into a Wi-Fi network

Different types of QR codes

QR codes can look different, but the most common are the five types listed below. They have approximately the same capabilities, only the appearance differs.

QR code

This is the original version of the QR code created by Denso Wave in the 1990s. It is easily recognized by its three search patterns in the lower left, upper left and upper right corners.


The Aztec code was developed by Welch Allyn. It is similar to a QR code, but contains only one search pattern located in the center.


This type of QR code is used by the US Postal Service. Like the Aztec code, it has a search pattern in the middle, but instead of squares it uses a hexagon (“honeycomb”) pattern.


The strangely named PDF417 barcode was invented by Yingjun Wang of Symbol Technologies in 1991, three years before the QR code. This code is rectangular in shape and looks like a cross between a QR code and a barcode.


Semacode, developed by the software developer company of the same name, is a data matrix similar to a regular QR code, but without the characteristic search patterns.

QR Code Reader

If you are looking for a simple scanner that will take up minimal space on your phone's memory, try QR Code Reader. It only needs 10 MB of free space. The application itself weighs a little less than 7 MB, and 3 MB is reserved for saving recognized information.

QR Code Reader can read information through the camera and work with images saved in the smartphone’s memory. When you start the program, a window appears on the screen, inside which you need to place a QR or barcode. To work in low light conditions, you can turn on the backlight.

After scanning, the application asks what to do with the information read. For example, if this is a link, then the transition to the web page does not occur; the program waits for the user's decision. The same thing happens with contact information.

If you wish, you can disable this check in the QR Code Reader settings by unchecking the “Ask before opening” option.

To go to the application settings, click on the button with three dots in the upper right corner and select “Settings”.

How to Scan a QR Code Using an iPhone, iPad, or Android Device

Most smartphones come with a built-in QR code scanner. Some of the latest smartphones, such as the Google Pixel or iPhone, have a QR scanner built into the camera.

Some tablets, such as the iPad, also have this feature.

Older models may require a special application to read QR codes - there are plenty of them in the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Reading a QR code using a mobile device is very simple:

  1. Open the QR code scanner on your device or simply turn on the camera (if it supports reading such codes).
  2. Point the camera at the QR code - it should be recognized from any angle.
  3. The decrypted information (for example, contact information) will instantly appear on the screen.

Basic programs for analysis

To be able to decipher and scan the code, you will need to use an Android-based mobile device with a camera. In addition, you will need to download and install a utility that can read the code. Many of them are presented in the Play Market for free. The best options for working and completing assigned tasks will be described below, but some of them can be used for certain smartphones. It should be noted right away that each application has its own characteristics, which you need to familiarize yourself with before installation. However, their functioning is almost always the same.


This scanner can be installed from the application market or using the link on the official website of the program. The recording of programs for all is identical:

  • You need to go to the Play Store.
  • At the top, find the search bar where you enter the name of the program. You can enter only part of the name, and the system will automatically provide possible options.
  • Having gone to the utility page, you need to click on the “Install” button, then wait a few seconds for recording on your smartphone, and since the volume is about 5 MB, the process will not take much time.
  • After recording the application, the “Open” button will appear, which you need to click to launch the utility. At the same time, there will be an icon on the main screen for launching the program in the future.

This is how applications are recorded on a smartphone. After this, you can proceed to work and configure the utility. The program menu has 3 main tabs, as well as a button for calling up settings, which is made in the form of a small gear. There are 4 work items provided on the main page for scanning:

  • Scan Barcode – the function is the code scanner itself, which will function only through the camera.
  • Manual Key-in – option for manually entering code information.
  • Decode from file is a function that allows you to read a code from a file, which helps open a pre-downloaded QR code on your smartphone.
  • Decode from Url – option for scanning by link.

There are a few keys at the bottom that don't provide useful functionality, so you can ignore them.

Now we need to consider the basic settings of the utility, of which there are quite a few. For example, using the first screen, you can activate or deactivate utility sounds, smartphone vibration, or configure operating modes when the scanner starts. This makes it possible to bypass the main menu. In addition, users can use automatic copying of information directly to the buffer.

