Notification: “Your phone is in optimal condition”: what it means and how to get rid of it

Nowadays, most users have switched to smartphones, and accordingly actively use the Android operating system. Like any other OS, it also has its own errors. One of these, for example, is the constant appearance of the inscription “Your phone is in optimal condition” every time you turn on the device.

Perhaps at first this will seem like an insignificant detail, but it will soon begin to infuriate you. That is why it is worth understanding the reasons for the appearance of such an intrusive notification and how to get rid of it.

How to extend the life of your smartphone

1. You never turn off your smartphone

It is necessary to completely turn off your phone at least once a week.

Otherwise, your smartphone battery will die sooner than you expect. According to experts, when the phone works non-stop, the battery drains many times faster than if the battery is allowed to rest at least sometimes.

Also, stop using your phone as an alarm clock. A regular alarm clock is best suited for these purposes. He will wake you up every morning.

This way you will extend the life of your smartphone.

If you do need to use your phone's alarm, try to do it as little as possible and then turn it off during the day.

2. Leave Bluetooth and Wi-Fi always on

If you don't use any apps on your smartphone, then what's the point of leaving them enabled?
For example, is it vital that your gadget supports WiFi and Bluetooth when you're walking around the city or chatting with friends?
No? Then it’s best to turn them off and turn them on if necessary.

This way you will reduce the loss of charge, and the performance of the smartphone will increase.

By turning off unnecessary features, you will save energy and extend the life of your phone.

Other ways to fix the problem with Android OS optimization

Long optimization when enabled is directly related to the large amount of cache on your device. At this moment, the system works with application and game data. You can also help your device boot up faster by reviewing your list of installed apps. Select those that you have not used for a long time or do not intend to use in the future and delete them. The cache is also deleted along with them. Also clean your device of other unnecessary files on the device - books, movies, music, text, etc.

You can also advise disabling system applications that you do not use.

For example, if you don't listen to the radio:

  1. Lower the curtain, click on the gear (settings);
  2. Select "Applications" and click the "All" tab;
  3. Here, find “radio” in the list;
  4. Open it and click the corresponding button (clear cache);

Now this application will not launch when the phone is turned on. Many applications, even in the background, can accumulate cache that the system has to work with. Therefore, manual configuration of running applications can significantly speed up not only the optimization of applications when starting Android, but also the operation of the entire system. It must be done periodically on your smartphone. Now you know the best way to clear the cache of even 1 out of 1 applications, and optimize the Android operating system at startup so that it runs faster.

When we choose a new smartphone , each of us hopes that it will last as long as possible.

However, by making a number of serious mistakes in its operation, we are slowly killing even the best gadget.

But if you follow simple rules, you can extend the life of your smartphone.

Here are 11 mistakes in using a smartphone that lead to its rapid failure.

How to extend the life of your phone

3. You use your phone outside in bad weather conditions

Your smartphone is not designed to withstand ultra-high or ultra-low temperatures, so using it in extreme temperatures is not recommended.

This may result in the battery being discharged or the device being completely damaged. Also, if your phone isn't waterproof, you shouldn't use it in the rain or snow.

If you know in advance that you will be in extreme weather conditions, try to at least keep your smartphone in your pocket and use it only when necessary.


The listed methods are good, even if you do not use them together. However, if you notice that the phone no longer holds a charge, does not work well with standard programs and constantly freezes, then use all the methods at once. So, to achieve the desired result, you need to take the following steps:

  • Download any application described above;
  • Periodically clean the memory with the task manager;
  • Increase animation speed/remove it altogether;
  • Protect the battery from high/low temperatures, keep the charge at 30–80%;
  • Reboot your smartphone occasionally.

Phone charging errors

4. Leaving your phone to charge overnight

It may be quite convenient to charge your smartphone at night while you sleep.

But experts say this is not a good idea.

If your phone is already fully charged but is still charging, it can harm the battery over time and it will start to drain quickly.

Please note that you do not need to charge your smartphone to 100 percent charge, as is commonly believed. Your phone's battery will thank you if you take it off before it reaches 100 percent.

