How to reset a children's smart watch to factory settings?

Smart watches not only show the time, but also have a number of other capabilities. Their options are close to the functionality of not the most expensive smartphones. But still, a smart watch is an electronic gadget with programs, and, as you know, programs can produce errors. Moreover, the more the device is used, the more its memory is loaded. To quickly and painlessly restore the operation of a smartwatch, you need to reset the settings to factory settings, unloading the device’s memory, because in this case all installed

How to reset your Apple Watch

Resetting the Apple Watch without access to the associated iPhone is done from its main menu. However, to do this you will need to know the security code.

The reset is performed according to the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. From the menu presented on the main screen of the device, go to the “Settings” submenu. To do this, click on the “Gear” icon.
  2. Select "Primary" from the list that appears."
  3. Scroll down the list of available actions to Reset and click on it.
  4. Click on "Erase content and settings."
  5. Confirm by tapping Erase Everything and enter your security password when prompted for your device.

Users of watch series 3 and above will need to keep their data plan if they are outside of Russia and intend to connect the device to another iPhone. For those who plan to sell their device, it is advisable to refuse saving and delete this information. In the Russian Federation this function is inactive.



How to connect the watch to another phone?

How to connect the watch for the first time

  1. Turn on the clock
  2. Launch the Wear OS app. ...
  3. Click Configure
  4. Follow the instructions on the watch
    to select your language and accept the Terms of Use.
  5. Follow the instructions on your phone
    until you see the name of your
  6. Click on the name of the watch
    . ...
  7. Codes will appear on your phone and watch.

How to reset (zero) the ID of a child's watch in Setracker?

Resetting the ID of a children's smart watch means forcibly unlinking the ID from the account in the application. It is not possible to do this on your own. You can only contact your seller. In this case, the procedure is free of charge.

If it is not possible to contact the seller, then you can contact special services, for example through the official website of the Setracker application:

This service is paid. Price for Russia 400 rubles. Therefore, before resetting your ID, check again whether you can contact the seller of the device.

How then to set up a children's smart watch?

To make service settings on smartwatches, SMS commands are sent to the SIM card that is installed in them.

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Since the watch can also send notifications to the parents’ smartphone, for example, when the SOS button is pressed, the battery level is low, the authorized location is outside the limit, etc., it would be a good idea to choose a tariff from an operator with a certain number of SMS.

The commands themselves have a simple structure: request for settings, password for settings, command and closing request (#).

One of the most common children's watches is the Smart baby watch.

The advantages of this watch include the free SeTracker application. In which the clock is controlled. The application can be downloaded both on Android (from the Play Market) and on IOS for IPhone.

Reset settings using Apple Watch and iPhone

Answering the main question of the article, how to reset a gadget to factory settings , you should start with the fact that the watch needs to be blocked first. To do this, intentionally or accidentally, the owner blocks all data by entering the wrong password 6 times in a row.

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After this, you need to log into the Apple Watch on your iPhone to be able to control the functioning of the device, and reset all work to factory data . If you want to understand how to do a Jailbreak, you should study the above link:

Reset settings using Apple Watch and iPhone

  1. In the “My Watch” tab, just go to the “Basic functions” section.
  2. Select the “Reset” step.

Through the existing “Erase Content” option, you can easily delete all your information and return to the original menu view and the beginning of the iWatch. It is worth noting that Smart database backups are not saved, so you risk losing data.

Setting and resetting your watch password

When buying a phone or computer, we all think about how to protect ourselves, so we set a graphic password, PIN code, or use any other available method for protection. GPS watches also have their own security mechanism to prevent a stranger from connecting to your child’s watch. In order to set a password, you need to send the SMS command pw,PASSWORD# , where PASSWORD is the new six-digit password. If you forget your new password, you can reset it. To do this, send this SMS command pw,123456# to the number in hours. If the parent has an Android phone, you can change the watch password directly in the “Where are my kids” application. Please open the child’s profile with a watch, then go to “Watch Settings” – “Change Watch Password”.

Ways to reset settings to factory settings?

If there is a need to reset your smartwatch to factory settings, there are several ways to do this.

SMS command

The easiest and fastest way to reset your watch to factory settings is to send an SMS command to the phone number on your smart watch:


  • where pw is access to the clock;
  • 123456 – password set by the manufacturer or you;
  • Factory – reset command to factory settings.

