How to connect Samsung wireless headphones to iPhone?

Bluetooth technology has long turned the world upside down. Wireless mice and keyboards became freely available, and tools for transmitting information “over the air” were added. A little later, the era of Bluetooth headsets began, making everyday life easier and opening up new boundaries of existence without annoying wires. All that remains is to figure out how to connect wireless headphones to your iPhone.

Advantages and disadvantages of both options

Wireless and wired connection methods have their pros and cons. So the first option is considered more convenient during active activities. In addition, the headset is less likely to fail due to the lack of wires, because they are not pinched and the plug is not damaged. The disadvantages include a short operating time, because wireless headphones need regular charging.

The wired connection method ensures stable operation. The signal is not interrupted, which is often encountered when using a Bluetooth headset. But this can easily damage the wire and the device is not suitable for sports.


Standard adapter or Bluetooth adapter: which is better?

This is not to say that Apple is leaving owners of wired headphones to their fate. An adapter is included, but it is not very convenient to use. And it’s not just the hefty dimensions that limit the mobility of the device: while the iPhone is charging, it’s impossible to use headphones.

Good old Bluetooth is also a good option, especially for those who don’t like getting tangled up in a web of wires. Connecting a wireless Bluetooth adapter to the 7 is easy, and as a bonus it comes with access to the built-in microphone. With a slight movement of the hand, old headphones turn into a full-fledged headset! A wide range is another argument in favor of Bluetooth, but in the presence of obstacles, the signal quality deteriorates sharply.

When purchasing an adapter, pay attention to the battery capacity. Advanced models can last almost a third of a day offline; budget models can’t last even four hours. However, this is not the main problem with Bluetooth: the quality of sound reproduction leaves much to be desired.

If purity and power of sound are your priority, you should purchase a digital-to-analog converter. The converted digital signal is fed to the analog output, to which headphones are connected. True, such pleasure is not cheap - from 70 to 600 dollars and more.

Connection problems after update

Sometimes the iPhone stops detecting headphones after a firmware update.

There are 2 solutions:

1. They independently return to the previous firmware version. For this:

  • Make a full backup of data to iCloud and iTunes;
  • In the iCloud settings, turn off the iPhone to remove protection from the software available on this device;
  • Download the old version of iOS on your PC;
  • Connect the iPhone to the computer using a cable;
  • In iTunes, having opened the device management page, hold down Shift;
  • By clicking on the corresponding button, the control window is updated;
  • In the explorer that opens, select the downloaded file with the previous operating system;
  • After complete installation, the phone is activated.

2. Install a new firmware version at the service center and then check the Bluetooth headphones for compatibility.

How to connect wireless headphones on iPhone

The order of actions directly depends on what equipment is in your hands. The same AirPods just need to be opened, and the iPhone starting with SE will immediately display a welcome message and offer to “Connect”.

But more often the question “how to connect Bluetooth headphones to an iPhone” forces you to experiment a little and figure out how to establish a connection using Bluetooth standards in iOS:

  • The first step is to turn on the selected headphones in the way described on the manufacturer’s website (with a button or through a slider on the case).
  • Next, go to iOS “Settings” and activate Bluetooth to search for compatible equipment around you.
  • If the headset or headphones are turned on, a new item will appear in the list of equipment available for connection.
  • The last step is to click on such an item and wait until the connection is established. As a result, music will start playing through the connected headphones automatically.

The described algorithm of actions is relevant for most mobile devices from Apple: you can also connect the headset to an iPhone 6, 7, 8.

Sony headphone app

Sony has officially released the “Sony Headphones Connect” mobile application for its headphones. It is available on iOS and Android in the AppStore and Google Play, respectively.

First of all, it is necessary for Bluetooth noise-canceling headphones; it can automatically adjust playback modes, taking into account the current situation. It has an Ambient Sound feature that allows you to listen to music and external sounds at the same time so you don't miss anything important.