*Try unplugging your phone when the battery is approximately 95-97 percent charged.

Try to charge it during the day rather than at night so you can turn it off when it's almost fully charged or set a timer.

5. You wait until the phone is discharged to 0 percent, and then charge it to 100 percent.

Lithium-ion batteries, which are used in some smartphones, work best when charged between 50 and 80 percent.

So says Shane Broesky, founder of Farbe Technik, a company that produces charging accessories.

Completely draining the battery causes the phone to go into a “deep discharge state.” This causes the ions to become unable to hold a charge.

Experts say that partially recharging the phone gives the battery enough energy to operate continuously and protect the battery.

In other words, recharging your battery is very similar to snacking between meals during the day.

6. Using a non-native smartphone charger

Many people use a non-original charger for their smartphones. Very often, original cords quickly wear out, fray and break. Therefore, we often have to buy new chargers.

Why does your phone obsessively report its most favorable state?

A good place to start is to know what the message “Your phone is in optimal condition” means. As is clear from the essence of the message, the system behaves this way because it was “asked” to do so by setting certain settings. The OS monitors the performance of applications, RAM, processor and other components, and then reports back to you.

This usually happens after performing a Hard Reset and returning the smartphone to its original state, or after changing the operating system.

Optimization and smooth operation

We all want a super-fast smartphone that loads apps instantly and has a long-lasting battery. Some of you will have an advantage over others (if you have a powerful phone), while other people will have more difficulty. In both cases, it is recommended to follow a few simple guidelines to avoid as many problems as possible.

Automatic brightness and other features that affect battery life

Almost all manufacturers offer an automatic brightness system. The smartphone analyzes the level of ambient light and adapts its display so that it remains easy to read. It's a laudable idea, but the screen resolution is disappointing most of the time as the brightness threshold is usually higher than you need. Brightness means energy, and its consumption will increase. This in turn means that your battery will end up paying the bills. There is only one way out - turn off automatic brightness and adjust it yourself. This will help you extend your battery life.

The display is the element that has the biggest impact on your smartphone's battery life, so it doesn't cost you anything to take a look at your screen settings to see if any changes need to be made. This primarily depends on your usage and habits, but in most cases it is not helpful to keep the display active for more than one minute.

Useless and cumbersome bloatware

Surely there is at least one application on your smartphone that does not interest you. Whether it's a service from Google (like Duo), an app pre-installed by your carrier, or an app from the manufacturer. In short, the number of such applications varies depending on the manufacturer, but there is no point in denying that these applications not only take up space, but can also run in the background. In many cases, such applications can be removed (which is what you should do).

Eliminate endless app optimization on Android

In a normal situation, optimization occurs after a firmware update or a factory reset. However, if the user encounters this process every time he reboots or turns on his smartphone, a number of actions are required.

If you only see optimization of one application (1 of 1), remove it.

Finding out which application affects the launch can only be done logically. Remember what exactly you installed recently - that’s after which optimization began to occur. Uninstall the application, restart your smartphone and check how it starts. If the problem disappears, if desired, reinstall it and see how it turns on again. Based on the result, decide whether to keep the application or not.

Method 1: Clear cache

Temporary files can cause Android malfunctions and, as a result, problems with loading it. In this regard, the correct solution would be to clear the operating system cache. We are not talking about the application cache here, which can be easily deleted in Settings. To complete this task, you will need to go to the Recovery menu.

When you delete the cache, your personal data and media files will not be affected.

  1. Turn off your phone and go to Recovery Mod. This is usually done by simultaneously pressing the On/Off button and the volume down (or up) button. On some devices you need to press these three buttons at once. If you can’t log into Recovery this way, check out other options in this article:

Read more: How to put your Android device into Recovery mode

User Experience

The experience you can have on your smartphone will depend on many things, some of which can be quite subjective. Some things can be quite negative (in terms of daily use of the device), so perhaps some of the following aspects will be familiar to you.