As soon as the program is launched and scanning begins, the utility will make a request for permission to access the system. To do this, you need to agree by checking the box. After this, you need to align the scanner frame so that the horizontal stripe falls directly on the code. It is important to monitor the focus, because if there is no sharpness, scanning will not be possible. To do this, you need to avoid shaking your hands and other movements that interfere with sharpness.

The program has a special backlight that helps you work in low light conditions. After recognizing the code, the system will provide information about the product or item. A new window displays the code format, data type and date, as well as the main content from the manufacturer. 2 keys will immediately be available, one of which allows you to share the product, and the second opens the official page.

In addition to scanning, the utility helps you create the QR code itself. To do this, you need to go to the third section, and in the form of a list there will be available options for encryption. Among them are:

  • Telephone contacts with numbers.
  • Url address.
  • Email.
  • Applications.
  • Location.
  • Text, bookmarks or events from the calendar.

After selecting the desired section, you will need to press the Encode key, which will make an encrypted link. The result is a small code that you can share with friends.

The utility also helps to encrypt any type of text. There is a corresponding paragraph for this.

You just need to enter the desired phrase or several sentences, then click on the code generation button. If necessary, the QR code can be changed by color using the appropriate key, selecting a shade from the possible ones.

QR Droid Code Scanner

This program is also available for download on the Play Store. After installation, you need to go into it to open the main menu. The main advantage is that everything is completely in Russian. Immediately after starting, you need to press the button to start working. The utility is intuitive to use, but there are several features presented below.

The program immediately opens the camera, but to perform scanning it is recommended to study the possible settings in detail. To do this, there is an icon with dots at the top right. In the open settings menu, users receive several sections to work with:

  • Scanner – helps to recognize the QR code.
  • History – includes all elements that were previously scanned by the program.
  • Share – section for sending results to other people.
  • There are also additional functions that expand the capabilities.
  • Settings.
  • Adviсe.

To scan, select the appropriate section, point the camera at the QR code and press the read data button. In the settings, you can select the main screen that will be launched when the application is launched, set the address for creating copies, and also set the language setting. After this, you can set the mode for reading the QR code using proprietary solutions called Zapper or ZXing.

Users can also customize sounds and vibration of the device. It is recommended to immediately disable anonymous data and enable checking links for viruses. In addition, users can use:

  • Setting the display orientation.
  • Work using the front camera.
  • Parse links.
  • Show stores in a specific country.

After the specified parameters there will be:

  • Options for advanced scanning.
  • Prohibition of certain special characters.
  • activation of WEB preview.
  • Search for saved pictures.

On the last menu screen, you can set the maximum number of positions, as well as custom settings.

In the "More" section of the QR Droid Code Scanner menu, customers will find additional applications, incoming codes, as well as the ability to perform various scans, create QR codes and links.

NeoReader QR & Barcode Scanner

Another functional application for scanning a QR code. The utility is available for download in the Play Store or on the official website. After installation, upon first launch, you must give permission to use the data. After this, a brief description of how to use the application will be presented. Next, an advertisement appears that needs to be closed and an icon will be available to open the settings menu. In it you can select language, country, gender and age, and there are also separate lines for working with geodata, access to which can be activated or deactivated. After setting simple settings, you can start scanning.

To work, you will need to point the camera at the QR code, the program will automatically recognize it. As a result, a small table with all the data will appear on the screen or a window will open in the browser on Android.

Lightning QR scanner

This application is free, takes up minimal space on the device, and reads data very quickly. Before you start using it, you need to download the utility and run it. In the new menu, click on data access permission. In the scanning menu, point the camera at the code to determine complete information.

Using the buttons, you can open links or copy them to send to other people. A positive aspect is the ability to save scan history. This will allow you to view previously scanned information at any time.

QR Scanner

This utility is considered one of the easiest and easiest to use on smartphones running Android. After launching, all you need to do is point the camera at the desired code to scan. Immediately after downloading and using it, you need to press the start button and allow the utility free access to your smartphone camera.

To follow the link you read, you must use the Browse Website button, and if you need to copy the information, click Copy Link. Users can use history to view information that has been read previously.