The mobile application allows you to manually adjust audio playback. The settings are implemented very widely and, in addition to the usual equalizer, there are many psychoacoustic effects.

You can adjust the position of the sound source to make it feel like the music is playing from the front, back, or sides. There are also various 3D effects. The feature that stands out is the automatic detection of atmospheric pressure and the corresponding sound adjustment.

In any case, downloading the application will be quite useful for all owners of Sony headphones. It takes into account many parameters to make the sound of the highest quality and most comfortable in any situation.

Disconnect Bluetooth headphones from iPhone

As in the case of activation, the necessary actions depend solely on the recommendations prepared by the manufacturer and describing how to use the headset and other wireless equipment in conjunction with the phone. To turn off AirPods, just put the headphones in the case and close it. The established connection will be terminated automatically, and the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch will continue to play music content through the speakers.

Stereo headsets will require additional actions - pressing buttons located on the body, clicking special switches. Regardless of the design, it is important to remember that you do not need to go to the Bluetooth “Settings” every time - there is an option only to completely break the established connections, and it is also necessary only in case of technical problems.

If it doesn't work out

In some situations, wireless headphones simply refuse to sync with the mobile device. The problem may also lie in the smartphone itself or its operating system. To be more informed, you should study the existing connection problems in detail:

Headphones do not appear in the device listIn this case, you will need to press the headset connect button again. If the situation does not change, you can restart your mobile phone. In addition, you should restart the Bluetooth technology, and then independently enable the search for devices. The headset must be placed extremely close to the smartphone, since a long distance interrupts the signal.
The accessory is in the list, but is not synchronizedA similar incident occurs as a result of mistakenly connecting headphones to another device. If you have another phone, laptop or tablet nearby, it's worth checking them for paired devices. If the headphones are connected to another device, then the only way out is to turn off Bluetooth and repeat activation on your own phone. When there are no other devices nearby, then it will only be possible to connect if the headset is as close as possible to the gadget. The basic rule of connection is to use nearby devices.
Unknown failuresIn some cases, third-party signals from other devices interfere with the normal operation of the wireless connection. You will need to move to a different location for successful pairing
Too long but unsuccessful connectionThis situation occurs as a result of failures in the smartphone operating system. To fix the problem, you will need to restart your phone and try again

Instructions for Sony on-ear headphones

The on-ear headset from Sony is considered the best representative of portable audio equipment. A distinctive feature of such elements is their unique appearance, durable and reliable body, a number of auxiliary functions and high-quality sound. In addition, it is worth noting that on-ear headphones are in better contact with the head, since the soft fixing pillow has high shock absorption. The main advantage of the headset is perfect noise suppression.

Absolutely every headphone model goes on sale as a special kit, inside of which there is an instruction manual. No matter how the over-ear headphones differ in design or functionality, the principle of starting the system will be identical for everyone. In any case, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

Particular attention must be paid to timely replenishment of the energy of wireless headphones. For this purpose, the package includes a special adapter that connects to the headset via a standard USB port. Given that each model has a different design, the location of the connector will always change. However, in any case it will be a USB port. Some kits provide support for a power bank.

It is not recommended to allow on-ear headphones to completely discharge, as this reduces the service life of the equipment. The device can only be used when the built-in battery is fully recharged with energy.

The next step towards connecting an on-ear wireless headset is installing the supporting software. Of course, the procedure will not be required in all cases, since many models function smoothly on most mobile devices. Otherwise, you can visit the manufacturer’s official website and find a driver for the headphones to work properly.

Synchronization with phone

When the gadget search mode is activated and the wireless headset system is turned on, automatic adjustment of the optimal parameters begins. On the device body near the USB input there is a corresponding indicator that notifies you of the search. As a rule, the necessary parameters are set via Bluetooth. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Activate the headphones using the power button. Next, start a search on the wireless system.
  2. Turn on Bluetooth in the smartphone settings, and then start searching for third-party devices.
  3. In the line that appears, select the name of the headphones and click connect
  4. Confirm the procedure using the button on the headset (in some cases, you can set a password for security during synchronization).