Vibrations and sounds

The vibrations and sounds are initially intended to simulate the response of a physical button, although in practice they tend to be annoying. A more negative point is that they will affect the battery life of your device. So you have to ask yourself if these chips are really worth it to you. If this is not the case, then you should definitely disable them. You can do this this way:

  • select "Settings> Sounds and notifications";
  • Once you are in this menu, you can turn off all the options: “Dialing sounds”, “Lock screen sounds”, “Charging sounds”, “Touch sounds”, “Vibrate on touch”, etc.

Please note: if the smartphone is used by an elderly person who cannot apply the correct amount of pressure on the display each time, it is recommended to leave vibration active so that such person can better interact with the screen.

Disable background syncing

Not all programs can be removed, as some still need to be used from time to time. But even in this case, you can save money by preserving not only system resources, but also battery power. You can prevent some programs from synchronizing in the background via the mobile Internet.

To disable background optimization, you need to go to “Settings” - “Data Transfer”. At the bottom there will be a list of programs that use the network. At the top of the list are the most active ones. These are the ones you should watch.

Privacy and Confidentiality

If these words are important to you, then you should be aware that they have been making headlines in recent months. For example, the high-profile case surrounding the British website Cambridge Analytica saw Facebook come to the fore (due to criticism of its business model and the impact of some of its practices) and other big names in the tech world quickly followed by providing more precise user conditions.

Ad personalization

Of course, Google uses your personal data to get to know you better and to target you specifically (also for you) with advertisements. By dealing with Google on your phone, you accept the rules of the game: this company will receive information about you through various services and applications. You can't seriously oppose this (unless you want to boycott Google completely), but you will have the ability to decide whether apps can use your advertising ID or not.

If you decide to disable this setting, Google will no longer be able to serve you targeted ads (although it will still send you ads).

To do this, go to settings and search in the Google menu. You should then find the Ads section and there you will be able to set which apps can use your Ads ID to create profiles and run custom ads. Of course, if you want to see targeted ads, it would be better to leave this option turned on, but, on the other hand, you will not prevent Google from receiving this or that information about you.

Solving the problem by clearing the device cache

Most of all, the optimization process bothers users after a regular reboot of their smartphone or tablet. The wait can last quite a long time, but you can’t do without it. If this procedure does not happen, your device will work significantly slower. The cache of games and programs is one of the sources of long-term optimization. If we remove it, the smartphone will turn on much faster.

You can clear the cache either manually or using special applications.

Effective garbage cleaning utilitiesDescription
Clean MasterThis is the most popular software for optimizing and ensuring the security of mobile gadgets, which has been downloaded by more than 1 billion people in the world. The application optimizes memory by cleaning unnecessary files and caches, and also protects your phone with an antivirus engine
CCleanerSimple, thorough and secure software product. It is the most downloaded utility for optimizing Android, speeding up the device and protecting against virus software. It is unrivaled in improving the performance of Android devices, removing cache and unwanted files.

Removing the cache can be done through the Recovery menu. This is a subsystem that makes it possible to perform various manipulations on the operating system, including firmware.

To get to this menu, you need to find out how to do this from the instructions for your device.

Then follow the step by step steps:

  1. Many models use a key combination - the Power button and volume down. They must be pressed simultaneously and held for at least 3 seconds. This must be done with the smartphone turned off;
  2. Now find the “Wipe cache partition” item here. To switch between menu items, use the same volume keys;

“Wipe cache partition” item in Recovery

  • We need to select this item (use the power button) and reboot the device again.
  • The device will optimize applications when you start Android. You will see progress 1 of 1, after that you will no longer encounter this process after turning on the smartphone.

    Resetting to factory settings will speed up startup

    There is another way to eliminate long optimization when running Android. You need to open your device's settings. It is better to save all important data separately so as not to lose it.

      Pull down the Android “curtain” and look for the gear sign;

    Settings button in Android

    Resetting your Android device
    The process will begin deleting all additionally installed applications and files, and returning the device to factory settings. Now when you turn it on it will turn on quite quickly.

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