This method is not suitable in all cases. You will not be able to reset the gadget settings if:

  • lost the control device;
  • did not connect to the smartphone;
  • You do not have the correct watch model. Typically, the SMS command is used to disable children's Smart Watches and some models of adult watches. Carefully read the instructions for the gadget to determine whether this method will help you reset it to factory settings.


You can reset the settings to factory defaults directly using the gadget. For this:

  • Disconnect the clock from the control device.
  • Enter the setup/installation menu (each model has a different name for this item).
  • Select "restore/reset".
  • Enter your device password. Each watch model has its own. Most often this is 1234, 0000, 1122. If you changed this password, then enter the one you set.
  • Click the confirm password button.
  • Confirm system reset.

The watch will automatically reboot, and after that you will see the system restored to factory settings.

Via apps

The watch communicates with the smartphone via an application. Most often these are SeaTracker, My Children, Wear OS and others. You can also reset your watch via the app. To do this you need:

  • Go to the application settings.
  • Select "Restore/Reset". Variants are possible in various applications.
  • Enter the password to pair your smartphone and watch.
  • In some cases, it may require confirmation of the action on the watch itself.
  • Confirm the password.
  • Confirm the reset.

Prohibiting sending SMS from a SIM card in the watch

Users have already contacted us several times with this problem - before starting to use our application, they tried some other one, but even after successfully connecting to our service, parents continue to receive any messages from the child’s watch with notifications from the previous one. applications. Of course, this cannot but be displayed on the balance of the SIM card in the watch, and to prevent this from happening, you can prevent the GPS watch from sending messages. Send the SMS command pw,PASSWORD,smsonoff,0# to the number in hours and you will no longer receive SMS, where PASSWORD is your password that you set or the default password (123456, 523681) And in the next article you You can find out about all SMS commands for GPS watches.


Why might this be needed?

Situations when you need to reset settings:

  1. Synchronization with another phone.
  2. Numerous clock failures.

IMPORTANT. After a reset, the device returns to the condition in which you purchased it.

Removed in progress:

  • user and system data,
  • installed programs and their profiles,
  • connection between the device and the smartphone.

Settings on children's devices can be reset in the following cases:

  • inability to use your account,
  • lost password or login,
  • error during initial registration (incorrect registration code, etc.),
  • the need to delete entered personal data,
  • registration of various profiles in the application.

In what cases is it necessary to reset the smartwatch ID?

Resetting the ID of a children's smart watch is necessary if, when registering the watch, SeTracker writes: “ Waiting for an authorized device”, “Waiting for device authorization”, “Waiting for administrator authorization”, “binding error. The device is already in your account and cannot be re-linked", "authorized question". However, you do not have access to the administrator account to which the watch is linked, and you cannot approve authorization. Possible causes of the error:

  • You are registering a watch for the first time, but your regcode has already been registered by someone.
  • You have forgotten your login or password and you are unable to recover it.
  • You registered your watch in another application and then tried to register it again in SeTracker.
  • Any other problems related to the registration of hours.

