How to cancel a subscription on Google Play - detailed instructions

When using a device on the Android platform, one way or another, you have to download and install various applications, many of which provide their own paid and free services. Typically, such options are activated by subscribing with a certain time limit. In this instruction, we will tell you how to cancel them on Android using all available methods.

How to view subscriptions on Google Play

The most common service where you can accidentally subscribe is the Play Market.

To see all your subscriptions, open the application and select the “My Subscriptions” section in the side menu. There you can sort the subscriptions that you still need and those that have already lost their relevance.

In this window we can cancel your subscription or change your payment method.

Important: If, when subscribing, you agreed to the terms of the Play Market, then payment for such a service will be charged automatically, without your knowledge. Therefore, if you have connected such a service, check the list of active subscriptions; most likely, you are paying for something that you no longer use!

Why do you need a Google account on Android?

How to log into Google Play - detailed instructions

Creating an account on Google is not at all difficult, but the account will open up a wide range of services and opportunities for the user, making the use of a smartphone or other device as comfortable and convenient as possible.

In Google Play, registering and creating a personal account makes the following available:

  • Gmail. There are many different email mailboxes. This is considered the most convenient because it is linked to all Google services, making the transfer of information and data much more convenient and comfortable. In addition, it opens the entrance to some other resources.
  • Google Phone Book. Allows you to save phone numbers, addresses and other contact information for other users. The main advantage of the service is the minimal cost of RAM. All data is stored in cloud storage and does not take up space on the device. This is especially important for Android devices, which often suffer from freezing over time. In addition, when moving from one smartphone to another, you will not need to manually transfer each number - just log in to Google.
  • Google Play – one-click registration. If some users take a lot of time to register on this portal, then account holders just need to enter their login and password. This resource presents a wide selection of applications, games, tools to improve the operation of the device - over three million different components.
  • Convenient work with the Google Chrome browser. The history of searches and visits, bookmarks, links, passwords and attached bank cards - all this is synchronized across all devices used by the user. This greatly facilitates the work, especially helps when performing work tasks.
  • Access to cloud storage - Google Drive. Allows you to exchange documents, photos, music, and various media content between synchronized devices. In addition, you can send other users a link to these files, and they will also have access to them. The main advantage of the disk is the freeing up of RAM, since all information is stored on virtual servers.
  • Access to YouTube, synchronization of bookmarks, viewing history, playlists, favorites between synchronized devices.
  • The ability to register on all services and platforms from Google, of which there are currently a huge number. This is very convenient, since all resources will have one login and password.

Google Services

How to create an account on an Android phone? This is the next paragraph of the article.

How to cancel your Google Play subscription

This is very easy to do. In the list of subscriptions, select the one you don’t need and click the “cancel” button next to it.

Don't be afraid, if you cancel your subscription, you will be able to use the advanced functionality of the application until the moment you paid for it. After cancellation, you will receive an SMS indicating until what date you can use the paid service.

Possible errors and ways to solve them

Various errors may occur during the removal process. There are two ways to solve them. The first is to contact technical support. This may be useful in cases where canceling your subscription requires you to contact the developers in person. In this case, various problems may arise, for example, refusal to return funds.

Important! Only technical support specialists can resolve disagreements in this sense.

Reissue a bank debit card. The method, of course, is unusual, but in some cases the simplest and most effective. The release of a new product is usually free, banks do not require fees or commissions. In this case, the details specified on Google services will become irrelevant.

Thus, canceling your smartphone subscription is not at all difficult. But this will allow you to get rid of unnecessary services and unnecessary costs forever.

Re-enable or disable a subscription

If your subscription has been canceled but is still active:

  1. Go to
  2. Make sure you are using the correct Google Account.
  3. On the left, click "My Subscriptions" .
  4. Select the subscription you want to restore.
  5. Click Restore.

Note: Some subscriptions cannot be restored this way.

If you canceled your subscription and its remaining time has expired, set up your subscription again.

What to do if manual cancellation did not help?

It happens that the application offers to subscribe, but does not give the opportunity to cancel it later. Although this sounds a little strange, it is not uncommon. Learn how to remove Discord from your computer in full by following the link.

Also, many users complain that funds are debited from their accounts, but it is not clear under what subscription.

If you find yourself in one of these unpleasant situations, you can try the following two methods:

  • Contact support. It helps a lot if cancellation is not provided. No company is interested in negative reviews and litigation, so the application's support representatives will definitely cancel the subscription and, perhaps, even return some money. In addition, users who contact the support service are added to the list of “knowledgeable” ones, and some advertising mailings to their emails are stopped.
  • Reissue of a credit card. This method is just for those users who cannot find the reason for the debits. Block the card over the phone and write an application for reissue to the bank. Old details can no longer be used and write-offs will stop. Some may think that this is too global a method, but it works like no other.

Suspending your subscription

Some apps allow you to pause your subscription. If you choose to do this, your subscription will be suspended after the end of the current billing period.

  1. Go to
  2. Make sure you are using the correct Google Account.
  3. On the left, click My Subscriptions.
  4. Select the subscription you want to pause.
  5. Click ManageSuspend Payments .
  6. Select the period for which payments should be deferred.
  7. Click Confirm.

Cancel in apps

Not every product installed on Android allows you to cancel via GP. This is especially true for programs that are installed via an apk file. Therefore, the only option is to open the software itself and terminate the contract yourself.

How to cancel on YouTube

The algorithm for canceling is simple:

  1. First you need to open your YouTube account.
  2. Find the “Paid Subscriptions” section.
  3. Then open "Management".
  4. A list of concluded contracts will appear. Cancellation is carried out for each individual separately.

Boom Music Player

Many people download Boom Music Player as a convenient player for the social networks OK and VK. It allows you to listen to music without restrictions.

To cancel your subscription you need to:

  1. Log in to the social network and log in.
  2. In the menu, find the image of the note and click on it.
  3. Click on the gear icon and find “Management”.

  4. Select “Cancel subscription renewal”.

In this way, any mailing in VK or OK is canceled. If there is no official social network application on Android, then all these steps are performed in the web version.

Google Play Music

The easiest way to manage Google service mailings is with GP. But in certain cases it is more convenient to use the settings of the product itself. For Google Play Music, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Click on the 3 bars in the upper left corner and open “Settings”.

  2. In the “Account” section, select the “Cancel subscription” command.
  3. You will need to indicate a specific reason and then click on the “Confirm” button.

  4. Once completed, the user will be automatically sent to the GP page where deletion is confirmed.


To cancel your subscription and receive a refund, the user is given a 30-minute grace period during which you can cancel a purchase made on the Google Play Store.

After this, the developer will automatically send you a notification by email, which will contain information about your request for a refund and the current status of the operation. This operation can only be performed once. If you re-subscribe to the same app a second time, your card will be charged and the purchase will be considered completed and will not be refundable.

Option 3: Official website of the application/service

Due to the fact that Google takes a 30% commission from developers for subscriptions and other paid services they provide within the Play Market, they often bypass the rules of the digital platform and offer to make payments through their website. This option most often turns out to be cheaper, and sometimes the only one possible (a good example is the popular streaming services Netflix and Spotify).

In this case, you can view and, if necessary, cancel an active subscription by analogy with the instructions presented in the previous part of the article. In addition, there are two more detailed guides on our website that discuss just such examples - they will certainly help you understand the issue.

Read more: How to cancel a Spotify Premium subscription on Android How to cancel a Yandex Plus subscription on Android

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