Ways to find out Instagram user ID, Instagram id

Greetings dear readers! From time to time I receive questions about how to find out an Instagram user id. There are enough ways to do this, but not all of them are still relevant. But sometimes the need arises. I decided to collect and share the main working methods in this article.

In this article you will learn:

  • What is id on Instagram;
  • What is the id for?
  • How to find out the id of any Instagram user (several ways);
  • How to view Instagram user id manually without services;
  • How to determine the username on Instagram by id.

What is id on Instagram

ID is approximately the same as an account, with the exception of some features. Since passports are not assigned on the Internet, as in real life, it was necessary to come up with identification numbers that could distinguish one person from another. If we talk about social networks, including VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, then the role of ID is played by numbers.

For example, Pavel Durov, the founder of the social network VK, registered in it under the first serial number (id1, url address vk.com/id1). This way you can find any user on VKontakte (or Instagram) if you know and enter the serial number (id) in the url. Even after changing the account url.

The ID is also available on other resources. So, after registering in an online store, you are also assigned a specific number.

Roughly speaking, this is the username that is assigned to him on a website or in a program. And in America this word is used to refer to a passport.

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