How to correctly use service (secret) codes on Android

Secret codes, also known as engineering or service codes, are found in any Android mobile device. Their original purpose is testing, pre-sale or during production. With their help, the user can find out a lot of new information about their device or customize it flexibly.

Secret codes for Android are not indicated in the instructions supplied with the gadget or on the manufacturer’s website, so our material today is intended for you to get to know them better and, possibly, enrich the functionality of your smartphone with their help.

How to enable constant vibration on a Nokia phone?

You need to go to menu> options> modes> normal> Person. settings> vibration alert enable> save.

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All service codes for Android smartphones

So, thousands of teams themselves have been invented. With the release of each new version of Android, this list either shrinks or increases. Commands are also entered by cellular operators whose SIM cards are in the phone, and by developers of applications installed on the system. We will not touch on these codes (after all, it is almost impossible to indicate all applications and all operators, and some of them have overlapping combinations), but we will list only the main ones, which allow you to obtain service information about the device.

Don't worry about the safety of your data and the functionality of your gadget. Most commands only display information without changing it. Even if the command changes some parameters, they can be canceled by re-entering the code. So, the list of commands is presented in the table below.

*#*#7594#*#*Changes the purpose of the power button. For example, you can configure airplane mode to turn on when you long press
*#06#Receiving IMEI code. IMEI is a phone identification number that can be used to track a gadget
*#*#4636#*#*Used to check battery status
*#*#7780#*#*Allows you to reset your phone to factory settings. Be careful, this will result in the loss of all data
*#*#197328640#*Opens the settings menu
*#*#197328640#*#*Starting test mode
*#0*#Information menu
*#*#34971539#*#*Camera status and information
*#*#1234#*#*OS version
*#*#232338#*#*Device MAC address information. This is also an identification number, but only for the Wi-Fi module
*#*#0673#*#*Audio system test
*#*#7262626#*#*GSM test. Signal quality information will appear
*#*#44336#*#*Check for updates
*#*#0842#*#*Allows you to enable vibration test
*#*#232337#*#*Bluetooth Information

It is noteworthy that some commands may simply not run. This is due to restrictions from smartphone manufacturers. Not all commands are listed here, but the most basic and frequently used by service center specialists.

For those who are not ready to put up with memorizing all these commands, there is good news: you can get all the same information by downloading the AIDA application. At a minimum, when checking the application on a Samsung phone, the A50 works correctly.

Thanks for reading.

Smart Lock function

An option called “Smart Lock” is an additional tool to enhance security, which can help the phone owner in the event that he has forgotten the password to log in to the system. The tool has the following features:

  • unlocking a mobile device after connecting to a specific WI-FI or Bluetooth network signal;
  • disabling the screen lock after the phone hits a certain location;
  • recognition of users' faces.

Potentially dangerous combinations

If information codes and testing commands do not pose any risks to the device, since they practically do not affect its operation, then in the case of functional combinations certain problems may arise.

Secret codes are not a toy

They can lead to either an improvement in the performance of the components of the gadget or a deterioration. Therefore, when using them you need to be as careful as possible:

  • record the initial state of the smartphone so that in the future, if the need arises, provide information to a person who understands such problems;
  • enter the code character by character with careful checking for compliance with the approved combination;
  • do not press other keys or otherwise interfere with the stated function.

By following these recommendations, you can avoid most of the complications associated with incorrect use of service commands.

The list of dangerous combinations includes the following engineering codes:

  • using *#*#7780#*#* the user can roll back the device settings to factory settings and get rid of third-party software. In this case, even the slightest failure can cause the command to be executed incorrectly, which will limit access to many of the gadget’s functions. To restore operation, you will have to completely change the firmware;
  • The combination *2767*3855# allows you to reinstall the Android operating system. In practice, in most cases the problem arises due to the inattention of a curious user. It is not uncommon for the owner of a device to not think about the possible consequences and check the functionality of all service commands in a row, without even reading the description. Therefore, during an unplanned reinstallation of the OS, he tries to correct the situation by urgently turning off the phone. Such actions often lead to the operating system stopping functioning or operating with significant malfunctions;
  • The command *#*#7594#*#* allows you to get rid of the choice of disabling when you press a key. That is, the phone stops working immediately after the click, without additional confirmation requests. Even accidental clicks will turn off the gadget, which is not entirely convenient.

