How to check and disable paid subscriptions on iPhone (5, 6, 7, 8, X) for applications?

Subscriptions to digital services can sometimes be a source of problems and unnecessary expenses. Here is a guide to creating, managing, viewing and (disabling, deleting) canceling subscriptions on iPhone (any model 5, 6, 7, 8, X and SE), iPad and iPod touch tablets, as well as Apple Music services, etc. d. What's the best way to view and manage digital subscriptions on iPhone and other Apple devices? Can I cancel subscriptions to services like Apple Music on my iPhone (or iPad)?

It’s quite easy to get confused about this, and since any subscription costs a certain amount of money, it is very important to monitor your expenses and be able to review and turn off paid subscriptions on your iPhone in a timely manner if you realize that you no longer need them.

To help you figure this out, we've prepared a detailed guide to managing subscriptions on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

How to view paid subscriptions on iPhone through settings?

It’s quite easy to view existing paid subscriptions on devices with the iOS operating system (iPhone, iPad). Information about all your subscriptions is stored in your Apple ID and can be viewed in Settings.

Go to Settings and then find iTunes & App Store. You'll see your Apple ID at the top of the screen: tap it, then select View Apple ID. Using the Touch ID scanner, log in, after which you will have access to your account settings.

Click on “Subscriptions” and a list of all your subscriptions on your iPhone and iPad will immediately open. (If you do not see this item, this means that there are no subscriptions made via iOS in your account. Instructions for just such cases are attached at the end of the article).

Have you subscribed to an unnecessary App Store application on your iPhone or iPad, or to some music and now want to cancel your subscription? Fortunately, all you need to do is go to the appropriate settings section on your iPhone. In the same section, you can easily disable your subscription to iCloud, Apple Music, Spotify, Netflix and many other services. Next, we will show you in more detail how to do this.

Reasons not to unsubscribe from premium

There is so much chatter surrounding a YouTube subscription that not everyone knows what it is all about. Now I’ll tell you a few words about why you should connect to premium and forget about the word “unsubscribe”.

  1. No advertising. This is a really big bonus, because some videos have so many inserts that it’s impossible to watch.
  2. Ability to watch videos offline. If, for example, you have to travel on the subway, where there is no Wi-Fi or mobile Internet, just load the publication into some kind of cache, and the trip will not be boring and dreary.
  3. All sorts of Google services are a bonus - YouTube Music, Google Music, YouTube Originals and others. If you use all this, YouTube Premium is a great option to save money.
  4. Another plus is the trial period, during which you can test all the features and understand whether it’s worth spending money on it.

Read more about the benefits of a Premium subscription to YouTube in the corresponding article.

How to cancel paid subscriptions on iPhone for applications from the AppStore?

Have you noticed that money is being taken from your card to pay for a paid subscription to an application that you don’t really use or, even worse, have never used? Here's what you need to do to cancel paid subscriptions on iPhone and iPad:

  1. To get started, open the Settings menu on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Scroll to "iTunes and App Store".
  3. Click on Apple ID at the top of the screen.
  4. Click on “View Apple ID”.
  5. Use Face ID, Touch ID, or enter your password.
  6. Wait while your Apple ID information loads.
  7. When your account page loads, scroll down and go to the “Subscriptions” menu.
  8. You will see all active and expired subscriptions.
  9. Select the subscription you want to cancel (disable, delete) and click on it.
  10. A page will open with detailed information about this subscription, where several alternative subscription options will be offered, as well as the ability to cancel the current subscription on an iPhone or iPad.
  11. All you have to do is click on “Cancel subscription”.

The subscription will turn off at the end of the set period - for example, if the subscription is renewed at the beginning of each month, then you will be able to use the application or service until the end of the current month.


Boom is a good music player. Better than many free ones, but tracks are often blocked and there is no option to search for entire albums. Plus, I think that the monthly subscription is overpriced. Therefore, after 6 months of use, I decided to abandon this player in favor of one of the free analogues.

Victor, Chelyabinsk

I've been using the Boom app for quite some time. Among the advantages, I would like to note the good design and the presence of a convenient “Recently Listened” widget, with which you can reduce the time spent searching for the desired tracks. Boom's algorithms work as they should, so I like the way they create personalized recommendations and playlists. The downside is that the application often freezes, and you have to wait several days for a response from the support service. Since Yandex.Music, Google Music and many other services have identical functionality, I unsubscribed from Boom through the Play Market.

Evgeniy, Voronezh

How to disable a paid subscription on iPhone in iTunes?

Unlike devices with iOS and tvOS operating systems, on laptops and desktop computers you cannot manage subscriptions in your Apple account through system settings. To do this, you need to go to iTunes (and sign in to the desired Apple ID account, if you have not already done so).

  1. Open iTunes on your Mac.
  2. Go to the "Store" section.
  3. Click on the "Accounts" link in the right column.
  4. Enter your details if necessary.
  5. Scroll to the Settings section and click Manage Subscriptions.
  6. Select the subscription you want to disable on your iPhone or iPad and click “Edit.”
  7. Click on the “Cancel subscription” option.

As mentioned in the previous section, there is a possibility that the subscription you are paying for does not appear in your account settings in iTunes. In this case, try logging in through a different account; If this does not help, it is recommended to contact the service provider directly.


As you can see, you can disable your subscription in several ways, the main thing is to remember how and where you signed it up through the Play Store, in the boom app, or received it as a gift as part of a promotion. If you don’t remember how you did it, you need to go to the official website or through the official application (third-party programs like Kate Mobile do not count). There the connection source will be shown where the service is safely disconnected. Write in the comments which method helped you and ask any other questions related to mobile technologies, our team tries to look for relevant materials all year round.

How to cancel a music subscription on iPhone (Apple Music)?

Note: If this is your first time accessing Apple Music, you can instantly cancel your subscription on your iPhone so that the service does not start debiting money from your account after a three-month trial period. To do this, you must follow the instructions below. If you want to renew your subscription, you will need to return to this menu after the three-month trial period has expired.

  1. Open the iTunes app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Apple ID.
  3. Select View Apple ID.
  4. Enter your Apple ID password or sign in using Touch ID.
  5. Click on "Subscriptions".
  6. Select Apple Music.
  7. Select "Cancel Subscription".
  8. Click "Confirm".

After the end of the current period, whether it is part of a free trial or a recurring recurring subscription, iTunes will no longer charge your account for it.

How to return a previously canceled subscription on iPhone?

Do you want to subscribe to the service again? Apple stores information about your previous subscriptions, so you can return them at any time (if the selected service is still available).

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Open iTunes and App Store.
  3. Click on Apple ID.
  4. In the pop-up window, click View Apple ID.
  5. Enter your Apple ID password or use the Touch ID scanner.
  6. Select "Subscriptions".
  7. Scroll down to "Expired Subscriptions."
  8. Select the subscription you want to renew.
  9. Select a payment method to renew your subscription.
  10. Enter your Apple ID password or authenticate using the fingerprint scanner.

When you renew your subscription, the necessary funds will be debited from the account you specified, and the subscription will appear in the active list until you cancel it again.

There are no active services, but funds are debited

  1. 1.Check whether your bank card is linked to other iTunes accounts. To unlink a card from iTunes on a device that does not belong to you, contact your bank or online banking.
  2. 2.There may have been a technical failure. They often happen during updates or the release of new versions of iOS. The list of active services can be checked via email, since when you connect, you receive a confirmation letter.
  3. 3.If your card is not linked to other iTunes accounts and there are no active services, contact Apple technical support.
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