QR Code

A high-quality program for Android that allows you to quickly process requests. After installation, you need to read the information in the first window, tap on the “Okay understood” button and then open access for the camera. In scanning mode, point the camera at the code and wait a couple of seconds, preferably without moving your hands too much. At the end of the operation, click on the button to open the browser.

The history section will display all links read for 3 months. Using the program, users can make various settings, as well as activate or deactivate sound notifications and vibration. There is a support service to resolve issues during operation.

The creators recommend using the extended version of the program on a paid basis, but there is no point in purchasing the utility, since the regular version fully copes with the tasks.


A modern utility that includes extensive functionality. The program allows you to read 39 types of codes. After installation, you need to give all permissions for normal operation. Users highlight the ability to scan pictures as a positive factor, so there is no need to point the lens at the black square.

The program works by analogy with the other presented types. All you have to do is find the code and point the camera lens at it. Next, click on open the site and view the encrypted data. Among the main disadvantages, users highlight a large amount of advertising information.

QR reader

This program is characterized by a pleasant appearance, which is made in dark shades. The utility itself takes up to 5 MB, which can also be considered its advantage. Immediately after launch, all necessary permissions are given; after turning on the scanner, you can point the camera at the code and wait 1-2 seconds. Automatic recognition and clicking on the link begins. The main advantage is simplicity and fast operation.

The described applications should be sufficient for comfortable work with QR codes. However, some Android smartphones may include a built-in scanning utility. In this case, you will not need to install applications. Often, options are presented from Chinese brands of mobile devices, among which Xiaomi can be distinguished. To get started, you need to turn on the camera, click on the modes icon and select settings at the top. After that, activate scanning codes

As soon as the QR code hits the screen and it is focused, automatic scanning will begin. As a result, the user receives a link with the data, a selection menu opens where you can open the data in the browser or copy the link.

Huawei mobile devices also provide the ability to use a code scanner. The manufacturer pre-installs a utility that is intuitive to use. Just swipe your finger across the display and there will be a button for the program near the search line. You need to click on it for further work.

Samsung can also offer the use of a scanner, but you will only need to use a standard browser to work. First you need to open it, call up the settings menu at the top and select Scan QR code. Next, the camera is pointed at the encrypted code, and if the result is positive, an automatic transition to the site or another product will be made.

What information can a QR code contain?

Like barcodes, QR codes are used to store data, such as website links, phone numbers, or text up to 4,000 characters long.

QR codes are also used for other purposes, namely:

  • for direct links to download applications from the Apple App Store or Google Play;
  • for online verification of accounts and data;
  • to provide access to Wi-Fi (the QR code stores data about the access point, such as SSID, password and encryption type);
  • to send and receive payment information;
  • and much more - UK company QR Memories even creates QR codes for headstones so people can find out more about the deceased.

Possible problems

When reading barcodes, errors or scanning difficulties may occur due to:

  1. Dirty or faulty camera optics - wipe the lens and check the focus on another image.
  2. Little light - turn on the flash.
  3. Internet connection too slow.
  4. Internal errors on the site - perhaps the link is out of date or the page has been deleted.

In some cases, it is worth updating the application or program for reading the QR code.

Where can you find QR codes

QR codes were originally invented to track parts in auto production, and are still widely used in the industry today.

They are also used in other industries where strict accounting of products and supplies is necessary - in construction, engineering, and trade.

Postal services around the world are also increasingly relying on QR codes to track packages because they can store a lot of data, such as the delivery address.

QR codes have also found application in educational institutions. For example, in the library, with their help, students can find the books they need.

Examples of using QR codes in marketing and advertising campaigns

In everyday life, QR codes can most often be seen on advertising materials.

Many advertisers use them - it's a faster and easier way to direct people to the site they want than a URL that needs to be entered manually.

A QR code can even link directly to a product page - for example, a poster of a model wearing a fashionable dress might have a QR code that links to an online store page where the dress can be purchased.

QR codes can also be found on the packaging of your favorite products. They can help you find out, for example, about the nutritional value of a product or about special offers.