Important! All service combinations have been developed specifically for the engineering department of the device manufacturer. That is, it was not even assumed that they would be used by a person who owns a smartphone and does not have the appropriate IT training. Therefore, the consumer will have to resolve all the consequences associated with the use of service combinations independently - there is no need to rely on the manufacturer’s warranty.

Features of unlocking some smartphones

Not all of the methods presented above may be suitable for unlocking a mobile device. Depending on the manufacturer, the smartphone may have certain unlocking features.


If there is a need to remove locks from a Samsung gadget, a person can use the “Find My Mobile” utility. The presented tool allows you to officially and as simply as possible remove any protection from the device.


The user can enter Recovery mode on gadgets from the presented manufacturer in the following way: he must simultaneously press the volume up button and the power button.

Recovery via Google account

After a small number of unsuccessful attempts to enter the password code for the gadget’s system in order to gain access to it, the mobile device may prohibit entering the password for several minutes. Moreover, with subsequent attempts to enter an incorrect password, the number of blocking minutes will only increase. This can continue until the device system completely prohibits the user from entering a password.

Only after this the user may have the opportunity to try to restore access to his mobile device. To do this, he will simply need to enter data from his personal account in the Google service.

Important! In order to recover the password from the gadget in the presented way, you will need to connect it to a WI-FI wireless network or mobile Internet.

To unlock the gadget, you just need to log in to the account that was linked to the mobile device when it was first launched. It is worth noting that if the user tries to enter other data, the system will not be able to return him access to the phone.

In addition, if the owner of the device is sure that he entered the password and login correctly, he can try to restore access to the smartphone by simply rebooting it.

Applications for scanning secret codes

The most popular software that scans for hidden features is Secret Codes. That is, the user does not even need to search on the Internet for combinations that are suitable for a specific device model.

The owner of the smartphone just needs to download SC, run the test and wait for the results. The consumer will be able to see what hidden functions the device and installed applications have and, if desired, activate or deactivate them.

Secret Codes - application for scanning secret codes

Note! Using this application, you can also launch service combinations on a tablet that does not have the ability to make calls.

In any case, if you want to take advantage of the hidden functionality of your device, it is recommended that you initially evaluate the need for this. Simple curiosity can lead to significant malfunctions in the operation of the gadget. Therefore, you need to approach the use of secret commands with great care, taking into account the requirements of manufacturers and the advice of experts.

Phone security and passwords

  • The classic password variation is a digital code that the user sets on a mobile device. Also, in addition to numbers, the password may contain punctuation marks, Latin letters, and special characters.
  • Fingerprint scanners are currently available in almost all devices. Moreover, this method of unlocking a mobile device is considered the most convenient, since the user only needs to place his finger on a special button, after which the gadget will automatically unlock.
  • In addition, the latest technology was recently developed - Face ID, which allows you to maximize the security of your smartphone from unwanted users. The operating principle of this type of protection is based on special chips and a camera that can remember the facial features of the owner of the gadget. As a result, the device will only allow access to the user who has registered their Face ID.

However, despite the fact that in the modern world a large number of different ways to protect phones from hacking have been invented, there are still several ways to do this. At the link below you can watch a video that tells you how to hack a mobile device on the Androd operating system:

Secret Codes app

An excellent application that is ready to scan the operating system for secret codes and display them in the form of an ordered list. After this, it is enough to select the function of interest and use it for its intended purpose. The program has a drawback - it does not work perfectly on some devices, it may not find all engineering codes or not find them at all, but in general this is rare, as evidenced by reviews of the application on Google Play.