Table of SMS commands for children's watches

MeaningSMS commandClarification
Mobile Internet settings (APN) for different telecom operatorspw,123456,apn,apn name,login,password#For Russia: MTS: pw,123456,apn,,mts,mts# Beeline: pw,123456,apn,,beeline,beeline# Megafon: pw,123456,apn,internet,gdata ,gdata# Tele2: pw,123456,apn, Yota: pw,123456,apn,internet.yota# SMARTS: pw,123456,apn, BaikalWestCom: pw,123456,apn ,,bwc,bwc# Motive: pw,123456,apn,,motiv# For Ukraine: Kyivstar: pw,123456,apn, Life: pw, 123456,apn,internet# Vodafone: pw,123456,apn,internet#
Installing the correct server for Russia and Ukrainepw,123456,ip,,8001# - Europe and AfricaOther servers: pw,123456,ip,,8001# - Asia and Oceania pw,123456,ip,,8001# - North America pw,123456,ip,,8001# - South America pw ,123456,ip,,8001# — Hong Kong
Factory resetpw,123456,factory#
Checking all parameters and settingspw,123456,ts#
Rebooting the watchpw,123456,reset#
Setting the time and datepw,123456,time,,date, - time in the format hours.minutes.seconds, - date in the format
Setting the time via the Internetpw,123456,timecali#
Set the time zone and languagepw,123456,lz,9,2#Number 9 - Russian language, number 2 - time zone +2
Assigning a primary phone numberpw,123456,center,phone number#Phone number format for Russia 8хххххххххх; Phone number format for Ukraine +3ххххххххх
Removing the main phone numberpw,123456,center,d#
Assigning an additional phone numberpw,123456,slave,phone number#
Removing an additional phone numberpw,123456,slave,d#
Change the password (123456 or 523681) of the SMS command to a new onepw,777777#777777 - new password consisting of any 6 digits. Can only be changed from the main phone number
Assigning SOS numberspw,123456,sos1,phone number# pw,123456,sos2,phone number# pw,123456,sos3,phone number#
Delete all SOS numberspw,123456,sos1# pw,123456,sos2# pw,123456,sos3#If you need to delete only one number, for example 2 - pw,123456,sos2#
Setting up white list #1 pw,123456,whitelist1,number_1,number_2,number_3,number_4,number_5#Typically, up to 10 phone numbers can be entered into the watch, which can call the watch. 2 lists of 5 numbers each are configured.
Setting up white list #1 pw,123456,whitelist2,number_1,number_2,number_3,number_4,number_5
Erase whitelistpw,123456,whitelist1#If we delete the second list, the number 1 at the end is replaced by 2
IMEI checkpw,123456,ts#
Reset IMEIpw,123456,imei,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx#
ID and Reg Code verificationpw,123456,tt#
Request a call back (listening)pw,123456,monitor,phone number#
Get current GPS coordinatespw,123456,url#
Set the data transfer interval to the serverpw,123456,upload,180#180 - interval of data transmission to the server in seconds
Set phone numbers to dial with buttons 1 and 2pw,123456,tel1,phone number# pw,123456,tel2,phone number#
Deleting phone numbers for dialing with buttons 1 and 2pw,123456,tel1# pw,123456,tel2#
Turns Bluetooth onpw,123456,bt,1#
Disable Bluetoothpw,123456,bt,0#
Enable WiFipw,123456,wifi,1#
Disable WiFipw,123456,wifi,0#
Activating the watch removal sensorpw,123456,removesms,1#
Deactivating the watch removal sensorpw,123456,removesms,0#
Automatic answering of the watch to an incoming call (enable)pw,123456,gsmant,1#
Automatic answering of the watch to an incoming call (disable)pw,123456,gsmant,0#
Unmute soundpw,123456,profile,2#
Turn on vibrationpw,123456,profile,3#
Turn on sound and vibrationpw,123456,profile,1#
Mute sound and vibrationpw,123456,profile,4#
Make a call from the watch to the specified numberpw,123456,call,phone number#Phone number in international format
Send SMS from the watch to the specified phone numberpw,123456,sms,phone number,SMS text#
Turn on the pedometerpw,123456,pedo,1#
Disabling the pedometerpw,123456,pedo,0#
Connect SMS repliespw,123456,smsonoff,1#
Disable SMS repliespw,123456,smsonoff,0#
Enable sending voice messagespw,123456,tkonoff,1#
Disable sending voice messagespw,123456,tkonoff,0#
Send to reward hours (hearts)pw,123456,flower,5#Number 5 in a team - number of hearts
Search for hourspw,123456,find#
Rebooting the watchpw,123456,reset#
Turn off the clockpw,123456,poweroff#

If we missed any command, write us about it in the comments and we will definitely add it.
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Instructions on how to reset settings

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Scroll the screen from top to bottom (depending on the model, the direction may be to the left).
  2. We go through the sections “Settings”, “System”.
  3. We activate the line “Disconnect and reset” (“Disconnect and reset settings”). If there is no icon, use the “Disconnect from phone” link.
  4. Press the "Done" key.

LINK. In the English version, the disconnect point is called Disconnect and Reset (or Unplug).

The device will automatically reboot, after which the changes will take effect.

IN NOTE. If the settings cannot be restored, uninstall the operating system and reinstall it.

In the case of children's watches, you need to contact the seller, he will reset the settings within 24 hours, after which you will need to register again. This is due to the fact that children's models do not have self-control settings.

With children's devices, a problem arises if communication with the store is lost.

You can use one of the following methods:

  • write to technical support on the official website of the software developers (according to user reviews, they do not always give their opinion),
  • contact a paid service, your contacts are on the Internet, within half an hour they will take the necessary actions.
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