QR codes can be placed almost anywhere. So don't be surprised if you start seeing them everywhere, from business cards to signs and receipts.


Let's look at a number of technical questions that users have. We will also consider services for creating “encrypted drawings.”

How to create a QR code yourself

A graphic mark can be created in two ways: independently and automatically. The first method is quite labor-intensive and requires knowledge of many technical issues. The second method is simpler. The user only needs to go to the service and generate a barcode:

  1. qr-code-generator. Paste the URL link, and click the "Generate QR Code" button.
  2. Paste the text and click "create code".
  3. Copy the text and click on the “Generate” button.
  4. ZXing Project. Service with wide functionality. Here you can encode URLs, business cards, messages and more.
  5. Creation of barcodes with designer design. To get started, click “start creating”.

How can I pay using a QR code?

Using barcodes, customers can pay for goods in the store. The service is just beginning to be implemented in Russia, but soon Sberbank, Alfabank and other financial institutions will launch the functionality “to its fullest.”

The process itself looks like this:

  1. Select a product and bring it to the checkout. The seller will scan all items and send you a special receipt with a printed code.
  2. Go to the mobile banking application from your smartphone and find the “Payment by QR code” option. This item may have a different name in different programs.
  3. Scan the receipt and wait for the transaction to complete. Confirm the action.

The operation is useful if a person has forgotten his bank card at home, and the phone does not have an NFC chip with an associated credit card.

How to check a check

Checking receipts is necessary to reinsure buyers from unscrupulous entrepreneurs. This system was developed by the Federal Tax Service in 2016. From 2022, a QR code must be present on any receipt, be it a product or a service provided.

To reconcile checks using the QUAR code, a special application developed with the support of the Federal Tax Service is used. Download the version for Android or iOS. The program recognizes “fake” or erroneous checks and offers to file a complaint with the Federal Tax Service online.

Where is the code on the receipt?

Visually it is very easy to determine. A graphic key is usually applied on a white background, in a separate place:

  • on receipts: in stores, gas stations, from an ATM terminal - in the lower part in the center of the paper sheet;
  • on the product package: from the back of the package, where the product specification or certification information is printed.

Not all products are labeled this way. Until now, most food products are identified by a barcode; the cashier punches the position by running a 2D scanner over the barcode.

How to download an application via QR code

The operating algorithm is similar to scanning a URL link. You need to turn on the camera or the corresponding application on your smartphone and scan the tag. The program reads and decrypts the code, after which it redirects the user to one of the marketplaces: Google Play or App Market.

How to scan WhatsApp QR code

Scanning algorithm in messenger to add a subscriber to your contact list:

  1. Go to the application and click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  2. Tap on “Settings”. In the new window, click on the QR code icon. It is located on the right next to the user's avatar.
  3. In the new window, select the “Scan” tab.

This way you can enter contact information for a new user.

Where is the scanner in Viber?

Step-by-step instructions for Viber:

  1. Go to the messenger and click on “more” in the lower right corner.
  2. The user's profile will open. Click on the icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Scan the code on another smartphone to record the subscriber's number and name in memory.

How to scan a QR code in a telegram

To quickly log in to the desktop version of the messenger, you will need to scan the QR code. This operation is required to authenticate the user:

  1. Go to the messenger and go to settings through the three bars in the upper left corner.
  2. Now you need to go to the “Settings” tab, then click on the “Devices” item.
  3. In the new window, click on “Scan QR code”.

The same window will display synchronized versions of the program for PC with the specified geolocation.

How to scan a Wi-Fi QR code

This function is available in some models of Chinese smartphones. For example, in Xiaomi. Using a barcode, you can quickly share settings for a Wi-Fi network with another user. Most often, the QR code for connection is located in the “connection and sharing” or “code for connecting to a point” settings. It becomes active when the user turns on modem mode.

Can I scan from the screen?

Modern displays create a slight flicker, but this does not interfere with reading data from the screen. The success of decoding depends more on the quality of the camera, the absence of dirt on the lens and cracks on the display glass.