We hope that with the help of the information received, you will now be able to find out all the information you are interested in about your gadget or check the functionality of elements that make you suspicious. The main thing to remember is that when working with engineering codes you need to be as careful as possible, and therefore, before performing this or that action, first write down on a piece of paper the basic parameters that you plan to change, so that if the gadget’s performance deteriorates, you can return to the starting settings. Use your smartphone to its full potential!

Using Fastboot

Fastboot is another specialized system that can update the smartphone operating system based on a certain principle, while at the same time erasing all information from the phone.

However, it is also recommended to use this utility only in extreme cases. Moreover, it is not recommended for inexperienced people to use the program. It is important not to forget that any manipulations with system settings can lead to irreversible consequences.

What are secret codes and why are they needed?

Service, or secret, codes for Android are intended primarily for testing. Before releasing products to the market, device manufacturers test gadgets using various combinations, which eliminates the possibility of a defective or faulty device.

Secret codes provide access to new options

Note! Android commands are not intended for users, so they are not in the instructions or other accompanying documentation. And yet, to gain access to the full set of device functions, gadget owners can use some commands, having learned the necessary combinations through specialized information platforms.

Method 1: through the smartphone settings

The first thing that comes to mind is to activate constant vibration of your smartphone through the settings. But there is an important nuance here - it will only work during an incoming call. This means that you will have to constantly ask someone to call you, otherwise nothing will work. However, this method can be considered, and here are instructions for setting the desired option:

  1. Open the smartphone settings.
  2. Go to the “Sound and Vibration” section.

    Open the “Sound and Vibration” tab

  3. Near the “Vibrate on call” item, move the slider to the right.

    Turn on vibration when calling (slider to the right)

  4. Select Basic Call from the drop-down menu.

As a result, you will successfully turn on constant vibration when making a call. But on some smartphones, including ours, it was not possible to select the duration of the vibration motor. Simply put, during an incoming call there will still be small interruptions during vibration (as is usually the case). And if this option does not suit you, then move on to the next method associated with a special application.

Using a service from the smartphone manufacturer

You can also bypass protection in a mobile device using special services from the manufacturer. The bottom line is that such software is used to remotely control a smartphone. This is what allows the user to access the gadget even if he does not know the password for it.

You can remotely unlock your phone only from the official website of the manufacturer. For example, Samsung has a special service that allows you to remove the password from your phone, called “Find My Mobile”. Moreover, the presented service can find a lost device, remotely block its display, and it also allows you to backup all files to cloud storage.

Setting vibration in Honor mobile devices

Mobile phones from Chinese brands, in particular Honor (Huawei), often fail. But users rarely complain about vibration. This feature can be used by different applications. And in them it can be disabled. For example, the default keyboard on your mobile device has vibration feedback turned off. There is a universal way for different phone models to determine that the breakdown is a software problem. Or problems at the physical level. Let's try to reset the settings (all files from the phone will be deleted).

What should be done:

  1. Go to the Honor phone settings; Click on the "Settings" button in Honor
  2. Select the “System” tab; Open the "System" section
  3. Click on the "Reset" button; Click on "Reset"
  4. Among the three items you need to select “Reset phone”; Click on "Reset phone"
  5. At the very bottom, click on the “Reset phone settings” button. Tap "Reset phone" at the bottom of the screen

At this stage, you will be asked to confirm your actions, since this procedure will erase all memory on the phone. After confirmation, the reset will begin, which lasts a couple of minutes. Then you will need to log in with your Google account and perform some initial settings (setting the date and time, disabling or deleting unnecessary applications, etc.). Check your vibration settings and try activating this feature.

How to enter engineering commands correctly

How to check an iPhone for wiretapping - codes and combinations

To use engineering combinations, you do not need lengthy preparations or installation of third-party software. All service codes on Android are entered via a standard dialing keyboard.

Note! If you need to use combinations on your tablet, you will still have to download an application that allows you to make calls from the official store.

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