Connecting a PS4 gamepad to a computer via Bluetooth, USB

DualShock 4 is a gamepad for the Sony PlayStation 4 game console. Some of these controllers are suitable for PS3 and personal computers. By connecting the DualShock 4 to a device with a “Ten” or earlier version of the OS, you can use the gamepad in various gaming products and emulators, and also use it as a manipulator instead of a computer mouse.


  • Touch panel with color indicator.
  • The Share button allows you to record and share game moments, upload screenshots and videos from the game directly to the network.
  • Charge via USB while playing.
  • Improved buttons for more precise control.
  • Built-in speaker for a more realistic transmission of the game atmosphere.
  • Stereo headset jack.
  • The accelerometer and gyroscope allow you to control the character using movement, rotation and tilt of the gamepad.
  • Compatible with PlayStation VR virtual reality headset.

When the gamepad was released, it was declared compatible with a personal computer. However, in practice, it is very difficult to achieve full operation of all its functions. This is logical, because Sony is aimed at increasing demand for its console and is not interested in the widespread use of the joystick on PCs.

However, the PS4 controller attracts gamers with its advanced features and design. Therefore, we will consider ways to properly connect a PS4 joystick to a computer so that it retains its functionality as much as possible and works correctly in computer games.

We use a licensed adapter

This is the simplest method, which involves using a special Sony Bluetooth adapter, which Japanese developers released at the end of 2016. This is what it looks like:

The device is compatible with computers running both Windows and MacOS. Its cost is about 30 dollars. But there is a drawback - you can’t connect more than one DualShock 4 joystick to your PC.

It is enough to do the following manipulations:

  • Take the Sony USB adapter and insert it into any free USB port;
  • If you use Windows 10, then the drivers should be installed automatically, you just need to wait a couple of minutes. With Windows 7, you may need to download special software on the official developer website (link and QR code are available in the complete documentation);
  • Now we just press the PS button on the controller and we can use the device in computer games. The only caveat is that you will have to set the key assignments in the settings of a specific application.

Next we will look at other methods that eliminate the presence of wires. In the meantime, I’ll tell you about another available option.

Connecting the controller via USB

The easiest way to connect a gamepad is to use a regular USB cable. We are talking about the wire that is used to charge the controller. The connection is made as follows:

  1. Connect the cable to the USB port of your computer.

    The controller can be connected to the PC with a cable, which is used to charge it

  2. Wait for the drivers to load automatically - this will require your computer to be connected to the Internet.
  3. After this, you can start using the gamepad. You can verify that the connection is successful by finding the gamepad in your devices menu. It will most likely appear in the Sound section.

    You will see your controller in the Sound section

With such a connection, the gamepad may not work fully. So, most likely, your gyroscope and vibration will not function.

How to connect a Dualshock gamepad from PS4 to PC via Bluetooth

At the very beginning, I already talked about the wireless method using an adapter. It also supports Bluetooth technology. But you don't have to buy expensive Sony equipment. It is enough to resort to the built-in Bluetooth adapter if your laptop has one. Or buy an external module (for 5-10 dollars), which looks like a regular flash drive:

  • We activate the Bluetooth mode on the computer (usually this is done through an icon in the notification area or a special combination on the keyboard - depending on the laptop model);

If problems arise, look for a solution using the link.

  • When the technology starts working, you need to press two buttons together on the joystick - PS and Share. After 3-4 seconds of holding, the indicator should blink:

  • As soon as you see your Dualshock 4 controller in the window of detected devices, click on the pairing item in Windows - “Pair”.

Congratulations! Now you can fully “gamble” on your computer! However, some functions may still not be supported, as is the case with a cable connection.

Connecting a joystick using a Bluetooth adapter

If your computer does not support Bluetooth, then you can use a Bluetooth adapter by connecting it via USB. After connecting this device, you will need to make the connection in the usual way. In addition, there is an official adapter from Sony. Connection is even easier:

  1. Connect the adapter to your computer via USB.
  2. Wait for the driver installation for this adapter to complete.
  3. After this, all you need to do is hold down the Share and PS buttons on the controller. Connecting the gamepad will be done automatically and will continue to happen instantly.

    There is an official adapter for connecting the gamepad to PC

If you connect via an official Sony adapter, you are guaranteed to have all the additional features of the controller working. Otherwise, the vibration or backlight of the gamepad may not work.

PS4 gamepad in Xpadder utility

This is universal software for working with most gamepads from different manufacturers. With its help, it is possible not only to connect to a PC, but also to fine-tune the buttons. Alas, this solution must be purchased - it is not distributed free of charge. Although you can search online for free options.