When the procedure is successful, a shortcut appears on the phone's express panel, informing you about the charge status of the headphones. If the operation was performed incorrectly, the icon will not appear.

Pairing your device with a Bluetooth accessory

  1. On your device, go to Settings > Bluetooth and turn Bluetooth on. Stay on this screen until you have completed all the steps to pair the accessory.
  2. Put the accessory into discovery mode and wait until it appears on the device screen. If your accessory doesn't appear or you're unsure how to set it to discovery mode, review the instructions that came with it or contact the manufacturer.
  3. To pair, tap the accessory name when it appears on the screen. You may be required to enter a PIN or passkey. If you do not know the PIN or passkey assigned to your accessory, review the documentation that came with it.

Once paired, the accessory can be used with the device. To pair multiple Bluetooth accessories, repeat these steps. Learn how to switch audio sources for your device.

Which Sony headphones are suitable for the phone?

Any wireless headphones, including those from Sony, can be connected to a phone with Bluetooth functionality. It is this technology that ensures sound transmission from the source to the speakers. Good options for Sony wireless headphones are:

  • Sony SBH80. These are compact and stylish earbuds that deliver excellent sound. They are convenient to use both for standard listening to music and for talking and playing sports. They perfectly convey the entire spectrum of frequencies, emphasizing the low ones, and work for a long time without recharging.
  • Sony H Ear On Wireless MDR-100ABN. These over-ear headphones have incredible noise cancellation, eliminating almost 100% of external sounds. They are comfortable to wear on your head, the capacious battery provides up to 20 hours of use, and they can also be connected via a wire when discharged.
  • Sony NWZ-W273. This headset is designed specifically for sports and water procedures. They do not allow water to pass through, fit securely in the ears, and have a comfortable design that does not interfere with active activities.

These Sony headphones fit well with your phone due to their high quality.

Activating Bluetooth earphone

The manufacturer describes how to turn on a headset, wireless speakers and other audio equipment in the instructions, which are often included in the box along with the purchased equipment. Often it is enough to hold down the button on the case until the search indicator appears, and then go to “Settings”, open the Bluetooth section and select headphones from the list to connect. In some cases, you must first place the headphones in your ears, and then select the sound source in the music player options.

You don’t have to fiddle with AirPods for a long time - if you open the case, take out the headphones and insert them into your ears, the activation will end with the appearance of a welcome message with the “Connect” button. As a result, there is almost no need to look into the settings on the iPhone once again - except to activate Bluetooth. Everything happens semi-automatically.

How to sync

If wireless headphones work asynchronously, the sound is interrupted or played with a delay, then you will have to correct the situation not in the Bluetooth settings, but manually. The procedure is quite standard:

  • Place the headphones in the case. On the back side (like, for example, AirPods) find and hold the button for 5-10 seconds.
  • In this simple way, you can almost immediately connect the first earphone to the second. But there are exceptions - some types of audio equipment require additional steps. Much depends directly on the manufacturer: in some cases it is impossible to do without completely turning off the audio equipment.
  • The last option is to go to the wireless connection settings on your iPhone and select the “Forget device” option located opposite the headphones with which you are having problems. The procedure is quite standard, and therefore will not raise questions even for beginners.

Sound settings

The iOS operating system offers you to add low or high frequencies and tune in to music of certain genres in the “Equalizer” section, hidden in the “Music” category in “Settings”. There, the developers offer to experiment with the sound and correct the weaknesses of the selected headset or headphones.

If the music is not played through the original Apple media player, then you will have to look for “Equalizer” in a third-party player.

Additionally, sound parameters can be changed in the Bluetooth settings. If you click on the “i” button located next to the name of the headphones, additional parameters will appear inside. For example, in the case of AirPods Pro, it will be possible to activate noise reduction, and for standard Apple headphones, it will be possible to change the gestures used and the position of the microphone.

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