How to check the originality of a product

Some manufacturers protect their goods from counterfeits by placing a QR tag on the box or the product itself. This could be: branded shoes (sneakers) or clothes, bags, gadgets and other things. To verify the authenticity of the product, you need to scan the code. Information on a specific product will arrive in a few seconds. They can be used to verify the authenticity of the product.

Is it possible to make money on QR codes?

Part of the money from purchases is returned to the user in the form of cashback. You can get it by registering in special discount search programs. Or by scanning a QR tag on the food product itself, for example on a Miratorg package. Most often, users read data from a receipt at a supermarket and enter the data in a proprietary application. After some time, part of the money spent is returned to the bank card. However, you should not consider this method as a full-fledged additional income.

What is the difference between a linear barcode and a QR code?

Initially, it is necessary to distinguish between two types of encoding: linear and barcode. In the first case, we are talking about an already known and old barcode. It consists of alternating dark stripes. A QR code is an improved version of it consisting of “squares”; such a code contains more information.

How to create a QR code

Although a QR code is not so simple, you can create one without any problems.

There are dozens of different QR code generators for mobile devices on the Apple App Store and Google Play.

You can also use an online generator, such as one of these:


Using the generator, you can easily create a QR code from the information you have (be it a website address, contact details, event link or text message), customize the design, instantly download the resulting image and share it.

The finished QR code can be printed on different media or depicted in a more unusual way.

QR creative

In 2022, more than 2,500 students at Sias International University in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou formed the world's largest QR code from open umbrellas. The length of one side was 51 meters. The code was successfully scanned and the students received a special offer from the ride sharing company.

Also in China, in the village of Xilinshui, on an area of ​​about 500 hectares, more than 130,000 juniper bushes were planted in the form of a QR code, which can be viewed from above. The code contains a link to the village's official tourism website.

Many companies have come up with their own original ways of placing QR codes. Here are some unusual places where you can find QR codes:

  • stamp impression;
  • T-shirts;
  • tags for Christmas gifts.

The process of scanning a QR code on Android: instructions “for dummies”

Let's figure out together how to scan a QR code and what tools are needed for this. Step-by-step instructions will help us solve the issue:

  1. A device (tablet or smartphone) running Android must have access to the Internet - one of the conditions for working with programs. You can use Wi-Fi or a mobile hotspot to connect. An Internet connection is required to install the scanner application.
  2. Then there are two options:
  3. download and install the application for scanning on an unverified site, issued upon request in the search engine bar. In this case, there is a possibility of receiving a “non-working” program or infecting the device with a virus;
  4. install on your device Play Market (in the latest versions of Andro OS />

Additional Information . You can also scan and recognize a QR code from a file with an image of the code, which is stored in your mobile device. To do this, in the application menu you need to select the function: “decode from picture”. By clicking on the menu item, we get access to the gallery with image files. There we select an image with a QR code pattern. The program scans and recognizes it from the picture. This function is useful if an image with a code was sent from another device and you need to read the information contained in it.

Tip: in order for a QR code to be recognized and the information in it to be deciphered, the image of the “square” must be clear, not blurry, and taken close-up.

Frequently asked questions about QR codes

Does a QR code have to be black and white?

No. Any colors can be used as long as they create a noticeable contrast between the light and dark areas. The QR code can even be multi-colored.

How many people use QR codes?

It is known that QR codes are becoming more and more popular. According to Scanova and Statista, the number of QR code users will reach 11 million in 2022, a significant increase from 9.76 million in 2022.

There are three main reasons for this growth: first, smartphone penetration increased from 10% in 2014 to 36% in 2018; secondly, the provision of high-speed mobile Internet increased from 48% in 2014 to 61% in 2022. And thirdly, many modern smartphones come with a built-in QR scanner, which makes QR codes more accessible.

How secure are QR codes?

You can put any information, including phishing information, into a QR code.

A competent hacker can also embed a link to malware in a QR code or force a mobile phone user to send paid SMS.

And in the case of QR codes with URLs, there is a risk that the site at the specified address will be hacked. There is a known case where the QR code of a German spice manufacturer mistakenly sent users to an adult website.