  • Download Xpadder, install it in the standard way;
  • We connect the controller to the laptop using any of the methods listed at the beginning of the article - with or without wires;
  • We launch the XPadder utility and at the top of the window we see a key with a characteristic image of a joystick - press it to add “New...”:

  • A list of models will open, look for yours (it’s definitely there);
  • Specify your preferences and save your changes.

How simple it is, don’t you agree?


It is a set of drivers required in case of connection conflicts. You need to download it from the link. Get the archive, unpack it and you will see the file “ScpDriver.exe” inside. Open it for initial setup:

After making adjustments, be sure to click “Save” and you can close the window. Now find “ScpServer.exe” in the directory and place it on the Desktop (create a shortcut). It is needed to launch previously created settings before each use of the controller. Without this procedure, the joystick will not work fully.

Special software

There are several sets of drivers and programs that allow you to correctly connect a Sony gamepad to Windows:

DS4Windows is a special program for working with DS4. Connection instructions:

  • Download for free from the official website
  • Save it to your computer and unzip it.
  • Run DS4Windows.exe.
  • Click "Program Folder".
  • Run the DS4 driver installation and follow the onscreen instructions.

After installation, you can perform detailed program settings according to your preferences. If your PS4 controller doesn't work in some games, turn on the Hide DS4 Controller feature and then unplug and reconnect your controller.

DS4Tool is a set of drivers for Dualshock 4. For proper operation:

  • Download the archive with drivers, save and unzip to a folder on your hard drive.
  • Run ScpDriver.exe, the installation of the driver itself will begin.
  • Run the ScpServer.exe file each time before connecting the controller.

InputMapper is an Xbox 360 joystick emulator. Once you download and install the app, your computer will treat your DS4 as an Xbox controller. In this regard, in some games, the Sony gamepad may not work correctly or not work at all. You can configure the program as follows:

  • Install and launch the application.
  • When your Dualshock 4 is connected, a notification will appear indicating that a supported device has been found. To start setting up, click “Begin Configuration”.
  • Next, you need to choose what we will emulate. In most cases, you should choose the 360 ​​Controller, but you can also provide keyboard and mouse emulation, which is suitable for games without gamepad support.
  • Ready. Now the program interface will allow you to see both the manipulator and the profile that is in use while the program is running or located in the tray in minimized mode, the Dualshock will function as an Xbox controller.

Xpadder is a program that allows you to work in Windows with controllers from different manufacturers. The program is paid, but its versatility gives it an advantage if you play on several different joysticks. To set up on a Windows 10 computer, you will need to do the following:

  • Launch the program.
  • Find your model among the available variations.
  • Assign keys.

Windows OS is developed by Microsoft, which has its own gaming console, Xbox One, which competes with PS4. Accordingly, they have done everything to maximize compatibility with their own gamepad and make it difficult to use the controllers of their main competitor. But with the help of special programs that are easy to set up, you can connect to your PC and enjoy all the benefits of the Dualshock 4.

For passionate gamers, Steam is more likely to be a suitable service, since they are most likely using it anyway. All you need to do is enable DS4 support and connect it to your PC. But utilities such as DS4Tool and DS4Windows are also a good solution. If you have ideas for setting up and optimizing the Dualshock 4 on a personal computer, leave tips and share your opinion in the comments.


Another simple tool. The instructions look like this:

  • Download the official program;
  • Install it on your computer using the standard method (there will be prompts);
  • Let’s run it and modify the parameters to suit ourselves:

The software is in English, so knowledge of a foreign language is desirable.

So we figured out all the methods of how to connect a gamepad from PS4 to a PC via Bluetooth, a USB cable, and expand the capabilities using third-party software in the Windows 7 8 10 operating system. I am sure that now you will be much more interested in playing on a computer with Dualshock 4.

Connecting on Steam

Steam has supported DualShock 4 controllers (and any configurations) since 2016. As part of this support, you can use the controller both on the Steam platform itself and in any games in your Steam library. But keep in mind that having Steam will not allow you to use the DualShock 4 in games that are not on the service. This will be discussed in the next section.

Here's what you'll need to connect your DualShock 4 to your computer using Steam:

  • Computer with Steam installed
  • DualShock 4 controller
  • Micro-USB cable or Bluetooth connection

Before connecting the controller for the first time, you need to activate DualShock 4 support in the Steam settings. Likewise, you can also enable native controller and Xbox One controller support there.

Open Steam. Then open the Steam in the top left corner of the screen.

Open the Settings .

Go to Controller and click the Basic Controller Settings .

After this, when you connect the controller to your computer, Steam should immediately recognize it. If this doesn't happen, restart Steam, this should resolve the issue.

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