Technical features

Initially, the graphic designation was invented by the Japanese in 1994, to mark personal files in the company. The innovation of the code was flexibility. The encoded image contained various information: letters and numbers (in Latin), just numbers, Japanese characters or binary code.

On this basis, 4 types of QR codes were developed:

  • digital (for encoding numbers);
  • digital + alphabetic (they use both numbers and letters for encryption);
  • in byte format (data);
  • in kanji format (for working with hieroglyphs).

To apply any drawings in a QR tag, an additional Reed-Solomon code with an 8-bit codeword is used.

How the technology works

The graphic mark is a square shape. In its center there is a “matrix” - a collection of squares. They can form lines and other shapes. These squares are called modules. Depending on the number of modules, the amount of data that needs to be encrypted increases or decreases. The drawing is applied in contrasting colors. For example: black/white, green/black, dark blue/light brown and other contrasting shades.

The physical size of the QR tag increases in proportion to the volume:

  • 441 modules – version 1 (small QR code);
  • 31,329 modules – version 40 (largest size and bytes).

The graphic mark has its own parameters:

  1. Positioning. Large squares in the corners that allow the reader to determine the position of the QR tag. Due to this, the pattern is quickly identified and deciphered.
  2. Synchronization. Each barcode has a special dotted line between three positional squares. It defines the matrix model.
  3. Version number. The code itself contains the version number. In 2022, 40 generations of graphic marks are known: from small to large.
  4. Format. This parameter tells the scanner what type of information is included in the drawing.
  5. Direction. Additional control mark. Allows the scanner to determine whether there is perspective distortion or not. For large versions of QR, several control marks are used.

How and where information is encoded

The graphic mark looks like a jumble of many lines or clusters of squares. However, this drawing contains more information than it seems. All data in a QR code is stored simultaneously in two dimensions: vertically and horizontally.

Thus, it manages to fit into it: 4296 letters and numbers in English, 7089 numbers, 1817 Japanese characters or 2953 bytes of binary code. For example, a typical EAN barcode only fits 13 numbers.

Due to the error correction system, the graphic mark can be read even if any part of the picture is missing. The higher the degree of error correction, the less data you can put into a QR tag, but the less risk there is that the image will not be read by any modern camera.

Micro QR code

Recently, a variety of graphic tags such as micro QR code has been gaining popularity. Its advantage lies in its microscopic size. To apply it, only one positioning mark is used. Also in the micro QR code the size of the free area (empty space around) has been reduced. In the standard version it is equal to 4 modules, in the micro version there are only 2, this allows you to significantly save space for printing on the final product.

Benefits of use

This identification method has several serious advantages:

  1. Volume. A graphic label can contain a large amount of information.
  2. Versatility. The code can contain different data: a link to a product or item, additional information, a geotag on the map, and much more.
  3. Security. The drawing can be considered even if a small part is missing.
  4. Perspective. Every day more and more companies and firms are using QR codes for their own purposes. In 2022, a barcode is not only an information link or a payment code. This also includes: a pass, a movie ticket, medical card data, information on personal documents and much more.

Well, as a bonus, it is small in size when printed or applied, compared to a standard barcode.

Use cases in different countries

Let's look at the use cases using examples from several countries:

  1. China. Here the QR code is used most often. So in 2022, the Chinese transferred money through the iResearch mobile system in the amount of about 72.1 trillion yuan. Most of the transfers were made using barcodes. The Chinese are trying to pay for their purchases through the WeChat app. Payment in it goes through a graphic mark.
  2. Europe and USA. These countries are somewhat behind the rest of the world. Here, QR codes are still new, as contactless payments via NFC are used. According to surveys, only 20% of American sellers use this system when paying customers. A few brands in Europe use a graphic mark to protect products from counterfeiting.
  3. Russia. In the Russian Federation, QR codes are used for various purposes. Most often, to designate a link to a page on the Internet, for example, for tourist sites, advertising purposes, promotions, etc. Sometimes a graphic mark can be found on billboards. Government agencies are actively introducing coding into document flow. During the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, a QR tag became the equivalent of a pass in the capital and some regions.
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